
The Indie Gamer

Micheal Anderson was a normal guy living an average life, out of pure boredom he takes a strange Google test. When he wakes up he finds himself in a familiar world… ------------------------------ Watch as he grows and changes in the worlds that he heads to, he will experience both sadness and happiness. And he will come upon a Grimm realization of his existence. ----------------- Worlds In Order. Hollow Knight (Two Parts/ Still in Part One.) Demon Slayer Rwby My Hero Academia Seven Deadly Sins Bleach SCP And perhaps there will be more worlds in the future?

Indie_Excursion · วิดีโอเกม
44 Chs

The Light Looms.

Hornet was in the middle of my horns, she had her head right in the middle as she happily giggled. It made me very happy, I put my hand up and patted her head softly. I heard her breathing slow down, and she fell asleep on my head.

I picked up her soft body and walked around before ending up at Herrah's old room, which now had a lot of items for Hornet. There were pictures made of silk on the walls that depicted dead bugs, and it had the words 'Tasy bug' on it, which was the misspelling of 'Tasty bug'.

I looked at the images and saw that most of them had to do with some type of body horror or just gore, 'I don't think children should draw these things…' I looked down and saw a cradle.

It was terribly made, the wood was rotten and weak, some edges had sharp wood sticking out. And it was mainly kept together with webs, if anything this cradle resembled a trap. I looked at Hornet and decided that I was not going to let her sleep in that thing.

I left the room and then saw that there was another room that was newly made, I could tell because of the lack of webs next to it. I walked up to the door and saw that I had a massive room filled with books and most importantly a giant bed that had a blanket made of soft silk.

Excursion: "I guess they are not good at making cradles."

I placed Hornet down on the bed gently, I then placed the blanket over her. She snuggled into the bed, and I felt very good. I walked up to the books and then picked out one of them that piqued my interest.

Excursion: "Tales Of Gods And Sorrow, sounds like a book full of drama."

I picked up the book as I felt a skull crushing headache enter my head, I dropped the book onto the ground as I held my head with a tight grip. From my broken eye orange liquid dripped down slowly, it crawled down and then launched itself to the ground.


I felt something rising inside me, it was like I needed to vomit to release what was inside. I crouched down on the floor as I tried to fight back against the sensation that was increasing in power, the orange tears began to flow like waterfalls.

My body began twitching as the feeling started to calm down until it got repressed, I felt something in my broken eye. I walked forward and almost slipped onto the floor, I looked down and saw my reflection in the puddle of orange juice.

In my broken eye, there was an orange oval that was simply floating there suspended in the air. I tried to grab it, but my hand just went through it. 'I need to prepare and fast, for the Radiance and the Pale King. I can't let everyone here become a slave to their will.'

I looked at the still sleeping Hornet, I looked at the puddle of orange juice and split my arm apart, causing it to consume the infection. A hot feeling coursed through my arm and cooled down, a new screen appeared.

[New Ability! Infection Spew(L.1): Through bloating your skin to absurd levels and forcefully popping them, you can release balls of infection at your enemy. This infection when it hits an enemy causes them to get stuck while receiving continuous damage.]

'Ew… It is disgusting but very strong, I should not forget to use that.' I dismissed the screen and then walked to the main room where no one in, so I could dump out the rest of my inventory and integrate it.

Nosks corpse and the honey egg slammed onto the floor, my arm quickly split open and consumed them. For some reason, when I had them both inside of my arm, it did not feel uncomfortable. Two screens appeared before me, I heard walking, so I quickly moved them out of my vision and decided to read them later.

Weaver: "My lord, we are sorry for our intrusion, but we have brought a gift for you! Also, what occurred to your eye?"

Excursion: "The Radiance is getting stronger, it is obvious that we need to get prepared for what is coming."

I said to them, it was better to tell Deepnest instead of taking things into my own hands personally. I do not want to leave them in the dark, since this is going to affect everything. The Weavers tilted their heads in confusion.

Weaver: "I thought the Radiance perished long ago?"

Excursion: "It seemed that way, but she has returned, and her power is growing as well as her anger."

Weaver: "What shall we do, my lord? The Radiance is a very powerful being."

Excursion: "She is very strong, so that's why we have to prepare. Luckily, I think I have some ideas."

Weaver: "As expected of our lord! We have come here to deliver you some armor made by our best smiths."

The Weavers said as the revealed a beautiful suit of armor along with a cloak to go alongside it, I grabbed it and felt how hard it was. It was not as durable as my natural armor, but it was still very tough, I put on the armor.

My body fit snuggly into the armor and there was no discomfort, my new cloak was over one of my arms. The cloak seemed to be made of thick silk and leaves, the leaves were a wonderful green and the silk was barely even visible.

The arm that was not covered by my cloak had three shoulder spikes that sharply protruded outwards. In the middle there was a charm engraved into it, it was covered by a hard crystal from crystal peak. The whispers were long silenced, though.

[Heart Of Deepnest: Lets the user create weapons and spells based off of silk, also increases the strength of the spells and weapons.]



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