You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.
Hey, guys just wanted to let you know the following information before you start reading the novel.
*bam* - Sound effects
something - general knowledge/not being said out loud or thinking about it
(hi) - MC's thoughts
"hi"- saying something
forgive me for any grammar errors that might come out along the way.
Thank you :)
"Looking back, the story of my life has always been terrible. I used to have a father and mother. Back then, I'd run around in the park with my dad, cook with my mom...I thought they'd always be there. I thought that the saying 'every life on Earth matters' was true...until that day. If it is true, then what about my parents?" The ant on my hand continued marching forward as I spoke.
"It all started on the day we went to the museum. My ninth birthday. Mom and Dad took me there to celebrate. If only we'd known what would happen..."
"So what did happen?" I thought I heard the ant speak as it came around my hand for its second circle.
"It was about two hours after we got there. Men with strange masks ran in, carrying guns. Probably trying to rob the museum. I'm still not sure if that's what they were actually after, but they wanted women to take with them. Hostages, maybe? They tried to take my mom. My dad didn't let them. And then..."
"I heard the gunshot. Looked down to find red liquid staining the ground...staining me. I couldn't move because I was so scared. The men ran away, and I could hear everyone sigh in relief. 'Thank God.' 'They're gone.' Everyone...except for me."
"There were two people next to me, and they looked like Mom and Dad... No, the police told me that they *were* my mom and dad. They told me that my mom tried to take the bullet for my dad—*did* take the bullet for my dad—but the men were using enhanced guns. It went right through her. Killed them both. I tried to tell the police what the man who'd fired the shot looked like. I told them about the lightning-shaped scar on his arm, but they said I was crazy."
"And what happened after?" I could swear the ant spoke again as it circled around a third time.
"I was adopted by my uncle. He said that if I was a good boy, a good nephew, he'd keep us in his house, so I was...until he raped my sister to death. So I did what a good brother should. I killed him. Killed him, then reported it to the cops. Thanks to the CCTV in the house, I was able to prove what he did to my sister, but...they sent me to a psych ward because of my 'abnormal behavior.' The first person I saw after I was released was James. He was nice to me, despite my record, so I do what I can for him, and he does the same." There were no further questions from the ant, but I continued to speak.
"They say that all life is valuable. What about my parents', then? My sister's? What about yours?" The ant didn't respond as it trekked its fourth circle across my palm.
My hand closed into a fist. Opened. The crushed husk of the ant's body fell to the ground.
"If they don't respect life...then why should I?"
-End of Chapter 0-
Author: Sectra
Editor: YukiKirikaya
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hould I?"