

Growing up as a child is one of the most important things parents should take note of while training their children.

From the age of five every child is expected to know what is good and bad, also be able to understand that the good aspect of life is more beneficiary when followed in the right way so as to have a clearer understanding of life.

For instance, a child at five can differentiate water from fire and also know when something is black and white. Growing up as a child is something I experienced while I was still growing.

While a child is growing up, the parents needs to be vigilant and also be there to listen to their children especially the mothers who has more role to play in the life of the child than the fathers who just wake up early in the morning and go to work leaving the woman with the responsibility of taking care of the child. Education should be the prior concentration of the parents for the child, enrolling the child in a good school to enable him or her to be enlightened about everything he or she needs to know about life.


A child through education can be enlightened about how the can achieve success and become great in life. A child can be intelligent and dull at the same time if not well taught or enlightened on how to make use of his or her brilliancy in different aspect.

At the age of twelve to seventeen, a child is expected to know that there is something about friendship. A child is to be taught on how to make the right choice of friend in other to excel in life knowing that the world is depending greatly on his or her achievements in life. Being intelligent is one thing and being smart is another thing. A child who is not smart can be misled into the wrong part in life. Being smart is not to claim cleverness but to ask questions before choosing or doing things in life.