
The Immortals System

Xavier Style. A Person who was born crippled. He started his life's journey with a deformity in his his lower body that hindered muscle growth by a large amount. Because of this he was only able to walk by the time he was 6. But just as things looked like they were gonna get better he suffered his first but not last bout of cancer. Over the next 18 years of his life he found himself in and out of hospitals struggling to survive. After his second bout of cancer he became paralyzed from the hip down. Crippled was all he knew at that point of his life. Besides the fact that he knew it was gonna end soon. He was slipping in and out of consciousness and could barely stomach food. But he wasn't sad. He wasn't angry. He was happy. He wanted it to end. This cursed life needed to end. But then he met him. Nik, he called himself. Offered him a second chance at life. A chance to become immortal and have fun with others who would be special just like he was. A second chance was what Nik offered. And it's what Xavier took without a moment's notice.

maddaug · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The Gardens Bookshelf

It was the first time Xavier had actually stepped foot into the garden and once more was he impressed by how beautiful it was. There were thousands of strange fruits and vegetables. Dozens of spices and flowers a plenty. It looked like a pallet of colors... not a garden.

He felt his feet move slowly through the garden while he subconsciously enjoyed the view. He could hear the breeze move through and rustle the flowers gently as the myriad of colors started to move and flow. He could feel the cold and refreshing stones below him. The cobbled path through the forest almost seemed natural.

Then he saw it. It was so strangely enchanting. A bookshelf that was a tree. It may sound strange but that's what it was. It was a tree, the biggest one he had seen so far, that seemed to house thousands of books. It was hollowed out in seemingly random places to house them but the strangest thing about it was the glowing strange blue orbs that seemed scattered around it's branches.

That meant the tree was alive. Thousands of little cubbies filled with strange and beautiful books. They were illuminated by the blue glow in a comforting and charming manner. It was the perfect scene.

He slowly snapped out of the surreal sight. He slowly made his way forward. But as soon as he made his way over the massive canopy that solely came from this singular massive tree he got a notification from the system.

<Tree of Wisdom has been detected. It's Aura of nature radiates throughout you granting you +5 intelligence while under its canopy of insight.>

Though he really didn't need it he appreciated it. He could feel the energy flowing through him. Each bulb of light above him seemed to radiate brilliance. And as he took in this brilliance that was insight he felt his thoughts running much smoother than before. Almost as if the very beauty of this tree was enlightening him or more accurately it was nourishing him.

He continued walking through towards the tree. And when he finally found himself at the foot of the tree a single branch gently began descending towards him. It was filled with no enmity, no it could only be described as a caring mothers protection.

It made its way towards Xavier and slowly pat him on the head. He felt the care towards him through that instance of contact. It brought tears to his eyes as he cried. He openly weeped at the trees kindness.

He stood there in the serenity of the garden and wept. The only thing that stopped him was the gentle sound of a soft and melodious female voice whispering inside his mind.

"Child, weep as you wish. I will be here for you" It said as it gently wrapped the branch around him in an almost hugging manner.

Xavier felt something he hadn't felt for a long time. True and unconditional love. His last memories of something as such was in the hands of his mother. Being cradled after a rough day at school. One of his very few days at school at that.

He got picked on because of the way his legs looked. And she was the only one who cared. The only one who loved. That was until she died.

After what seemed like forever he slowly stopped crying. Coming to terms with the strange warmth he hadn't felt in ages he slowly found himself in the care of this tree.

"Child... what is it you seek? One does not come to a tree of knowledge if they do not seek knowledge." It said in a caring and tender tone.

"Bran sent me.... for books. On plants and nature I believe" Xavier found himself saying.

"Nature.... oh so beautiful nature. It is the entirety of my world and without it I would not be. Books upon it rarely hold this Beauty though all the tomes of wisdom I hold embody it. Please Child. Read as you wish." It said in a manner that could only be construed as encouraging him.

The branch slowly lifted him up in a careful manner. As he slowly was brought throughout the many branches of the tree he was gently placed on one that seemed to be filled with flowers.

As he stood upon the branch with blooming flowers he found himself looking at a cubby of books that were etched into the trunk of this massive tree. There sat 12 books of varying sizes but one key factor that remained the same.

They were all a strange green. The green was comforting almost. It seemed to call towards him to let go and just... read. It was so pleasant. He found himself slowly reaching his hand forward as he gently grabbed a random volume.

The book seemed to call towards to him as he gently opened it up to the first page. It was a single page but it seemed to paint a world filled with nature. Every single letter seemed to perfectly embody the entirety of nature. It slowly detailed in depth the beginning of plants. It detailed it in a manner so poetic that it seemed to almost ring through Xaviers soul.

He found himself absorbed by the book as he found himself flipping through pages at a speed unprecedented by him as his hunger for this beautiful story filled his mind.

It speaker of the budding of plants and the blooming of flowers. It spoke of the millions of different trees and plants it spoke of each of their uniqueness. It spoke of Mushrooms and Moss. It spoke of Nightshade and it spoke of Ghost Tears. It spoke of so many plants all unique and all beautiful in there one special little ways.

It spoke of the tenderness required by the plants so that they can truly grow so they can truly live. It spoke of something called the 'Gardeners Love'. It was a practice that seemed to embody that each plant was different and each plant no matter how little or large, no matter how beautiful or ugly, were special and equal. They all deserve love no matter what. And it told you how to care for each of them.

By the end of what seemed like many hours he found himself with a finished book and a mind filled with knowledge he had never once even heard of before. It felt serene as he slowly and gently closed the last page of the book. It felt like he was finishing a masterpiece.

'I understand now... It truly does embody nature itself.' Xavier thought to himself as he took in the view below him.

He was at a sizable height up in the tree. His new found height allowed him to have a view that was breathtaking. He could see miles and miles of trees each one different and unique. He could see the strange and breathtaking see of blue leaves that glimmered in the setting light of the sun. It seemed to put him at peace. That was until the system sent out an obnoxious notification.

<User has gained 40 XP for reading and understand a book filled with knowledge. User has gained a new skill called "Gardeners Love". Please review skill in status sheet.>

<User has leveled up... One stat has been allocated to each of your stats do to the fact that you do not have access to spending the points by yourself yet.>

As soon as the System said that he felt a rush of energy course through him. It felt so... cleansing. He felt his muscles tense up then release as a warm feeling enveloped them. He felt a cool and refreshing feeling slowly spread through his mind. And he felt as if his skin had been refined.

'So this is what it feels like to get stronger.' Xavier thought as he smiled happily at the setting sun.

"Dang It I'm probably not gonna be able to sleep much since bran is gonna wake me up at the crack of dawn once more" Xavier said before gently being placed on the ground by a large branch.

The branch gently patted Xavier before he went on his way.

As he approached the small wooden shack he found that Bran was outside cooking. It seemed he was using a small stone bonfire in front of the shack to cook some type of stew that made his stomach growl. But for some reason he wasn't as hungry as he thought he would be. No he wasn't even as hungry as he was earlier in the day.

Bran smiled at him with Pride. Bran nodded at him before beginning to speak in a slow and happy manner.

"So it seems that the tree has accepted you. Quite a feat I must say. It took me a whole month to curry it's favors to allow me upon its branches but it only took you a moment for it to willingly raise you high upon its levels."

"It reminds me of my Mother I suppose. I just feel a... connection towards it." Xavier said as he smiled in memory of the care that enveloped him when he was around the tree.

"Hmm... well to congratulate you I would like to treat you to a meal. You deserve it for your good fortune." Bran said in a happy manner before slowly bringing out two bowls and started to ladle out the delicious smelling soup.

Xavier found himself spending the night basking in the warmth of the fire and the warmth coming from the comforting stew. It felt... perfect.