
The Immortal Terminator

He was a prince, yet unable to cultivate. During a ritual to honor his ancestors, he received assistance from a divine dragon and acquired an ancient legacy. From then on, he traveled through the heavens and the stars, becoming the nemesis of gods and immortals!... This is an ancient metaphysical novel, where gods, immortals, and demons, as the three strongest realms, have been silent for thousands of years, composing ancient legends filled with songs and tears. Here, you'll find heart-stirring battles, deeply moving love stories, and ancient secrets that shake the heavens and the earth, all bringing you into a wondrous mythological world.

Daoistk6UY0v · ตะวันออก
11 Chs

The Jiao Turning into a Dragon

In the magical forest, a fantastical place in Shenwu Continent, the Dragon Ascend Dynasty holds significant meaning, for their ancestors had acquired great fortune here and established a vast martial arts holy land, revered by all.

"This place is unusual. There shouldn't be demons of such level here," the National Teacher muttered, puzzled, after an unknown length of journey. Beneath his feet lay a Cloud Heaven realm werewolf, a single hole in its brow indicating a swift demise.

"Let's continue further. Aotian, stay alert. Or, you could send your children back," the National Teacher advised after relaying his observation to Emperor Long Aotian.

"Father, don't worry. We can protect ourselves. We can't retreat at every small sign of danger; how else will we face the world?" said Long Batian, stepping forward with arrogance, while casting a disdainful glance at Tianfan.

"And I agree with Big Brother!" The second prince echoed, standing beside Long Batian.

"What about you, Yuyun?" Long Aotian asked the youngest prince.

"I'll also continue," declared the young prince, puffing his chest out.

"I'm going too," said Long Yueying, known for her fearlessness.

"Good, worthy children of Long Aotian. Remember, courage is important, but knowing when to advance or retreat is crucial," Long Aotian said sternly.

"Yes, Father Emperor!" they chorused.

Tianfan watched silently, unnoticed and unasked by Long Aotian, as if his death here would go uncared for. He had gotten used to this indifference. He once angrily questioned Long Aotian why he, his son, was treated so, only to be told, "The sons of Long Aotian should be paragons of cultivation. Since you cannot cultivate, you lose some rights as a descendant of Dragon Ascend!" Since then, Tianfan grew cold, learned to endure, his heart unshakable.

The group ventured deeper into the forest, slaying countless demons, some near the Return to Immortal realm. It was highly unusual.

"What is that!" exclaimed Long Aotian, his shock palpable at something ahead. For someone nearly stepping into the Return to Immortal secret realm, his reaction spoke volumes.

Everyone looked ahead, stunned. Amidst the destroyed trees and demon corpses, some nearly at Return to Immortal realm, lay a massive creature - a dragon! With a horse's face, snake body, deer antlers, eagle claws, and fish scales.

"A dragon!" they gasped in disbelief. Dragons were as rare as phoenixes in this world, apex beings revered as divine.

"But this is not a true dragon. It's a jiao, nearing transcendence into dragonhood," the National Teacher realized. Jiaos were dragon descendants with diluted bloodlines, only able to transform with great power and opportunity.

"Jiao, about to evolve?" Long Aotian repeated, first shocked, then ecstatic. This jiao, in mid-evolution, was vulnerable. It must have attracted enemies with its awakening bloodline, killing them off, now lying weak and exhausted. A chance for Long Aotian to break into the Return to Immortal realm by assimilating its essence!

"No, we must not assimilate it. If it successfully evolves, it could become a powerful guardian dragon for our dynasty," the National Teacher insisted, viewing it as an opportunity for a beneficial bond.

Long Aotian agreed, realizing the potential of a guardian dragon for the Dragon Ascend Dynasty, elevating it to unparalleled status.

"Yes, National Teacher, I'll guard it with you," Long Aotian agreed respectfully.

As they spoke, the jiao woke up, its lantern-like eyes revealing anxiety. Weakened by battle, it trembled under the National Teacher's powerful presence.

"Don't worry, Jiao. We mean no harm. Focus on your evolution; we'll guard you," the National Teacher assured the jiao, seeing its mistrust.

Tianfan respected the old man's integrity, himself unable to cultivate but well-read in ancient texts.

"Rest easy, Jiao. I'm the reigning emperor of Dragon Ascend, and this is our National Teacher. We will guard you," Long Aotian promised.

Suddenly, a mighty roar approached. A white-furred, snow-like demon ape, near the peak of Mixed Yuan realm, appeared. The ape, excited by the jiao's near-draconic essence, lunged at the weakened jiao.

At that moment, a heavenly sword beam descended, locking onto the ape. The National Teacher revealed a blood-red war sword, defending the evolving jiao.

The ape, in desperation, emitted a dark demonic light, trying to evade the deadly strike. Yet, it was too slow; its right arm was severed, eliciting a heart-wrenching howl.

Tianfan watched in awe. Though unable to cultivate, he yearned for such strength.

"The dragon bloodline awakens. Any who obstruct shall perish," declared the National Teacher solemnly, his face stern, ready to protect the birth of a true dragon on Shenwu Continent.