
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Ch 18: Prison Cell

After the crowd left, Captain Gerrard barked orders at his subordinates, to make sure such a movement won't happen shortly, he ordered that the people aren't allowed to move in groups, at most three people can stand together, and patrols should keep surveillance in the area, following his commands piece slowly regained in the city.

Turning to one of his subordinates, he asked, "Where is that bastard, the one who dared to harm one of my subordinates, and stir such a commotion".

Feeling the bloodlust in his gaze, the guard stiffed, muttering, "He is in the underground prison cell, but the weird thing is that he didn't even retaliate while being captured, he just stood there", leading the way Captain Gerard followed his subordinate, soon they reached the underground prison.

Every platoon has its own small underground prison, built underground to make sure that the prisoners won't escape, as well, as not requiring any space above ground to build the prison, and relieving the Kingdom from building one, along with the cost of assigning prison guards.

Reaching the cell's guard, Captain Gerard asked, "Is this him?".

"Yes captain, but we released some stress while you were finishing your business above ground, I hope you don't mind"

Captain Gerard eyed the cloaked individual with disgust, the individual was tied up to a metal chair with tight ropes preventing him from moving a muscle, and bruises covering him.

These cells were special, they have an anti-magic barrier surrounding them, to prevent whoever is inside from using magic, but they aren't perfect, because this barrier doesn't recognize friend from foe, as it prevents both prisoners and guards from using magic when they're inside these cells.

Entering the cell, Captain Gerard stood in front of the prisoner looming above him to investigate and question this person's actions.

Removing the prisoner's cloak, a shocked expression covered Captain Gerard's face, "Martin?!", lifting his face until his eyes met Captain Gerard's, Martin replied, "OH, hello Captain Gerard, it's so kind of you to come, and visit me all the way down here!"

"I didn't know you were a troublemaker."

"Well, I'm not, but I wanted to speak to you, and I wasn't able to do so, now I can."

With a confused expression, Captain Gerard asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, how do I put it, I need to leave the city, so I wanted to talk to you, but wasn't able to do so because of the crowd. Noticing that the majority of the crowd were merchants, I decided to pull this stunt, when the merchant, who tries to stay as far away from fights as see how the guards are treating an adventurer or at least a self-proclaimed one like that, they would think again before doing anything."

For a time, all Captain Gerard could do was look at Martin who was tied up, and covered with cuts and bruises in a daze, thinking to himself, "He did all this, just to have the chance to talk to me, this boy is a lunatic, and the fact that he is still a teenager makes it even scarier."

Calming himself, Captain Gerard replied, "I see, so what do you want to talk about. To go to such lengths, it better be worth it".

"When I first came to the city I noticed a steel door on the side of the outer wall."

"You mean the side door, yes, it's not a secret, the guards use it when they switch during shifts."

"Well, I wanted to leave through that door."

Following those words, the room got deathly silent, all the present guards were looking at Martin as if he was a crazy person, the fact that he had the confidence to ask something like that, while he is in such a situation truly confused them, at this point they didn't know if he was confident or a fool.

Seeing there is no response he continued, with a smile on his face, "If you think about it, my little stunt solved the crowds' problem, who would know what could have happened if the crowd didn't fear for their safety and left."

Suddenly, Captain Gerard burst into laughter, saying, "Hahaha, you crazy little bastard, you know what, fair enough, after all, you did help us with this little stunt of yours, guards let him out".

Hearing their captain's command, the guard reluctantly let Martin out of the cell. After all, they had beaten him into a pulp, while being tied up, aside, from him being a friend of their captain.

Getting out of the cell, and stretching, because he was tied up uncomfortably for a while now, Martin noticed the guard's worried expression, placing his hand on the guard's shoulder, Martin said with a wide smile, "Why the long face, don't worry, after all, I did hit one of your comrades, it's all water under the bridge".

The guard replied, "Good then, but at least let's apply some first aid".

Waving his hands, Martin gestured saying, "No need".

He then placed a hand on his chest, and suddenly a light green glow enveloped him, healing his injuries, and removing his bruises as if nothing had happened.

He then walked up to the guard who got hit by him and healed him as well, seeing this everyone gasped in shock, aside from the fact, that Martin didn't use an incantation, one thought was looming inside their heads, "how is he able to use healing magic if he isn't a priest".

Healing magic is a subclass of light magic, but because having an affinity to light magic is quite rare, healing magic is usually bestowed upon priests by the God that they worship, and Martin is nothing more than a teenage boy, who doesn't look anything like a priest.

After a bit of a chat, Captain Gerard let him leave on one condition, as long as Martin promised that he won't use the main roads in his travels, in case the bandits were waiting for prey to ambush.

After saying their farewell, Martin was able to slip through the side door, leaving the city and heading back home.

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