
The Immortal Fate Series: The Solar King's Fate

Fate. Destiny. Something so intangible and abstract, yet it controls your life and drives your decisions. The question consistently remains. How does one conquer something that they cannot change? Something that cannot be understood, something that can't be seen or touched. How does one change Fate itself? The Andarwil Continent, home to a myriad of races patronized by the Gods. The aloof mages, the proud dragons, the cold vampires, the hot-blooded werewolves and the powerful hybrids. All are welcomed on this continent. All except of course..... Volume 1 : The Solar King's Fate 17 year old Soteria had always spent her days at the Moon Lake Clan in suffering, thinking she would never escape them. Now, thanks to a series of unfolding events, Soteria is finally being led to the answers she has always wanted, and to the person she'd always seen in her dreams. But will the answers she seeks give her happiness, or will they ruin the paradise she has finally obtained for herself? The only thing she could be sure of, was that humbling a king was hard work.   Volume 2 : How To Tame a Dragon (Prince) Aletheia had always wanted to know where she came from. She finally got the answers she so desperately sought. However, that was only the beginning. Now she must deal with the problems arising from her parentage and find a way to tame a dragon before they both go up in flames. When the fate of an entire empire depends on them, just how much fire could Aletheia take? Well, the easiest way to subdue fire was always water.    Volume 3: A Princess' Reluctant Mate Alexia finally woke up, back in her own body. Knowing she had only a limited time to save her mate before all hell broke loose (literally), she rushed to the Artanes Empire to find him. But how can she convince him that she is who she says she is when he watched her die in his arms before? Volume 4: TBA Participating in the 'My Werewolf Lover and I' competition. I hope you guys like it. If you do, please support me. Feedback is also appreciated. Warning: Some sexual content Some abusive language and actions Please be advised accordingly. This is the first book I've ever written so feedback is appreciated. Thanks for checking it out!

Missa_Collingwood · แฟนตาซี
211 Chs

Genuine Regret



Salana hurriedly walked down the stairs, feeling her chest tightening with every step she took. For the first time in the 45 years since she'd grown used to being the "Alpha's Chosen Mate", she felt genuine regret. As she exited the building, she leaned over the side and vomited the contents of her stomach. She leaned weakly against the walls, wondering when she became this person. Tears blurred her vision, and she felt light headed. She pushed herself up from the wall and slowly made her way to an alley not too far from the building. 




She knew that they thought she couldn't be bothered to see it happen, but the truth was that her own actions made her sick. She couldn't believe that she had so readily consigned another girl to the hell that she herself had gone through. She had done a lot of things in the past, even killed people, but this was the first time she felt so affected. 




Moon Goddess knew she hated the Alpha with every single bone in her body. She hated everything about him. She hated his pack, she hated his land, everything. He brought her nothing but despair and agony. Pretending to love him had been eating away at her for the past 100 years. Moon Goddess, she couldn't wait for his pack to be destroyed. She knew very well that there was no way the girl would go through with sacrificing herself for the pack, which was why she consented to Nathan's plan to take her there. If that bastard took her, he'd probably drug her. It wasn't as though he didn't have a history of it. 



Yes, what she wanted was the fallout from the Clear Moon Clan. She wanted them to take revenge. She wanted the Moon Lake Clan destroyed and buried along with her love and her parents. That was why she sent word to the Clear Moon Alpha that Nathan was planning to offer one of the girls to his subordinate as a prize. He was so foolish. He couldn't see the disgust Anthon had for him in his eyes, nor did he notice that Anthon was interested in both of them because of the surge of power that occurred during the dinner. He was weak. So weak, he couldn't even feel it. 



But she was glad he was too stupid to notice; otherwise, she wouldn't be able to continue plotting against him. She waited a short distance away for Anthon's lieutenant to show up. If he didn't in time, then she would have to give up her plans and save her, herself. She leaned against the wall, smiling to herself. Mother and father, your daughter will soon avenge you. Cyrus, soon we will be reunited. My love, just wait for me a bit longer. Just a bit. I'll be there soon, she thought, a gentle smile on her face. 



Her mind drifted back to when she first met Cyrus. She was out and walking home from buying groceries for her mother when her bag broke, spilling its contents. She rushed to pick everything up when a voice sounded above her.



"That's some bad luck you have there. Put everything in this box. I'll help you take it home. " When she looked up, she saw a delicate-looking boy with a kind face staring at her. The sun glowed behind him, enhancing his amber eyes. She was entranced. Her heart pounded and her breath caught in her chest. Her cheeks flushed at the thought that he'd find her weird, but as she looked at him, she saw that he was the same. Time stopped briefly for her and she felt her hand heating up. When she looked, she saw a symbol of a crescent moon. She was startled, looking at him in shock, only to realize he had one as well. 



Finding your Fated mate was a rare occurrence, especially so early in life. They smiled at each other, and he helped her up after picking the items up from the ground. She felt shy. She knew he could feel her emotions and even hear her heartbeat. Finally, he broke the ice by asking her, "What is your name?"



"Salana. Salana Nicholov. And yours? "



"Cyrus, Cyrus Ariti. Your name suits you very well. "



She burst out laughing. "How would you know? You've known me all of five minutes," she replied. 



"Your eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and yours is as clear as a mirror. "



She turned to him, smiling as she thought to herself that he was indeed good with his words. They continued talking until they got to her home on the outskirts of town. As she opened the door, she yelled, "Mom, dad, I'm back and we have company."



Her mother came out, wiping her hands on a hand towel. She was surprised to see the young man standing outside the house. Oh my, she thought, what a delicate looking, handsome boy. My daughter never takes an interest in guys. I wonder what happened today? He bowed slightly, introducing himself: "My name is Cyrus Ariti. It's a pleasure to meet you. "



And how polite he is as well. "My name is Ariana. It's nice to meet you, Cyrus. What brings you here? "



"Mom, he's here because..." she paused, showing her hand, "because he's my mate."



Ariana was shocked. To be able to meet each other was already something rare, but to meet them this young was a miracle. She excitedly ran to tell her mate. He was as shocked as she was upon hearing it, but also incredibly happy for his daughter. What could be better? The feelings between fated mates were genuine since they were each other's soul mates. With this, he was sure his daughter would be happy for the rest of her life. 



Song for this chapter is The Chainsmokers- Honest

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