
The Immortal Fate Series: The Solar King's Fate

Fate. Destiny. Something so intangible and abstract, yet it controls your life and drives your decisions. The question consistently remains. How does one conquer something that they cannot change? Something that cannot be understood, something that can't be seen or touched. How does one change Fate itself? The Andarwil Continent, home to a myriad of races patronized by the Gods. The aloof mages, the proud dragons, the cold vampires, the hot-blooded werewolves and the powerful hybrids. All are welcomed on this continent. All except of course..... Volume 1 : The Solar King's Fate 17 year old Soteria had always spent her days at the Moon Lake Clan in suffering, thinking she would never escape them. Now, thanks to a series of unfolding events, Soteria is finally being led to the answers she has always wanted, and to the person she'd always seen in her dreams. But will the answers she seeks give her happiness, or will they ruin the paradise she has finally obtained for herself? The only thing she could be sure of, was that humbling a king was hard work.   Volume 2 : How To Tame a Dragon (Prince) Aletheia had always wanted to know where she came from. She finally got the answers she so desperately sought. However, that was only the beginning. Now she must deal with the problems arising from her parentage and find a way to tame a dragon before they both go up in flames. When the fate of an entire empire depends on them, just how much fire could Aletheia take? Well, the easiest way to subdue fire was always water.    Volume 3: A Princess' Reluctant Mate Alexia finally woke up, back in her own body. Knowing she had only a limited time to save her mate before all hell broke loose (literally), she rushed to the Artanes Empire to find him. But how can she convince him that she is who she says she is when he watched her die in his arms before? Volume 4: TBA Participating in the 'My Werewolf Lover and I' competition. I hope you guys like it. If you do, please support me. Feedback is also appreciated. Warning: Some sexual content Some abusive language and actions Please be advised accordingly. This is the first book I've ever written so feedback is appreciated. Thanks for checking it out!

Missa_Collingwood · แฟนตาซี
211 Chs

Acting Alpha

Nathan Murrows was in a great mood today. In a day or two, he would have what he wanted. What could be better than that? His newly appointed Beta, Jason, entered his sight as he knocked on the door of his study. He beckoned to him.


"What is it?" He asked.


Jason lowered his head before saying, "There has been a minor hiccup in the plan."


Nathan's face distorted before he forcibly calmed himself. 


"Tell me what happened."





It was 8 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was bright with sunny, clear skies. The former second elder and now acting Alpha, Owen Mallas, got dressed to head to the Ariti house. He had a job to do for his benefactor. 


Two days ago, the Beta from the Moon Lake pack asked him if he wanted to take over his pack. He wasn't a fool, so he immediately refused a few times until Jason told him that they wanted Salana and planned to get rid of the Alpha to make it easier. He then jumped on board with both hands. It wasn't too difficult on an emotional level for him either. Why wouldn't he? Being king of a small city was infinitely better than serving an emperor.



The Alpha trusted him implicitly and would never suspect that he would try to kill him either. He only had to cover his finger in silicone, touch the poison, and then touch the Apha's hand. On his way out of the office, he also seized the opportunity to "shake hands" with the Alpha's brother, the first elder. Generally, only two salt grains' worth of this poison was enough to kill a human in ten minutes, but he was dealing with werewolves, so he doubled up on the doses and averaged the times so that it would kill them in roughly an hour, when he was safely away.



This special poison he got from the Beta was called Batrachotoxin. It kills by interfering with the channels in the cells of muscles and nerves, jamming them open so that they don't close. That in turn leads to heart failure. Best of all, it looked completely natural and was undetectable. If they hadn't died on the same day, no one would have known, but regardless, he wouldn't have been suspected. He went home, peeled the silicone off his hand, and meticulously washed them both. He carefully put away the remainder of the poison he had in a hidden compartment in his wall. It was never certain when it might come in handy. 



He spent the rest of the day cleaning and tidying, keeping himself busy until he finally heard the news. 


Knock! Knock! Knock!


He counted to five and opened the door. 


"What is it?"


The boy looked as though he was choking back tears. Owen was celebrating in his mind, practically chortling in glee. On the outside, however, he maintained his poise, looking at the boy, confused.


"What happened? Is there anything I can help you with? " He asked gently.


"I-It's my g-g-granpa," he choked out.


"Your grandpa?" Owen was genuinely a bit confused now. What did his grandfather have to do with anything? Wait.


"Who is your grandpa?" 


"The f-first elder, he died. T-t-the Apha is in a c-coma. T-they were p-probably attacked, "he finally finished saying while stuttering through it. 


"Oh no, quickly, take me to them. How could something like this happen? Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank goodness. Why couldn't the Alpha die immediately too? Damnit! But no matter, it will happen sooner or later. He was so excited. The Beta was right.


He went to the clinic in the center of the town and looked in on the Alpha. Hehe, the bastard is indeed dying. Thank goodness, he thought. He'd have to use more of the poison if he was getting better after all, and he wanted to leave it for emergencies.


They immediately convened a meeting and it was decided that as all the adults in the Apha's line except for his son were dead, the second elder would assume the role of acting Apha. He humbled himself, vowing to find out who committed the heinous act and left with tears in his eyes. Anyone who saw him would think he was truly broken-hearted by the Alpha's situation and the passing of the first elder. When he got home, he immediately locked the door and leaned against it. 


"And scene," came a voice in front of him, clapping as he walked forward. "What a capable actor you can be when you need to be, but don't forget what we need from you. The Alpha will officially die by tomorrow. Get it done the next day. "


"I have no issues holding up my end of the bargain."


"Good," said Jason, "I would advise against double crossing us. I'll see you the day after tomorrow, after you go to them, then. "


The next day, the Alpha really died. Owen was now truly impressed. Everything went the way he said it would. What a scary person, he thought. 


The day after, as promised, he headed to the Ariti house. He saw Dr. Cirillo heading back from there. 


"Good morning, doctor. How are you?"


"Good morning, acting Alpha," he replied half-heartedly. 


Owen froze. Acting Alpha? Was it necessary to call him that with that tone? He shook himself and continued.


"I see you went to the Ariti house."


"Wonderful observational skills you have there, acting Alpha."


Owen's eyebrows twitched. Why was his mouth so venomous? Couldn't he reply like normal people would? He complained in his heart. 


"I hope everything is alright with them. What did you go for? Whom did you treat? "


"You may be unaware of it since you have never particularly... ... fancied education, acting Alpha, but there is something called doctor-patient confidentiality, so I am not at liberty to say. If you choose to, you can ask them yourself. In any case, it wasn't as though you'd be welcomed. Have a great morning, acting Alpha. I'll be on my way now. " Dr. Cirillo left without a backward glance. Want to talk to him when everyone with sense knows you're backed by the Moon Lake Clan? Want to get information to feed back to them? Ha! Not from him.


Owen was depressed. When did he not fancy education? He just wasn't the best at it. Was that his fault? He heaved a sigh and shook himself up. He should do what he came to do. When he got to the Ariti house, he saw a huge sign. It read, "No visitors accepted unless specifically invited under the 14-day bereavement law."


No wonder Dr. Cirillo said what he said. They knew he'd be coming and adjusted themselves to suit. Now he needed to report this matter to Jason. He would certainly not be happy.



CRASH! The sound of a clock shattering resonated through the house. 


"YOU IDIOT! A waste of my time! How did they know you'd come, huh? Why didn't you go immediately yesterday? Now look, they have fourteen days. If anything untoward happens within those fourteen days, what happened to Cyrus would be nice compared to what will happen to you. Remember that. " He said, walking out into the darkness. 


"I'll let you know what the new instructions are when I get them."


For the first time since he started this, Owen wondered if he had made the correct choice to jump ship.

Song for this chapter is Chris Brown - Grass Ain't Greener

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