
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · แฟนตาซี
103 Chs

The Devil tells lies & Truth

The strike was swift and merciless, a predatory motion that caught Maacah off guard. A gasp escaped the God of Vampires as he staggered back, clutching his chest where Satan's blow had struck true. His eyes, once gleaming with confidence, now held a mix of shock and confusion.

"Why...?" Maacah managed to choke out, his voice laced with disbelief. He stared at Satan, the ally-turned-betrayer, struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

Satan's laughter rang through the air, a chilling symphony of malevolence that seemed to resonate with the very shadows around them. His eyes gleamed with a twisted amusement as he regarded Maacah's bewilderment.

"Why, you ask?" Satan's voice dripped with sarcasm, his words laced with venomous amusement. "Because, dear Maacah, that's what we demons do. We lie. We deceive. We manipulate. It's in our nature, our essence." He took a step closer, his gaze locked onto Maacah's fading form. "Did you truly think I would uphold a bargain with a being of darkness, a fellow deceiver? How naïve."

Maacah's breath came in ragged gasps as his strength waned. His once-proud posture faltered, and his eyes flickered with a mixture of rage and betrayal. "You... You're no better than the monsters we face," he spat, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and agony.

Satan's grin widened, a macabre expression that twisted his features into a grotesque mockery of joy. "Ah, but that's the beauty of it, isn't it? We revel in our malevolence, our capacity for cruelty. It's what sets us apart, what makes us true denizens of the abyss."

With a final, mocking laugh, Satan delivered a crushing blow to Maacah's already weakened form. The God of Vampires crumpled to the ground, his once-mighty presence now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. As his life force ebbed away, he could only watch through fading eyes as Satan's form melded seamlessly with the darkness, a fitting embodiment of his treacherous nature.

Maacah's sudden reappearance was a shock that rippled through the battlefield. His form materialized behind Satan, who had believed himself the victor in their deadly exchange. But Maacah's actions were swift and decisive, a ruthless response to the treachery he had been subjected to.

Before Satan could even fully comprehend what was happening, Maacah's grip was upon him. The God of Vampires seized Satan's neck with a vice-like hold, his fingers digging into the flesh with a strength that seemed fueled by both rage and desperation. As Satan struggled, Maacah's lips parted to reveal his elongated fangs, and with a sudden, vicious movement, he sank them into Satan's throat.

A guttural, agonized cry tore from Satan's lips as the searing pain of Maacah's bite coursed through him. His struggles grew more frantic, but Maacah's grip remained unrelenting. The taste of Satan's blood filled Maacah's mouth, a bitter reminder of the darkness that had fueled the fallen angel's existence.

The seconds stretched into eternity as Maacah drank deeply, his features contorted in a mix of determination and vindication. He felt the malevolent energy that had once animated Satan begin to wane, replaced by a growing sense of weakness. With each gulp of blood, Maacah could sense the life force of his enemy slipping away, the once-mighty being brought low by the very weapon he had wielded against so many.

Finally, Satan's struggles ceased. His once-fiery gaze grew dull and lifeless, and his body slumped in Maacah's grasp. The God of Vampires released his grip, allowing the lifeless form to fall to the ground. He stood there for a moment, his chest heaving with exertion, his fangs still stained with the dark essence of his foe.

As the chaos of battle raged on around him, Maacah wiped the blood from his mouth and turned his gaze toward the horizon. The threat of Typhon and the impending cataclysm still loomed, but for now, a sense of grim satisfaction settled over him. The treacherous King of the Underworld had been vanquished, his reign of darkness finally brought to an end by the very creature he had sought to manipulate.