
The Immortal Being

A being that was not born always existed, was always at its peak, did not know emotions or feelings. To pass the time he lived between worlds always traveling staying for a while and leaving, but everything changed when he rescued a girl, which will change for this immortal who did not know feelings or emotions .... English is not my native language, so please forgive me for the mistakes. PS: I have no right over the images. All cover rights belong to the original artist.

ImmortalShadow · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Physical, Absolute Zero and Heavenly Fire

A few hours had passed since the two girls went into meditation.

Logan looked at the horizon and realized that the sun was setting, starting to get worried, because he realized that he forced the girls to enter the first level of cultivation today, that made him blame himself.

A few more hours had passed and the moon was shining high in the sky, Logan started to get more worried, he even thought about getting them out of the meditation state, but he knew it could hurt them.

He created the "Starry Sky" technique but never had time to test it, not knowing what it could do, what he knew about the technique was that it was the most powerful he has ever created, but it seems he still underestimated it.

Logan decided to scan the two girls using his divine sense so he could see what was going on.

As soon as he scanned them, he was in for a big surprise, their bodies were changing to adapt better to cultivation, but that was not all.

Isabella's body was changing to better adapt to the energy of the fire attribute, her bones were getting a reddish glow, her flesh seemed to contain small flames, as well as muscles and tendons.

The external appearance also started to change, her hair was starting to turn red as fire.

Logan realized that the technique he taught the two girls was very special, whoever cultivates this technique would be able to create a unique body for cultivation.

The same was happening to Luana, her bones were gaining an ice blue glow, soon realizing that her body was starting to change to adapt to the Ice Attribute, like Isabella she was also changing the external appearance, her hair was turning white, and her skin it looked like white jade.

It was not just her appearance that changed her Auras more, Luana seemed to give a feeling of Freezing Cold, while Isabella gave a feeling of Extreme Heat.

Logan remembered two birds he met, on their travels in the universe, they seemed to be sisters, and were called Phoenix, one had the attribute fire, while the other, the attribute Ice.

The Fire Phoenix had its body completely covered with flames, while its sister Ice Phoenix, its body was covered with ice feathers, giving it a stunning view.

Remembering these two birds, Logan thought that his wives' physicists were very similar to the Phoenix.

Logan named Isabella's physique as Heavenly Fire, while he named Luana's physique as Absolute Zero.

The night passed quickly and on the horizon you could see the sun rising. Logan never took his eyes off the two girls for a moment, he wanted to be on the lookout for something unusual to happen if he could act quickly and save them.

The two girls who were beautiful before they started cultivating, now looked even more stunning looking even immortal.

Isabella now had hair the color of flames, her skin was soft as that of a newborn baby, who would look at themselves would think they were seeing an immortal.

Luana's hair was completely white and silky, her skin was white as jade, anyone would mistake her for an immortal even immortals.

While Logan was thinking about what techniques he would give them to cultivate, he noticed a fluctuation and looked at Luana.

As soon as Luana opened her eyes you could see that they changed from black to sky blue, making her even more stunning.

"Congratulations on entering the Refinement of Qi Realm."

Saying those words he had a big smile, being very happy for her.

The moment she heard those words, she jumped into her husband's arms and kissed him. She had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, for everything you did for me."

"How many times have I said, you didn't need to thank me."

He said those words while wiping tears from her eyes, and kissed her.

They held each other for a while, until Logan felt another fluctuation of energy, and he knew that Isabella would wake up from his meditation.

Before Isabella even opened her eyes she threw herself into Logan's arms, and shed tears of happiness.

"Congratulations Isabella, you are now a cultivator."

He did what he had done with Luana, the three of them stayed embraced for a while until they calmed down.

Luana soon noticed that Isabella's appearance changed, leaving her shocked, so did Isabella as soon as she looked at Luana.

Logan had to explain what happened, talking about not knowing that the technique would change the physique, and that this change would only benefit them.

After hearing the explanation they were relieved, and loved their new appearance, what woman didn't want to be more beautiful?

"I already named your physicists, of course if you want you can change their name if you don't like it."

Isabella was the first to speak:

"I will definitely like it, because you chose it."

She said those words with a big smile on her face, as she was very happy that it was Logan who named her Physicists.

The same happened with Luana, she was very happy.

"No matter what the name is, I will accept it."

"Ok Luana as her attribute is Ice, I chose to call her physique Absolute Zero."

"Isabella as her attribute is Fire, I chose to call her physicist Heavenly Fire."

When they heard the names of their physicists, they couldn't help but smile, because they liked them very much.

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