
The Immortal Being

A being that was not born always existed, was always at its peak, did not know emotions or feelings. To pass the time he lived between worlds always traveling staying for a while and leaving, but everything changed when he rescued a girl, which will change for this immortal who did not know feelings or emotions .... English is not my native language, so please forgive me for the mistakes. PS: I have no right over the images. All cover rights belong to the original artist.

ImmortalShadow · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Cosmic Energy

So they finished lunch, they said goodbye to Grandma Marie, the girls were very anxious that Logan would guide them on a path where they would gain the power to protect themselves, as well as protect their loved ones.

As soon as the three left the tavern, Logan said:

"Let's go somewhere quiet so that I can explain the cultivation to you."

When the two girls heard the word (Cultivation), they found it strange because the 'cultivation' they knew was about planting food and harvesting them to be farmers, they did not think that there could be another type.

"From the faces you are making, I think you misunderstood my words. Let's move on to a calmer place so that I can explain a little of the" Cultivation "I am talking about."

Even the confused girls nodded and soon followed.

After walking for a few minutes they arrived at their destination, it was a natural park, if you took a look around you could find some benches to sit no one else in sight.

As this place was a little removed from the city, and since it used to be always empty, it ended up becoming an ideal place for Logan to explain and show what cultivation was.

They proceeded to the central area of ​​the park, as soon as they arrived Logan said:

"In a way, you are not wrong, in thinking that the cultivation I referred to is planting food."

Having finished speaking these words Logan had a mysterious smile on his face, he continued to explain shortly afterwards.

"In common cultivation you have to plant a seed, water them daily with water, add fertilizer, to make them grow strong, right?"

The two girls who were listening carefully, nodded at the same time. It made Logan realize how serious they were listening.

"The" Cultivation "I refer to does not differ from this, but instead of planting a seed in the soil, we will be planting a Qi seed in our bodies."

"First let me explain what Qi is"

"Qi is everywhere, in plants, on earth, in the sky, in animals in everything even in space, however space also contains other energy, but we are not going to talk about space for now, as it is still too early. "

"To simplify Qi, it is a cosmic energy that is present in everything and everywhere, Cultivators are able to feel and absorb the energy around them so that they can become stronger."

"It is not so simple to feel the Qi around you, it takes years of training and you need to have a cultivation technique that lets you absorb that energy."

"I know it's a lot for you to process and even believe what I'm saying."

As soon as he finished saying those words, he grabbed the hands of the two girls, who were still petrified by this revelation.

When they felt Logan's big hand holding hers, they came back to themselves more as soon as they realized, their surroundings had changed, there was something different, but they couldn't understand.

"What you are feeling around you is the energy known as Qi."

"I am using my divine sense in you, so that you can feel Qi even though you have never cultivated before, it will help when you start cultivating."

The girls were finding this magical sensation, looking around everything seemed new to them, as if they had never seen the real world.

Luana was the first to come out of the trance and looked at Logan and said:

"How come we never knew about?"

When Logan heard these words, he had a smile on his face, as he was already expecting that question.

"This world has no cultivators."

As soon as he finished saying those words Luana looked at him with wide eyes, the same happened with Isabella who had left the trance when she just heard Logan's answer.

The two shouted at the same time:

"How can that be possible? Aren't you a cultivator?"

But as soon as they finished saying those words, they remembered the words he said "This world", which means that he did not belong in this world, which ended up leaving the two women petrified with this realization again.

Seeing the comical face of his two wives, Logan found it comical and soon after said:

"I see you realized that I don't belong in this world."

He thought to himself:

"Actually, I don't belong to any world, but this story is not for now."

Looking at the two girls still in a trance, Logan started to feel uncomfortable in his heart, as a sudden thought crossed his mind:

"After discovering that I don't belong to this world, they abandoned me?"

As if the two of them had read their thoughts, they said:

Luana: "It doesn't change how I feel, for you no matter what the world is, I will always love you."

Isabella: You are the only person I will love, for all my life and the lives I have seen. (Ps: in this world they believe in reincarnation.)

"Thank you for saying those words to me, I love you too much, and I wouldn't know what to do if you abandoned me."

As soon as he finished saying those words, he brought them closer, and kissed each one on his forehead.

He spoke softly in his ears:

"Thank you for loving me, and being with me, you are all I have."

Hearing this they felt an immense warmth in their hearts, at the same time, realized that Logan was telling the truth, it seemed that he had no one else around him but them.

It may be a selfish thought on their part, but they liked to hear that Logan had no other people around him but them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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