
The Immortal's journey across the fiction.

"What would you do if you found yourself in a world that felt both familiar and unfamiliar, with creatures that are both familiar and unfamiliar? What if, the moment you die, you find yourself back at the same beginning, but the world around you has changed? What would you do if strange things kept happening around you? With no name, no memories, and no origin, follow the story of what is mostly assumed to be a human man and his journey in exploring the changing world around him, ultimately coming to be known as 'The Immortal'." 5/?? --------------------------------- warnings!! every time he dies, the world around him does changes, from marvel to dc, to any world in fiction.

Lythan_Page · อื่นๆ
8 Chs

the strange event with a random t-rex [chapter 4]

in the dead of night, a sudden burst of light streaked across the star-lit sky, drawing attention to the ancient forest below. The light in shape of a bird, descended rapidly, illuminating the dense foliage as it came closer to the ground. As the light landed, it revealed a breathtaking sight - two identical T-Rexes engaged in a fierce battle.

Their massive forms clashed, teeth gnashing, claws slashing, and tails whipping through the air. It was a battle of epic proportions, with earth-shaking roars and thundering footfalls echoing through the forest. These colossal creatures were evenly matched, trading blow after blow, creating a spectacle that could rival any movie.

However, during the heated exchange, one of the T-Rexes landed a devastating bite on the other's leg, causing a deep wound that oozed blood. The injured T-Rex quickly weakened, its movements slowing down as it stumbled and fell to the forest floor. The victorious T-Rex towered over its fallen opponent, ready to deliver the final blow.

But then, a burst of light emanated from above, shining down on the injured T-Rex. The light formed a symbol on the T-Rex's forehead - a bird. Miraculously, the T-Rex's wounds began to heal, the bleeding stopped, and its strength returned. The creature stood up, renewed and revitalized, as the light cocooned itself around its body.

A mighty roar echoed through the forest as the T-Rex burst out of the cocoon, transformed. Its scales glimmered with an otherworldly radiance, and its eyes shone with a newfound power. The T-Rex charged at its opponent with renewed vigor, unleashing a barrage of ferocious attacks.

The injured T-Rex, now revitalized, fought back with newfound strength, retaliating with much greater ferocity. The battle raged on, but it was clear that the healed T-Rex had gained the upper hand. With a final, devastating blow, it brought down its opponent, who roared in defeat before succumbing to its injuries.

As the victorious T-Rex let out a triumphant roar, the light that had enveloped it dissipated into the night sky. The creature stood tall, a testament to its newfound power and resilience. It surveyed the forest with a commanding presence, knowing that it had been given a second chance at life. And as the sun began to rise over the ancient forest, the healed T-Rex let out another roar, signaling its dominance over its territory. The forest, once again shrouded in darkness, had witnessed an extraordinary event, a battle of legendary proportions, and the birth of a new apex predator, a new hunter.

-scene change-

As I ventured out of my cave, equipped with my newly crafted club and leaf pouch, I felt a renewed sense of excitement and purpose. I had been inspired by the wondrous events I had witnessed in the forest, and I was determined to make improvements to my equipment.

I had created a large club by selecting a sturdy tree branch and shaping it with my stone tools. It was heavy, but its weight gave me a sense of security, knowing that I could defend myself against any potential threats in the forest.

My leaf backpack was a stroke of ingenuity. I had collected leaves from nearby trees and used the mucus of sticky insects to hold them together. The mucus acted like rubber or glue, allowing me to create a flexible and durable backpack that could hold my belongings securely as I moved through the forest.

Armed with my club and backpack, I set out to explore the terrain. I climbed trees to gain a better vantage point, searching for valuable resources. One such find was a malleable stick that I discovered. It was durable but could be bent into different shapes, making it a versatile tool for various tasks.

I also found a tree with bark that was fibrous and pliable. With some effort I was able to curve the bark into a fibral shape, creating a container that could hold many of the malleable sticks I had gathered. This was a significant discovery, as it allowed me to store and transport valuable resources more efficiently.

With my improved equipment, I ventured deeper into the forest, utilizing my club to fend off any potential threats and using my backpack to carry essential items. I carefully selected and collected resources that would be useful for my cave, including firewood, edible plants, and materials for shelter.

As I made my way through the forest, I marveled at the wonders of nature, inspired by the resilience and adaptability of the creatures that called this place home. I felt a deeper connection to the ancient forest, knowing that I was part of its intricate web of life.

With each step, I gained confidence in my abilities and resourcefulness. I was determined to make my cave a more comfortable and functional home, utilizing the knowledge and skills I had acquired.

As I returned to my cave, my backpack filled with valuable resources, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. I had come a long way since I first discovered this cave, and I was grateful for the opportunities the forest had presented me.

I set to work, using the resources I had gathered to improve my cave. I used the malleable sticks to create hooks for hanging my tools and weapons, and the fibral bark to create a makeshift roof that provided additional protection from the elements.

I also used the large club I had crafted to clear away debris and create a more organized space within the cave. With each swing of the club, I felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, knowing that I was transforming this cave into my own sanctuary.

As I settled into my improved cave, I felt a deep sense of contentment. I had come a long way from the man who had first stumbled upon this cave, and I was grateful for the journey and the lessons I had learned along the way. The forest had provided me with inspiration, resources, and a newfound sense of purpose, and I was determined to continue thriving in this ancient wilderness, using my skills and ingenuity to make this cave my home.
