
The Idol Life

Park Jun-ho, he was a successful song producer but he dreamt of being on stage singing the songs he had wrote and produced but he didn't have the talent to sing nor dance alas he continued on despite this. As he grew older he became more successful but with each passing day his regret overcame him thus he retired early from the business with all the money he had saved he gave half to set up orphanages and donate to charity with what he had. Then on his last day he closed his eyes surrounded by his family and the children he had taken care off at the last leg of his life but when he woke up he returned back to where he started. "Was that all a dream?" [ Soul Successfully Transferred Beginning Host's new Life! ]

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134 Chs


Junho was alone, although they were performing near the area as they did volunteer work Junho was with the matron.

"What's your name again?"

"Park Junho."

"Thank you for kindness, I thought you guys were here to promote yourselves and clean up the orphanage."

They were currently at an Orphanage named 'Hope', at Junho's last leg of his life he sponsored this orphanage.

"No, this is from my pocket, this orphanage is special for me."

Junho gave the matron a smile, he remembered the children he adopted in his previous life since he was single all his life.

"You don't know how much we appreciate this, in fact this is a blessing I don't know how long our funds would hold up until."

"There's no need to worry about that anymore, I just pray you guys continue doing what you do best and that's to take care of the children here."

"Bless Your Soul."

Junho smiled as the Matron saw them out, they done what they could do, there were no camera's around.



Junho waved goodbye one last time as he entered the car, he could see everyone was waiting for them as kids lined up waving goodbye, he promised he'd come back here often to release his stress and play with them in the future,


Everyone was relieved from their stress over the last few days such attending the birthday party, taking videos and going to the orphanage for volunteer work, right now they were at a meeting room with JYP.

Junho was leading them as they all sat together, Sungmin and JYP was in front of them but Woo-Jin was at the side, Junho called him to be present as he felt he was going to need him for some reason.

"We're sorry for the problems we've caused."

"Problems? We didn't encounter any as far as we know?"

Junho acted like he really didn't know and thanks to him casually practicing with Jinyoug back when they were trainee's he nailed the act.

"Still I want to say sorry but right now my hands are full as well as NNET's, so we've decided to hand over the reigns to you."


He acted like he was shocked with his mouth wide open as if he didn't expect this sooner or later, he knew this would happen mainly because he saw how NNET had advertised the girl group rather than them.

"Yes, you guys will be the one handling the recording, creating the lyrics, choreography while we'll be handling everything else of course we would love to have your input and we would value it."

"That's a big task."

"It's fitting for your group, you're being heralded as the future of this industry."

JYP gave them a smiled while Junho just smiled back he knew he would this so he didn't mind.

"If that's the case then our earnings, I'd like to change it since this is going to be mostly made by us so it would quite be unfair that you guys didn't put a hand other than releasing, distributing and scheduling."

"Of course but we also have a condition."

"That is?"

"If you could reach the minimum 250,000 physical albums being sold as well more, of course this is not without bonuses if you reach a certain milestone then we will increase your percentage, of course if this isn't met then we will continue the standard 30% profit."

"And if we do?"

"The five of you will each earn 10% if you reach the minimum amount, here are the contracts for this comeback of course this made with you guys in mind."

Junho looked at the fine print and found nothing was amiss, it was stated that if they do reach the amount they would earn 50% of all profits as promised from the album sales to the concert tickets, he didn't mind it.

But he also read that NNET would deduct their a small percentage of their profit based on their consumption of equipment, practices, and promotions, well they weren't known aside from those who watched the show and their hard core fans since they were busy promoting the other group.

"That isn't a problem for us, well for me at least I don't know about what their feelings so I suggest you ask them."

"No need, we trust in you."

Jinyoung said as he patted Junho's back and smiled, he then grabbed the contract and signed it, the boys then followed and shortly they were now contracted.

"With this I hope you guys will herald the new generation."

JYP just smiled and thought of many things."

'Oh just you wait, thanks for the freedom.'


"So what do you think Hyung?"

Junho asked Woo Jin who had listened from start to finish.

"You could say its a test and a risk, for all I know they're really not going to help you but you could use it to your advantage."


"You make connections, while they're busy in helping you find schedules and promotions while leaving you how to figure out the other stuff it's best to make connections now, who knows it might come in handy in the future."

"Well having the label as 'Self Producing Idols' sounds nice."

"Exactly, it's been done before but not all could achieve the success they want so I'm hoping you guys do."

Right now the two of them were driving to Junho's home in Seoul, he had told his friends that he would be gone for a week and that when he comes back they should be ready.

"Ah right."

Woo-Jin opened the drawer and letters popped out, Junho picked it up and saw his name .


"What is this?"

"Just open it."


A/N : No I'm not dead and so is this nov, I just haven't had the time to update you all, I just recently found out that I'm graduating so I had to file my stuff the past days and I was so busy organizing and stuff I forgot thanks for continued support!