
The Hybrid Eclipse

The whispers started with a murmur, a tremor that rippled through the astronomical community. On November 3rd, 2013, the sky wasn't just going to witness an eclipse; it was bracing itself for a phenomenon unlike any other. They called it the Hybrid Eclipse – a celestial dance so intricate, so precariously balanced, that its effects would shift depending on where you stood on Earth. In some parts of the world, the moon would become a perfect circle, a fiery ring against the sun's brilliance, in a breathtaking display known as an annular eclipse. But for others, the moon would take a bolder step, completely engulfing the sun, plunging the world into an inky blackness for a brief, awe-inspiring moment – a total eclipse. But the true spectacle, the one that sent shivers down the spines of seasoned astronomers, was the way the eclipse would morph. As the moon's shadow, a ghostly silhouette against the cosmic canvas, danced across the Earth's curved surface, the eclipse would transform. It would begin as an annular eclipse, then, in a breathtaking display of celestial geometry, morph into a total eclipse for a select few, before reverting back to its annular form. It was a celestial ballet, a breathtaking display of the universe's clockwork precision. However, what started as a marvel in the sky soon became a turning point in human history. The Hybrid Eclipse wasn't just a dance of light and shadow; it was a foreshadowing of change. The exact nature of that change? Well, that, my friend, is a story waiting to be unraveled. The Hybrid Eclipse had cemented its place in history, not just as a rare astronomical event, but as the day the world, as we knew it, began to shift.

A_Paulxx · แฟนตาซี
59 Chs


Barrera's face contorted in a mask of fury. "No apology can ever erase the pain you've caused me!" he roared, his voice hoarse with raw emotion. Selena, eyes squeezed shut, a faint smile playing on her lips, awaited her fate with a heartbreaking acceptance.

Hatred and loneliness were channeled into the blade, each tremor of Barrera's hand a testament to the storm raging within him. Just as the dagger, imbued with all his sorrow, was about to find its mark on Selena, a dark blur descended from the crimson moonlight.

A gasp escaped Selena's lips as a shadowy figure materialized between her and Barrera. Clad in a simple black hoodie and a crude Vermin Claw mask, a figure shrouded in mystery held Barrera's wrist, the dagger frozen mid-strike. The intruder had moved with an otherworldly grace, his arrival completely undetected by Selena, Barrera, the Vermin Claws, and even the ever-vigilant Locust.

"What the… who are you?!" Barrera sputtered, his voice laced with a mixture of shock and rage. He barked an order at Locust, his fury momentarily redirected. "Get rid of him!"

Locust, ever eager to please his leader, lunged at the intruder with a vicious punch. Yet, the figure moved with the agility of a phantom. The punch sailed harmlessly through the air as the intruder executed a spinning kick, the impact resonating with a sickening thud. The force of the blow sent Locust reeling back, his grip on Selena loosening.

With a swift motion, the mysterious figure scooped Selena into his arms. The Vermin Claws, paralyzed by surprise, could only watch in stunned silence as the black-clad figure disappeared with incredible speed, leaving behind a trail of dust.

Locust groaned as he rose, gingerly testing his gut where the masked man's devastating kick had landed. Wasting no time, he barked orders at his remaining men, their confusion mirrored in their wide eyes. "After them! Don't let them escape!"

Barrera, still reeling from the surprise intervention, sputtered in outrage. "Locust! Who was that?! You jeopardized everything!"

Locust straightened, though a grimace played on his lips. "He wasn't one of ours," he stated flatly.

"What?! Then why was he wearing a Vermin Claw mask?!" Barrera exploded, his anger reaching a fever pitch.

Locust's annoyance mirrored Barrera's. "That," he grumbled, "is exactly what I'd like to find out." The unexpected turn of events had thrown his carefully laid plans into complete disarray.

Meanwhile, as the black-clad figure sprinted across the desolate landscape with Selena in his grasp, a flicker of recognition sparked in her eyes. She fought through the disorientation and fear, her voice trembling. "Who are you?! Why are you helping me?!"

A familiar warmth filled the air against her ear, accompanied by a voice that sent shivers down her spine. "Ms. Selena, it's me!"

Selena's scream was one of both terror and disbelief. "Whaaaaat?! Alaric?! Is that you?! Why are you here? And why are you so…."

Before she could unleash a torrent of questions, Alaric interjected, his voice calm despite the urgency of the situation. "I know you have a lot of questions, Ms. Selena," he said, "but trust me, there's no time for explanations right now. First, we need to get you somewhere safe."

Ten minutes of frantic sprinting pushed them to the edge of their endurance. Their lungs burned, sweat dripped from their brows, and the pounding of their hearts echoed in the desolate landscape. Finally, Alaric spotted a small, unassuming cave nestled amongst the jagged rock formations and steered them towards it.

Reaching the entrance, Alaric wasted no time shoving it open, ushering Selena inside before collapsing onto the cool, dusty floor. With a deep sigh, he removed his mask, revealing a face etched with exhaustion but a spark of determination in his single visible eye.

Selena stared at him, her initial fear morphing into wide-eyed surprise. "Alaric! It really is you!" she exclaimed. "But how…? You've gotten stronger, faster… more agile than before!"

Alaric cracked a tired smile. "Just the fruits of relentless training, Ms. Selena," he explained, though a flicker of unease crossed his features. He knew the truth was far more complex, but revealing the power of the Chronostalxis was a risk he couldn't take.

As if summoned by her words, a memory flickered in his mind – Chairman Rosario's probing questions back at the hospital, the world glitching and resetting just the same. It seemed the Eye of Chronos had a built-in safeguard, protecting its secrets by manipulating reality itself.

"So," Selena continued, her voice dripping with curiosity, "tell me the truth then. Did something… special happen inside that rift? Did you perhaps become Awakened?"

Alaric winced. That forbidden question. He desperately wanted to confide in Selena, to explain the extraordinary power coursing through his veins. But the consequences of such a revelation were too great. He was already classified as Untouched, a label drilled into him through countless tests. How could he explain the anomaly that was him?

"Like I said," Alaric replied, forcing a reassuring smile, "just rigorous training. Nothing more."

Selena's skepticism hung heavy in the air, a silent scream against Alaric's flimsy explanation. Just as she readied another question, a rough hand clamped over her mouth, silencing her. His single visible eye flickered with urgency.

"Stay quiet," he rasped, his voice barely a whisper.

A tense silence descended, broken only by the pounding of their hearts. Alaric strained to listen, his enhanced senses picking up a faint murmuring outside the cave. The unmistakable gruff voices of the Vermin Claws.

"Hey! I swear I heard something coming from this cave!" A gruff voice boomed from the entrance.

Selena's breath hitched. A glance revealed a dead end at the back of the cave. They were trapped, cornered like startled prey.

"Shit," she hissed, her voice trembling. "We're stuck. What do we do now, Alaric?"

He met her gaze, a steely glint replacing the previous exhaustion. "We fight," he declared, his voice firm. "It's our only option. And Ms. Selena," he continued, his voice softening slightly, "you're more than capable. Remember, you're still our raid party leader, no matter what happens."

Selena's eyes widened. A flicker of the old fire ignited within them, a spark of surprise warring with a surge of gratitude. Alaric still believed in her, after everything? The fear melted away, replaced by a familiar resolve. She wasn't just Selena, the unwitting puppet of the rifts. She was Selena, the C-Tier Wind Enchanter, leader of the Stardust party.

A determined nod was her only response. Alaric returned it with a ghost of a smile, a silent promise of victory. Just as the first Vermin Claw lumbered into the cave, a sudden gust of wind erupted from within. The force was so powerful it slammed the Vermin Claws back against the entrance, leaving them sputtering in confusion.

"What the…?! Where'd that wind come from?!" One of them yelled, bewildered.

A defiant figure emerged from the cave, bathed in the faint moonlight. It was Selena, her hand outstretched, a whirlwind swirling around it. The wind danced to her command, a testament to her power – a power she might have forgotten, but never truly lost.

"I may have been lost in the chaos," she declared, her voice ringing with newfound confidence, "but I'm still a C-Tier hunter!"

A grin split Alaric's face beneath the mask. Selena was back, and with her, a glimmer of hope. This fight was far from over, but with their combined strength, they might just stand a chance against the Vermin Claws.