
The Hybrid Eclipse

The whispers started with a murmur, a tremor that rippled through the astronomical community. On November 3rd, 2013, the sky wasn't just going to witness an eclipse; it was bracing itself for a phenomenon unlike any other. They called it the Hybrid Eclipse – a celestial dance so intricate, so precariously balanced, that its effects would shift depending on where you stood on Earth. In some parts of the world, the moon would become a perfect circle, a fiery ring against the sun's brilliance, in a breathtaking display known as an annular eclipse. But for others, the moon would take a bolder step, completely engulfing the sun, plunging the world into an inky blackness for a brief, awe-inspiring moment – a total eclipse. But the true spectacle, the one that sent shivers down the spines of seasoned astronomers, was the way the eclipse would morph. As the moon's shadow, a ghostly silhouette against the cosmic canvas, danced across the Earth's curved surface, the eclipse would transform. It would begin as an annular eclipse, then, in a breathtaking display of celestial geometry, morph into a total eclipse for a select few, before reverting back to its annular form. It was a celestial ballet, a breathtaking display of the universe's clockwork precision. However, what started as a marvel in the sky soon became a turning point in human history. The Hybrid Eclipse wasn't just a dance of light and shadow; it was a foreshadowing of change. The exact nature of that change? Well, that, my friend, is a story waiting to be unraveled. The Hybrid Eclipse had cemented its place in history, not just as a rare astronomical event, but as the day the world, as we knew it, began to shift.

A_Paulxx · แฟนตาซี
59 Chs


The world held its breath, savoring each sunrise as if it were the last. The colossal dragon, a monstrous echo of a nightmare, had served as a brutal awakening. We were not alone. But the questions gnawed at humanity like a starving beast. Were these rifts, the dragon – were they truly from our universe, or did something lurk deeper, beyond the veil of comprehension?

The Mariana Trench incident became the singular focus of humanity. News channels buzzed with speculation, scientists debated on live television, their brows furrowed in frustration. Public rallies erupted, some a desperate plea for divine forgiveness, others a call to collective action. What was once relegated to the realm of apocalyptic fiction had become a chilling reality.

Dr. Vaughn Hugh, a world-renowned scientist, addressed a global audience with a heavy heart. "Even now," he confessed, his voice echoing in living rooms across the globe, "we grapple with the enigma of the rifts. Our current technology simply isn't sophisticated enough to pierce the veil of these anomalies. The event at the trench... it was a calamity of a scale we've never witnessed. A typhoon of unimaginable power that could have wiped us clean. We've dubbed it 'The Calamity.'"

A collective shudder rippled through the audience. Dr. Hugh continued, his gaze unwavering. "Can it happen again? I fervently hope not. But as a scientist, I cannot offer absolute certainty. That's why I implore all governments, all nations – let us unite! Let us pool our resources and build a shield, a defense against the next Calamity. We may not know what lurks beyond those rifts, but we can prepare. We can be ready."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of humanity's newfound vulnerability. The world had been shaken, forever changed. But amidst the fear, a flicker of hope remained. Perhaps, just perhaps, by working together, humanity could weather the coming storm.

In the aftermath, humanity scrambled to pick up the pieces. Evacuation sites, hastily constructed shelters of metal and hope, became temporary homes for those displaced by the chaos. Public memorials dotted the landscape, colossal stones etched with the names of the fallen – a somber testament to the cost of The Calamity. Governments and militaries, once rivals locked in petty squabbles, found a newfound urgency in cooperation. Gone were the days of posturing; now, a singular focus united them. War rooms buzzed with the frantic energy of scientists and soldiers alike, all desperately brainstorming ways to counter the next potential disaster. The echo of Dr. Hugh's words – "a shield, a defense" – became a rallying cry. Humanity, scarred but not broken, was determined to face the unknown, together.

Humanity, bruised but resolute, had just begun to rebuild when the world was thrown into another heart-stopping frenzy. Reports, hot and urgent, crackled across communication channels – a massive rift was about to tear open above the heart of Tokyo! But this wasn't an isolated incident. Similar anomalies were erupting across the globe, menacing skies above New York, Beijing, Melbourne, Manila – every major city seemed on the verge of another catastrophic encounter.

Thousands of rifts materialized, yet a strange calm settled over the populace. Unlike the jagged gashes of the previous event, spewing forth an unsettling, chilling energy, these rifts were different. They were near-perfect circles, radiating a soft, otherworldly light that soothed rather than terrified.

A tide of conflicting emotions washed over the public. Flight or fight? The primal urge to run warred with a newfound serenity emanating from the rifts themselves. Almost imperceptibly, a voice – a murmur resonating deep within – whispered reassurances, calming the rising panic.

Then, a sight that defied human comprehension unfolded. From the heart of each rift, a colossal figure emerged. Bathed in a light that dispelled shadows but remained gentle on the eyes, an entity materialized. Towering figures, unmistakably humanoid yet radiating a celestial glow, descended from the rifts. They were beings of pure light, their very presence exuding an overwhelming sense of peace and power – Archangels, straight out of ancient legends.

A collective gasp rippled through humanity as the colossal figures materialized above each major city. Each Archangel, a breathtaking reflection of the other, stood poised, a monument of otherworldly grace. Their faces, sculpted from moonlight, held an unearthly serenity, framed by a cascade of shimmering silver hair. Eyes like molten gold, ancient and wise, surveyed the world below. Two pairs of colossal wings, larger than their bodies and shimmering with pearlescent white, fanned out behind them. Gleaming white and gold armor, intricately detailed, adorned their forms, while a radiant halo, like a crown of purest gold, pulsed with seven-pointed rays of light, hovering above their heads.

A hush fell over the planet. Nervous energy crackled in the air, a thousand silent questions forming in the hearts of every human. Who were these celestial beings? Why had they arrived? Was this another Calamity disguised in angelic light?

Then, the silence shattered. A voice, resonant and powerful, echoed across the globe, seemingly emanating from everywhere and nowhere at once. It resonated not just in the ears, but deep within the soul, carrying the weight of untold ages.

"I am Eros, one of the seven holy beings of The Divine Choir." he proclaimed, the most potent archangels. "And I am here to answer the questions you have in mind. The rifts that mar your world are the handiwork of a monstrous entity – Kytheros, a tyrannical dragon who devours planets whole to satiate his hunger. He derives a twisted amusement from pitting worlds against his monstrous vanguard, forcing them to fight for their very survival."

Eros' gaze swept across the world, his eyes burning with an ancient wisdom. "Closing these rifts requires vanquishing the creatures that spew forth, but the path to Kytheros himself remains frustratingly elusive. The Axiom of Entropy, a law woven by beings far exceeding even the gods, forbids our direct intervention in your struggle."

A flicker of hope ignited within Eros' voice. "However, your world stands unique. Your pleas have resonated with the divine, a chorus of prayers that has pierced the heavens and revealed Kytheros' location. Though bound by the Axiom, the gods are not without recourse. We shall bestow upon you blessings – a surge of strength and power to bolster your fight against the coming darkness."

His voice turned solemn. "Defeat the monstrosities that infest the rifts, and together, we may vanquish Kytheros before he devours all that you hold dear. This is your fight, mortals, but know that the blessings of the divines are with you."

As Eros' divine form dissolved back into the celestial light, a magnificent spectacle unfolded. The brilliant aura that surrounded him fractured, exploding into a million shimmering fragments. They rained down upon the world, a dazzling shower that touched every human soul.

This was no ordinary rain. It pulsed with a potent energy, a tangible manifestation of the divine blessings Eros promised. The injured felt aches and pains vanish, replaced by a newfound vigor. Diseases, once relentless foes, withered under the touch of the light. But the true marvel lay dormant within – a spark of power ignited within each human, latent potential waiting to be unleashed.

This celestial downpour became known as the "Blessing of the Gods," a testament to the divine intervention that marked the turning point in humanity's fight for survival. It wasn't a complete solution, but a fighting chance. The blessings would empower humanity to face the horrors spewing forth from the rifts, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Now, the fate of the world rested not just on the shoulders of a chosen few, but on the collective strength of all humanity, wielding the blessings of the heavens in their hands.

As the light of Eros' blessing faded, humanity embarked on a new chapter. With each passing day, people discovered the wellspring of power awakened within them. Strength surged through their veins, reflexes sharpened to a blur, and for a select few, the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality – magic – blossomed.

Driven by courage and a fierce love for their world, a new breed emerged: the Hunters. These brave souls, armed with their newfound abilities, answered the call. They wouldn't simply defend; they would conquer. Every rift that Kytheros dared to open, they would storm. Every monstrosity that crawled through, they would slay. They wouldn't rest until the world returned to the peaceful state it once knew.

Years bled into decades. Thousands of rifts manifested, spewing forth an unending tide of horrors. Goblins with razor-sharp claws, golems lumbering like mountains, the undead driven by a hunger that transcended death, giant insects clicking their mandibles with predatory glee – these creatures, and countless others, became known as the Riftborn. Humanity, however, had adapted. They called their enemies "Rifters," and those who hunted them, "Hunters."

Within the Hunter ranks, specialization arose. The Vanguards, titans of strength and resilience, led the charge, wielding swords and shields honed for battle. The Enchanters, masters of elemental magic, unleashed firestorms and summoned bolts of lightning with grimoires or enchanted staves. Reapers, cloaked in shadows and blessed with unmatched speed, moved like phantoms, their daggers reaping a silent harvest of Rifter lives. Salvators, touched by the divine spark of healing, kept their allies fighting fit. Guardians, immovable bulwarks, stood firm against the Rifter tide, protecting their comrades with unwavering resolve. And finally, the Alchemists, gifted with the arcane ability to forge magical weapons and armor, ensured the Hunters remained one step ahead of the ever-evolving threat.

With these diverse skills and unwavering determination, humanity had a fighting chance. The war against Kytheros, against the very fabric of oblivion, had begun.