
3. A new life

Walking outside I noticed a lot of things. The air quality was more improved more Oxygen less carbon, nitrogen levels were still rather high but less than on my own world. I'm no scientist but I thought more Oxygen would lead to bigger insects but from what I can see there were no large bugs. I guess if there was any they would be considered a category. There was a lot of vegetation I guess for more hiding places, I enjoyed the view of it cause it was like it could be a jungle, Forest or small woods. There's a road about ten yards from me. Gilbert pops up on my HUD

"sir your vehicle has been called" he says

A few seconds later a car parks in front of my house, the car door opens and there's no one inside I start to assume it's a self efficient car. the inside of it was pretty amazing it had a soft looking interior, the windshield had a heads up display it shows a map, temperature, your speed and everything that would be important for a driver. When I got in a voice came on the same voice from the memory simulation "excuse me but where would you like to go" it says in it's usually female voice. Before I could answer Gilbert interrupts "sir it seems you have a message from the council to report ASAP, so I suggest we head there." he says

"Um how far is the council from here" I ask

"It's about thirty-six miles away, would you like to head there" the voice asks

"If it said ASAP then we should probably head there now before we forget or for the most part get in some sort of trouble" I say

"confirmed the council has been notified of our impending arrival" she says

This is where I start to realize that these AI's are conscious because they began to talk to each other.

"Madam please know that the young sir is experiencing a bit of amnesia so he may get confused every now and then" Gilbert says to the female voice

"Of course my name is Nadia unlike Gilbert I only work on certain objects for example the memory machine, this car and other objects of the sorts." Nadia replies

"Nadia after we get done at the council what do I usually do on a day like this besides eat?" I ask

"From your history it shows you go to the training grounds quite often, but today it is closed, there is a park nearby that you usually go to and there is a shopping mall that has been on your history for the past week." she says

"For now let's just head to the council meeting and we can figure out what to do afterwards." I say

having a conversation with these two was like talking to anybody else they just didn't have a physical body, before I knew it we were in front of the council building. The five story building had glass like windows/walls they didn't seem to refract the light they seemed to absorb it. The front doors look to made from the same material but had handles and a way to see into the building. Walking up I try to pull the handles but the door doesn't budge a small compartment opens and a small machine comes out and scans me.

"Hunter identification verified" it says after it's done scanning

The door makes a noise like air pressure being let out and the doors open. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I went inside so I kept an open mind. As I start walking I see a small round object flying towards me.

"Ah Roxas it's good to see you again I will guide you to the meeting and give some insight on the building as I do while you are waiting." it says

I only nod looking around at bunch of skulls and badges on the walls, in glass cases, some even on tables.

"Of course here we have the first gens achievements they were the stepping stone in our survival and we owe them much more than we gave them." he says

We continue through the building seeing memorabilia of all the gens before my time and even when the gen fours were still around I know for a fact that the gen fives are on another level, we soon reach a elevator and the small object motions me inside of course I go inside and wait for the elevator to move. I think it was two levels that we moved but I wasn't entirely sure but when the door opens, it open to a circular room almost like a big courtroom. I step out and head towards the middle, as I'm heading there a booming voice breaks the silence.

"Ah Roxas it's good to see you again." says the voice it wasn't until I got into the middle that I can see five people behind the podium.

From left to right I see an old man probably in his eighties, he was bald, his eyes didn't fully open and what threw me off the worst is that he had very defined muscles. the next person was a lady maybe early forties she had blonde hair with small areas of gray she was very wide eyed like it was her first day she look physically fit as well. The third person was the person who spoke he was a rather large man build like an advance tank he had his arms folded and it looked like he could squeeze the life out of everything. He had a buzz cut with a scar curved about his right ear that left a permanent hair line. The next person is another women she has pink hair early thirties or late twenties she had the biggest smile on her face it made me feel a little bit better she was quite skinny from what I could see, did not have as much muscles mass as everyone else but yet I could tell she could be dangerous if she needs to be. The last one was another woman short hair had more cuts and bruises than skin it looks like she doesn't mess around she gave me this hissing noise and she was pretty burly as well.

My HUD starts to bring up their names and occupations.

Name: Dr. Lance stormer

Occupation: Hunter (field medic)

Age: 72


Name: Alice Graves

Occupation: hunter (support)

Age: 41


Name: Ivan stross

Occupation: hunter (big game)

Age: 37


Name: Taya Stark

Occupation: hunter (Field scientists)

Age: 23

next but not last

Name: Yvonne Heavens

Occupation: Hunter(solo)

Age: 28 .

All members of the council

Two missing:

Names : Drake and Melanie dragnov

A memory floods to my mind of the last two who I apparently knew rather well. Married both remarkable hunter I've even assisted some of their missions.

I speak first " I'm not quite sure why you summoned me on my day off did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all Roxas we are here to discuss what you did the other day even though you weren't called into this dispatch call." says Ivan

"As you recall, the other day you were on patrol like normal suddenly you started to venture off in another direction first a fast walk then a sudden sprint" Dr. Lance says as a video feed plays in front of me

They bring up another camera angle that shows a neighborhood with middle class houses but what I really notice was a lot of wolf like creatures running around after civilians and a few dead bodies around.

I thought for a second I would be afraid, appalled or even angry, sad even. I was unusually calm I guess this wasn't the first time I saw this. As soon as I came into the area I start to experience it by the machine as if I'm living it all over again

I had ran at least ten miles away from my post, as I walked closer I saw the wolf like creatures chasing small children. My HUD lights up and I hear Gilbert's voice Sir I see five category six dire lobokin. "Gilbert mark them display them on my map that way i know where they are." I say

They are marked on my map, I see a hatch in the ground open slightly knowing it's a bunker. I'm guessing whoever is in there is trying to let the children in but not the categories. I slowly move to the closest house next to the bunker and wait I can see the children running in my direction and the person swing the latch open and motions for them to come inside only one category is chasing them the others are either patrolling around where someone is up high or are eating the dead bodies. The children get closer to me once they past me the category is about to run past but I get in front of it stab it in the base of the head and it dies without a sound. I hear the latch close behind me as I set the category on the floor. I see the other four haven't noticed anything so I decide to be a little bit stealthy until I can. I look around to see the next closest one in someone's back yard feeding on someone. I slowly make my way to fenced yard. The houses where no further than five feet apart. I made my way closer when I reached the fence I jumped over it lucky on the edges of the fence was tall grass so hid as it looked around then went back to feeding. I was about to move when I got a back feeling staying still for a moment I listened. The sounds of soft breathing came no further than a foot away from me almost sounded as if someone was sleeping. I didn't think there was a human out here sleeping I knew it had to be a category, I started to move slowly towards the noise and sure enough there it was sleeping looking as if it had its fill and was sleeping it off. I was able to get on top of it without it waking it up I grabbed my curved blade(best for stabbing at the base of the neck) and stabbed it. There was little to no reaction due to the fact that where I stabbed was an instant kill for it. I looked over at my next target now I could see it had three bodies lined up to eat so I wanted to save those bodies for the families. I started to walk up slowly with the angle it was hunched over there was no way to get it with my knife without it making a sound signaling the others. I had to come up with a plan, I looked around and there was a tree to my left it was small and pretty flimsy but perfect for an improvise catapult. I tied one of the throwing knives I had and aimed it at the category. It wasn't perfect it would either hit handle side or blade side but I just need it to get it distracted. I walked towards the right to come for him on the other side of where the knife would come from. I positioned myself if this doesn't work then it will be three against one by the time I kill this one if there was only that many left. I pulled out another knife to cut the string, I took a deep breath and threw the blade the string was cut and the blade went flying towards the category. It hit it's left shoulder causing it to turn in that direction I got up and ran to it grabbing it's head I snapped it's neck and it fell lifelessly on the floor. I didn't want to get it's blood on my fellow hunters. I slowly bent over the body it was feeding on and saw a women she had her entire torso and lower part of her body eaten all that was left was her neck part of her shoulders and her head. I said I was sorry for not being there sooner. The bodies next to her were two hunters and another civilian. The civilian was a man I assume the ladies husband it looks like he tried to fight off the category but got his throat slashed "what a brave thing you did" I said as I show respect to the dead. The hunters looked like they were ambushed one had a big gash in their sides and most likely bled out, the other was stabbed cleanly through the heart. I look for their phone's due to there's usually a message for love ones recorded on them. After finding them I get up and start to head around the house and that's when I saw the worst thing I could probably see.