
The Human Orc Chronicles

"In a world where magic and mystery reign, Ethan Kent, a skilled botanist from Earth, meets an untimely demise in a tragic accident. But his story doesn't end there. Reincarnated into the small, green-skinned body of a young orc child, Ethan must adapt to a harsh and fantastical realm. His newfound life takes a dark turn when assassins strike, leaving his orc parents slain. Now, Ethan, with his Earthly knowledge and a deep sense of loss, must navigate this unfamiliar world as he embarks on a perilous journey. Alongside unlikely allies, he seeks answers, unravels ancient mysteries, and discovers his unique place in this land of magic and treachery.

cepheusvernin · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 7  The Undefeated

The day of the stage three test arrived, and all the young orc children gathered at the battleground. Some other viewers and even smaller orc children came to witness the one-on-one battles. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as young orcs discussed fighting techniques, demonstrating kicks and punches to one another.

A significant moment came when a massive Brown bear entered the scene, carrying Commander Volgar on its back, flanked by two of his subordinates. Following them were clan elders, with Chief Ulfgar leading the procession.

Chief Ulfgar made the announcement, outlining the rules for the day's battles. It would consist of one-on-one duels, and the matchups would be determined by the rankings from the previous day's tests. The top ten from yesterday remained the top ten for today, while all others would compete individually against each other. This format ensured that everyone had a fair opportunity to secure a spot in the top ten based on their victories. The ranks, from first to tenth, were Morgar, Thragg, Hilda, Grunk, Durak, Helga, Duran, Morgul, Gorrim, and Brakk.

He went on to explain that the first stage would involve  three simultaneous spars, starting with challenges from the lower-ranked warriors. Each warrior could have up to five consecutive matches. However, if anyone got injured during these bouts, they would be eliminated. The objective for this stage was to make the opponent step out of the designated circle. After these initial battles concluded, the contests among the top ten ranked warriors would follow.

And in minutes three big Circles with red color liquid are drawn on the surface of clan grounds and in middle of the each circle there is an elder and after that last three ranked orc warriors came ahead as per the instruction and after that other Three came and the spars began between the orc children and the top ten are left and the results of all the 55 battles of all children were declared by elders who are noting them and of all them the notable are few who are top five who lost less than 3 battles and the top ten from this top 56 are asked to compete with the top ten of yesterday

In this phase of the battle, the top ten wariiors from the previous day's ranking, along with top warriors from todays battle will be sparring , stepped forward to compete for the highest ranks. As Chief Ulfgar explained, the following rounds would give others the opportunity to challenge the top ten warriors if they believed they could earn a higher rank. The stage was set, and the competition was about to begin.

Morgul, Gorrim, and Brakk, the last three in the ranking, took their positions in the designated circles. Around them, the remaining top twenty contenders gathered, ready to engage in their spars. The battle for rankings was intense, with a total of nine spars scheduled to determine each warrior's place. The objective was simple: the one who won the most matches would secure the highest rank.

In the first circle, the combatants were Morgul and the eleventh-ranked orc. Morgul initiated the spar with a series of punches, showing his aggression. However, his opponent skillfully blocked his attacks and countered with a powerful kick to Morgul's stomach. Morgul staggered from the blow, unable to withstand the force. They engaged in a flurry of moves, but ultimately, the opponent's well-timed kick to Morgul's ribs sent him flying backward. Morgul struggled to regain his footing, but it was in vain as he stepped out of the designated circle, signaling his defeat in this round.

The spars continued, with Morgul losing one of the last five spars. The other contenders held their positions in the rankings. As the competition progressed, the next two warriors from the top ten, Durak and Helga, stepped into the arena. Durak emerged victorious in all five of his spars, while Helga lost one to the eleventh-ranked orc, Kragthor, who proved to be a formidable opponent.

Once all the matches were completed, the final rankings were as follows: Morgor, Thragg, Hilda, Grunk, Durak, Duran, Gorrim, Brakk, and Kragthor, who had defeated both Helga and Morgur. Chief Ulfgar called for a break, allowing everyone to have some food and reconvene in an hour.

When they gathered again at the clan grounds, all the elders were present. The chief elder announced that the final placements for the top eleven would be determined through one-on-one spars. The first match was between Helga and Morgul. With Chief Ulfgar's shout, Helga swiftly charged, crashing into Morgul with her knees, catching him off guard. Morgul, unprepared, couldn't defend himself and took a blow to the face. Helga then fell to the ground, but she wasted no time, launching another attack on Morgul. She rained punches on his face as he lay on the ground, bleeding from his nose. He managed to push her back, but the damage was done, and he surrendered.

Helga's fierce display sent shivers through the onlookers. In her subsequent matches, she faced other top-ranking warriors and, although she didn't emerge victorious, she put up a formidable fight. After her battles, only the top four contenders remained, and Helga took a well-deserved rest. Morgul, who had been injured during their spar, was escorted to the clan healer by one of the elders.

Following Helga, Brakk, who had defeated her, stepped into the circle. He challenged the top-ranked warriors but was defeated by them in turn. Brakk lost all the matches with every one above him.

Following Brakk's matches, Gorrim confidently entered the circle, challenging the next contender, Duran. As the spar commenced, Gorrim attacked with the ferocity of a beast, throwing punches and grappling Duran, using his shoulder to push him back. But Duran displayed remarkable resilience, enduring the onslaught.

In a surprising turn of events, Duran managed to land a powerful kick to Gorrim's knee. The pain made Gorrim scream out, causing him to fall back and momentarily favor his injured leg. Duran, seizing the opportunity, attempted to strike Gorrim in the back of the shoulder, but Gorrim swiftly bent down on one knee, lessening the impact. Duran lost his balance, stumbling forward onto Gorrim.

In that split second, Gorrim capitalized on the situation. He grabbed Duran, using his momentum to drag him, and with a powerful heave, he tossed Duran out of the circle. The unexpected twist left the spectators looking on in surprise, but Grunk, appreciating the tactical brilliance of the move, found it strangely beautiful. After that Gorrrim Took break and Duran continued his battles but got silenced by losses.

Durak, the next challenger, stepped into the circle to face Grunk. The spar began, and Grunk wasted no time taking the initiative. He lunged forward with a punch, catching Durak off guard. Durak swiftly shifted into a defensive stance, but Grunk had a different plan. He delivered a forceful kick to Durak's abdomen, causing him to stagger.

Durak attempted to counter by grabbing Grunk's legs, but he failed to notice the vulnerability in his own defense. Grunk took advantage, landing punches on both of Durak's sides as if he were pounding a punching bag. Durak retreated, panting heavily, and Grunk closed in, continuing his assault. Despite Durak's attempts to dodge, Grunk swiftly struck him with an elbow, sending him reeling. As Durak fell, Grunk showed no mercy, delivering a final kick to his abdomen. Durak got injured and got sent to healers with an elder.

After Gorrim's victory, Helga stepped into the circle for her remaining challenges. Her next challenger was Grunk, and as he entered the ring, he wasted no time in launching an assault. He understood the need to be cautious when facing Helga, and so he initiated the attack.

With a burst of speed, Grunk charged forward, leaping into the air and delivering a powerful punch to Helga's jaw. The impact caused her to wince in pain, momentarily disoriented. Capitalizing on the opening, Grunk swiftly descended, sweeping her legs out from under her and delivering a well-placed kick. Helga tumbled to the ground with a groan, struggling to regain her bearings.

Before she could react, Grunk pressed his advantage. He halted his punch inches from her face, forcing her to surrender and admit defeat. The entire sequence of events unfolded in a matter of moments, leaving everyone in the circle shocked by the speed and precision of Grunk's victory.

Helga Took Shock and took a break and after that  Duran who washed came and Challanged Grunk and he got overwhelmed and got kicked out of Circle and Duran challenged others and coudnt have chance defennding and got thrown out. And Duran spars concluded by losses and Helga came with slightly swollen face but gave good spars to top three contenders.

Next in line to challenge Grunk was Hilda. The spar began, and Grunk assumed a defensive stance. Hilda moved in, attempting to seize his hips, but Grunk had other plans. With a sudden burst of agility, he leaped high into the air, catching Hilda by surprise. He propelled her downwards, forcing her face into the ground. While she lay prone, Grunk seized her arm and twisted it, his foot pressing down on her back. The excruciating pain caused Hilda to scream out, and spectators began to see Grunk in a new light. It wasn't just raw power; his technique was impressive.

Amidst Hilda's cries of pain, she conceded defeat, acknowledging Grunk's superior skills. With this victory, it became evident that Grunk's strength lay not only in sheer power but also in finesse. 

Hilda moved on to face Thragg, and the two engaged in a fierce struggle. She gained the upper hand by grasping one of Thragg's thighs, causing him to stumble. She swiftly delivered a rib-crushing kick, and although Thragg countered with punches, Hilda skillfully defended herself. Closing in on Thragg, she executed a precise move, grabbing his arm and kneeing him in the face, throwing him off balance. With a final effort, she propelled him out of the circle, securing her victory.

Hilda's next opponent was Morgar, but despite her formidable skills, she couldn't overcome the experienced warrior and ultimately lost in their exchanges.

The highly anticipated final battle had arrived, pitting Morgar, the son of the chieftain who had always aspired to rise above all, against Grunk, the enigmatic warrior who had never taken a spar seriously, relying solely on his sheer strength and power. Spectators gathered with eager anticipation, for in all the previous spars, neither of them had sustained a scratch, and no opponent had landed a significant blow on them. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they stepped into the circle, and a transformation swept over both warriors. Morgar's countenance turned stern, his determination evident in his demeanor, while Grunk's gaze sharpened, his eyes seemingly capable of perceiving every detail of their impending clash.

Grunk, ever the analytical warrior, assumed a defensive stance, his eyes fixed firmly on Morgor. With calculated caution, Morgar launched a punch from the side, akin to a slashing strike. Grunk's swift reaction saw him parrying the incoming blow with his armored forearm, forcefully deflecting the attack aside. The exchange of punches, swift and powerful, continued for what seemed like an eternity, both warriors displaying immense strength and skill. After a minute of relentless strikes, they both stepped back momentarily, a short-lived respite in their ferocious duel.

In the blink of an eye, Grunk sprang into action, leaping high into the air and descending upon Morgar with a punch aimed squarely at his adversary. However, Morgar, ever the vigilant opponent, had seen this maneuver coming and swiftly countered. He unleashed a kick aimed at Grunk's legs, successfully thwarting his aerial assault. Yet, even as he descended rapidly, Grunk's instinctual reflexes kicked in, and he clutched Morgar's leg, yanking him downward.

Now, Morgar was perched atop Grunk, reigning down a flurry of punches upon his face. Grunk deftly maneuvered his head to evade the worst of the blows, all the while countering with punches of his own. Morgar, growing frustrated with the defensive battle, took hold of Grunk's head with one hand, intent on delivering a punishing blow with the other.

However, Grunk's hands, previously tucked beneath his knees, broke free and moved into action. With rapid precision, he launched a powerful punch towards Morgor's upper arm, successfully defending against the impending strike. With a forceful growl, Grunk once again summoned his might and unleashed a resounding punch to Morgar's face, sending his adversary sprawling out of the circle.

Morgar, his fierce countenance now reflecting the spirit of a beast hungry for vengeance, clambered to his feet, his gaze never leaving Grunk. Grunk, though battered and bruised, remained calm and analytical. Slowly, deliberately, he approached his opponent, while Morgar mirrored his movements, both warriors poised for the impending clash. 

Morgar initiated the engagement with a swift punch, but Grunk danced aside, dodging the blow with grace. In a seamless motion, Grunk executed a spinning kick, a full 360-degree rotation, connecting solidly with Morgar's ribs. Simultaneously, Grunk delivered another precise kick to the back of Morgar's knees, sending him sprawling to the ground once more. Grunk, seizing the initiative once again, moved in swiftly to capitalize on his advantage, poised to make Morgar surrender. But Morgor who fell rolled into distance and Stood up.

In the eyes of the spectators, this battle had evolved into a mesmerizing spectacle, a fierce dance of two predators vying for dominance—a captivating clash that resembled two mighty snakes locked in a coiled struggle, their movements calculated and precise, their ferocity matched only by their unwavering determination.

Morgar, fueled by a relentless determination, surged forward like a ferocious beast. His powerful punch sliced through the air, aimed squarely at Grunk. With astounding agility, Grunk swiftly bent backward to evade the oncoming blow. However, to his astonishment, Morgar's cunning move continued unabated. In a whirlwind of movement, Morgar's knee connected solidly with Grunk's midsection.

The impact was jarring, and Grunk couldn't help but let out a pained groan as he instinctively clutched at Morgar's knee. He attempted to regain his footing, but the searing pain radiating from his abdomen held him momentarily hostage. Morgar, seizing the opportunity, wrenched his knee free from Grunk's grasp and nimbly evaded his grasp, allowing himself to land safely on the ground.

Undeterred by his own ordeal, Grunk summoned his indomitable spirit and surged back into action. He unleashed a swift kick towards Morgar, a move born of his burning desire to conclude the battle swiftly. Morgar, ever resilient, landed with grace and poise, ready to continue the fight.

Grunk recognized the toll that Morgar's relentless barrage of punches and kicks was taking on him. He knew he needed to find a decisive opening and exploit it before his own stamina waned. Determinedly, Grunk began to strategize. His eyes flicked over Morgar's form, searching for vulnerabilities, targets upon which he could unleash his formidable strength.

With a deep breath, Grunk charged forward, his intentions clear. He initiated with a feint, causing Morgar to react defensively. In the blink of an eye, Grunk executed a powerful uppercut, reminiscent of boxing techniques from his training days. The punch found its mark, connecting with Morgar's jaw with resounding force. Morgar's head snapped back from the sheer impact of the blow.

Before Morgar could fully recover his composure, Grunk's relentless assault continued. A swift kick hammered into Morgar's abdomen, leaving him momentarily breathless and staggering. With precision and aggression, Grunk rained punches down upon Morgar's temples, each blow calculated to disorient and weaken.

In a final, furious burst of energy, Grunk, now fiercely defending against Morgar's attempts to counter, abruptly drove his elbow into Morgar's side. The force of the blow was jarring, and Morgar teetered dangerously close to the edge of the circle.

With unwavering resolve, Grunk saw his opportunity and seized it. He launched himself downward, delivering a powerful kick to Morgar's two legs. Morgar's balance crumbled, and he tumbled to the ground, his lower half sprawled outside the boundaries of the circle. Desperately, he tried to rise, but Grunk was upon him, relentless and unyielding.

Grunk's fists struck Morgar's exposed body repeatedly, a relentless barrage that left Morgar gasping for breath. Defenseless, Morgar could only weather the storm, attempting to shield his vulnerable ribs as Grunk continued his onslaught. 

The crowd watched in awe as the battle between these two formidable warriors reached its zenith. Grunk's determination, unbreakable, had driven him to the brink of victory, while Morgar, battered and weary, clung to the remnants of his strength. The outcome hung in the balance as the relentless Grunk showed no mercy, fighting with the ferocity of a true warrior. Morgar, battered and bruised, had no choice but to admit defeat. He slowly, and with evident pain, left the circle, a testament to the brutal intensity of the battle he had just endured.

Chief Ulfgar stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of all. In a resounding voice, he began to announce the final rankings. Grunk, the victor of the intense sparring battles, claimed the top spot. Morgar, despite his valiant efforts, had to settle for second place. Hilda, Thragg, and Durak followed closely behind, rounding out the top five.

As the names were called, the gathered orcs listened intently, absorbing the results of the arduous competitions. Chief Ulfgar continued, explaining that the top five warriors would be granted a unique opportunity. They were to embark on a hunt alongside Commander Volgar, an honor that filled them with anticipation. However, they were also granted a brief respite of two days to recover from their strenuous battles.

Following this well-deserved rest, they would undergo rigorous training sessions in preparation for the upcoming first hunt, a significant event that would test their skills and mark their transition into full-fledged warriors.

om then after rest before the first hunt.

Here is the ranking list based on the results of the sparring battles:

1. Grunk - 0 losses

2. Morgar - 1 loss

3. Hilda - 2 losses

4. Thragg - 3 losses

5. Durak - 1 loss and eliminated due to injury from a spar with Grunk

6. Gorrim - 5 losses

7. Duran - Eliminated due to injury from a spar with Gorrim

8. Brakk - 7 losses

9. Kragthor - 8 losses

10. Helga - 9 losses

11. Morgul - 10 losses

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