
The Human Orc Chronicles

"In a world where magic and mystery reign, Ethan Kent, a skilled botanist from Earth, meets an untimely demise in a tragic accident. But his story doesn't end there. Reincarnated into the small, green-skinned body of a young orc child, Ethan must adapt to a harsh and fantastical realm. His newfound life takes a dark turn when assassins strike, leaving his orc parents slain. Now, Ethan, with his Earthly knowledge and a deep sense of loss, must navigate this unfamiliar world as he embarks on a perilous journey. Alongside unlikely allies, he seeks answers, unravels ancient mysteries, and discovers his unique place in this land of magic and treachery.

cepheusvernin · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 5: Making New Friends

Within the solemn confines of the Frostfang meeting hall, ancient stone walls bore the weathered marks of time, etched with the stories of generations past. The architecture, though austere, carried a profound sense of grandeur. Approaching the hall, one encountered imposing stone doors adorned with intricate symbols and patterns. Upon crossing the threshold, the grandeur of the hall revealed itself—an imposing vertical space that seemed to reach towards the heavens, reminiscent of a cathedral consecrated to the clan's history. Torches, casting warm, inviting light, lined the length of the hall, creating dancing shadows on the stone.

At the far end of the hall, a colossal stone throne rested upon a raised platform, flanked by towering stone pillars. Seated upon the throne was Clan Chieftain Hrothgar, exuding an aura of calm authority. Below him sat various clan elders and members, including Chief Ulfgar.

Chieftain Hrothgar addressed the assembled clan members, his voice carrying weight and wisdom. "We have found a young child who wandered into our territory a few days ago. He claims to have lost his memory. I ask you all to remain vigilant and observant."

Chief Ulfgar added, "Despite our efforts, we have uncovered no clues about his origins. My subordinates scoured the forest but found no answers."

The chieftain nodded thoughtfully. "Let us grant the child the freedom to live among us and pursue his path. But remember, keep a watchful eye, and allow him to find his way."

After that, they talked about the clan affairs and dispersed, and word about Grunks Spread to all the Clan.


As the first rays of dawn gently caressed the horizon, Grunk stirred from his stone bed. The rosy pink and golden hues of the morning sky painted a serene picture. He equipped his blade, strapping it securely to his side, ready for the day's endeavors. Grunk's first intention was to head towards the nearby forest, driven by the desire to explore and gather sustenance. However, his initial encounter with the Gatekeeper revealed that there were rules to be followed.

The Gatekeeper, an imposing figure, halted Grunk's progress, informing him that, as a child, he wasn't allowed to venture beyond the clan's boundaries unattended. A restriction was imposed upon him, and Grunk complied with the rules, understanding the importance of abiding by the clan's customs. But fate had different plans in store for him.

A middle-aged warrior appeared, allowing Grunk to proceed beyond the clan's borders. However, he was sternly warned not to take any children with him, under the threat of banishment. Grunk absorbed this information and embarked on his journey, the forest beckoning him with its mysteries.

As he walked towards the forest, Grunk's thoughts swirled with determination and practicality. He knew that he needed more sustenance than the clan's rations could provide. His body required nourishment to thrive, and he was willing to go the extra mile to ensure he had the energy and strength to face the challenges ahead. He decided to explore other sources of food, either through hunting or gathering, to supplement his meals. In addition to sustenance, Grunk grasped the importance of honing his skills as a warrior, a skillset that could be invaluable in his new life.

His journey into the forest proved fruitful. Grunk foraged for fruits to satisfy his hunger, stopping by a nearby stream to catch fish, both for immediate consumption and future use. He gathered wood. Satisfied with his efforts, Grunk returned to his dwelling, a house bestowed upon him by the clan.

Grunk's daily routine revolved around self-improvement. Each morning, he embarked on a vigorous run around the mountain, pushing his physical limits to build stamina. He paid a visit to the stream, washing away fatigue and returning invigorated. Grunk, keenly aware of the necessity of physical strength, transitioned to lifting heavy logs, feeling the strain in his muscles as he persisted. He knew that resilience was born from pushing his boundaries, and he welcomed the challenge.

As the sun ascended in the sky, casting its warm embrace, Grunk shifted his focus to blade practice. The forest echoed with the rhythmic sound of his movements, his blade slicing through the air with precision. Sweat poured from his brow as he honed his combat skills, his blade becoming an extension of himself. The passage of time went unnoticed as Grunk lost himself in the art of war.

Evenings were spent returning to his clan, carrying wood for sustenance, partaking of his allocated food, and seeking rest. Grunk understood that his actions should not arouse suspicion, so he maintained a balance between self-sufficiency and clan integration.

One day, as the sun reached its zenith, Grunk decided to explore the clan grounds. He observed young clan members training under Chief Ulfgar's guidance. The clan grounds buzzed with energy as children practiced their skills. However, Grunk's attention was drawn to a group of children engaged in a playful skirmish.

As he watched from a distance, two older members of the group, nearly his age, caught sight of him. They addressed him mockingly, their words laced with ridicule. "Is this the Young Hero, the Bear Slayer, come to pay us a visit?" one of them jeered, while another chimed in, "Haha, it seems he fell unconscious at the mere sight of the dead animal."

Some young orcs regarded him with curiosity, while others remained skeptical. Grunk, although affected by their taunts, knew that his actions spoke louder than words. The challenges of this new world required more than boasts; they demanded actions, and Grunk was determined to prove himself.

In the midst of the gathering, one of the eldest orc from the group of children took a step forward, challenging Grunk to spar with an air of confidence.

"Thragg, son of Thrakka, challenges you to a spar," the elder orc proclaimed, his words echoing in the open space.

For a moment, Grunk hesitated. He knew that the challenge could lead to an intense physical confrontation, and he wasn't sure if he was prepared for it. However, a fire burned within him, a desire to test his skills and prove his worth. With resolve in his voice, Grunk accepted the challenge.

"Grunk will accept the challenge," he declared, determination shining in his eyes.

With the terms set, they both prepared for the spar, electing to use no weapons. Thragg, seizing the initiative, launched a swift punch straight at Grunk's face. Reacting quickly, Grunk ducked beneath the incoming blow, avoiding a direct hit. In response, he countered with a well-placed uppercut, connecting with Thragg's chin.

Thragg staggered backward a few steps, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected strike. He wasn't one to back down easily, and he swiftly regained his composure, charging forward once more, fists poised to strike. This time, Grunk took the offensive, determined to showcase his fighting prowess.

As Thragg's powerful punch came hurtling toward him, Grunk saw it coming and attempted to meet the blow head-on. Their fists collided with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves of numbness rippling through their hands. Grunk realized that Thragg possessed formidable strength, and it was clear that he still had much to learn in terms of raw power.

However, Grunk was not without his own strengths. While he might have been physically outmatched, his skill and agility were undeniable. In a swift and calculated move, he crouched low and swept his leg beneath Thragg's feet, destabilizing his opponent.

Thragg, unable to maintain his balance, tumbled to the ground, momentarily defeated. Grunk, seizing the opportunity, climbed atop him, extending his hand in a triumphant gesture as a sign of victory. Despite the initial doubts and challenges, Grunk had emerged as the victor of the spar, proving his mettle to those who had doubted him.

After their intense spar, Grunk extended a hand to help Thragg up from the ground, a sign of mutual respect. He then brushed off the dust from his clothes and thanked Thragg for the spirited contest. As they exchanged pleasantries, an elder orc, the eldest among the group of children, stepped forward and offered his greetings.

"Morgar, son of Chieftain Hrothgar, greets you on your victory, Grunk the bear slayer," Morgar spoke, extending his hand in a friendly gesture.

Grunk graciously accepted Morgar's greeting, realizing that Morgar was none other than the brother of Chief Ulfgar. A smile graced Grunk's lips as he understood the familial connection. In this newfound camaraderie, Grunk began to see his place within the Frostfang clan, as well as the potential for strong bonds with its members.

During their conversation, Grunk learned that there were several individuals around his age, having also turned six years old. However, some of them displayed a level of immaturity that belied their physical age. Grunk decided not to judge them too harshly and welcomed the opportunity to make new friends among his peers.

Morgar also shared valuable information with Grunk. He explained that in a few months, the clan would hold its first hunt ritual, a significant event for all young orcs who had reached the age of seven. Both male and female orcs were permitted to participate in this rite of passage. During the ritual, they would be paired with a young warrior and sent on a hunt, where they would be tested and expected to bring back proof of their successful hunt. Before the ritual, they would undergo training to prepare them for the challenges ahead. Grunk listened attentively, understanding that this event would play a crucial role in shaping his future within the clan.

In the following days, Grunk dove headfirst into a regimen of rigorous training. His determination was unwavering, and he embarked on a variety of physical exercises designed to strengthen his body and hone his skills. 

Each morning, as the sun's first rays kissed the sky, Grunk would set off on a demanding run. He would navigate the challenging terrain, sprinting up and down the rugged mountain slopes, his breath coming in quick, determined bursts. The path he carved through the landscape was a testament to his relentless pursuit of physical excellence.

In addition to his running, Grunk also took to carrying heavy logs. With a steely resolve, he would hoist these cumbersome weights onto his shoulders and carry them up and down the slopes. This exercise not only built his strength but also toughened his endurance, preparing him for the challenges that lay ahead.

At the mountain's peak, Grunk undertook the task of constructing a small wooden shelter. This dwelling provided him with a place to rest and recover, as well as an opportunity to develop practical building skills. 

Balancing was another skill Grunk diligently practiced. He fashioned logs of varying heights and buried them securely in the ground. With unwavering focus, he would hop from one log to the next, perfecting his balance and agility. This exercise not only improved his physical coordination but also honed his mental discipline.

Grunk's dedication to combat training was equally relentless. He meticulously crafted large logs to serve as practice opponents, using them to refine his fighting techniques. His wooden adversaries stood tall, offering him the opportunity to engage in intense combat simulations, ensuring that he was well-prepared for any future challenges.

In addition to his wooden adversaries, Grunk fashioned a variety of spears and practiced his throwing accuracy. Each day, he would hurl these makeshift weapons with pinpoint precision, tirelessly improving his aim and control. His axe, his trusty companion, was never far from his side, and he would spend hours perfecting his strikes with it, ensuring he was a formidable force in close combat.

Amidst this demanding routine, Grunk made time to bond with his newfound friends and clanmates, Morgar and Thragg. These interactions were not only opportunities for camaraderie but also chances to exchange knowledge and experiences. They shared stories, tips, and encouragement, further strengthening the bonds of their friendship.

As Grunk continued his relentless training regimen, he decided to put his burgeoning hunting skills to the test. He ventured deeper into the surrounding wilderness, his senses sharpened to detect any signs of prey. The forest became his hunting ground, and he would spend hours tracking and stalking various small animals, learning the art of patience and stealth.

His early attempts were marked by trial and error, but Grunk's determination propelled him forward. He observed the movements of woodland creatures, studying their behavior and adapting his strategies accordingly. With each hunt, he grew more adept at predicting their patterns, closing in silently, and striking with precision.

The first successful hunt filled Grunk with a sense of accomplishment. He had managed to capture a small game animal, a testament to his newfound skills as a hunter. After carefully skinning and preparing the animal, he added it to his diet, savoring the taste of his hard-earned meal.

As days turned into weeks, Grunk's hunting prowess continued to improve. He diversified his prey, targeting different species and sizes of animals. Some days he would pursue fleet-footed creatures, honing his speed and agility in the process. On other occasions, he focused on creatures with keen senses, perfecting his ability to approach silently and evade their detection.

In the midst of his solitary hunts, Grunk received news that filled him with anticipation. The clan had announced the commencement of classes for the upcoming first hunt ritual. The prospect of participating in this significant event filled him with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Grunk yearned to learn more about the traditions and practices of his new clan, understanding that the first hunt held great significance among the Frostfangs. With eager anticipation, Grunk looked forward to the beginning of these classes. He knew that they would provide him with valuable insights into the customs and rituals of his adopted clan.