
The Human Orc Chronicles

"In a world where magic and mystery reign, Ethan Kent, a skilled botanist from Earth, meets an untimely demise in a tragic accident. But his story doesn't end there. Reincarnated into the small, green-skinned body of a young orc child, Ethan must adapt to a harsh and fantastical realm. His newfound life takes a dark turn when assassins strike, leaving his orc parents slain. Now, Ethan, with his Earthly knowledge and a deep sense of loss, must navigate this unfamiliar world as he embarks on a perilous journey. Alongside unlikely allies, he seeks answers, unravels ancient mysteries, and discovers his unique place in this land of magic and treachery.

cepheusvernin · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 14 The Inner Grounds

Amidst the revelry, with Chieftain and elders gathered at one side feasting and sharing stories, and with many orcs dancing and celebrating around the flickering fire torches that illuminated the training grounds, Grunk sat alone with his thoughts.

"What happened to me?" he pondered. "I've been reincarnated and trained to survive, but is survival all there is?" His mind drifted back to the battle with the powered beast, realizing it had been just a baby. He came to understand that strength alone might not guarantee survival in this unforgiving wilderness.

Gratitude swelled within him as he remembered the elder who had saved him. Grunk owed his life to the wise orc and felt a deep desire to express his thanks. But beyond that, he harbored an unshakable determination to become even stronger. He knew that in this wild and untamed world, strength was the key to not just surviving but thriving.

As Grunk contemplated his recent victory over Morgar, he couldn't help but acknowledge that it had been a result of wits and chance, not a true test of combat prowess. If he were to face Morgar again in a fair fight, the outcome would likely be different. Lost in these thoughts, Grunk idled for a while before rejoining his fellow orcs and enjoying their company.

Soon, an elder approached him, relaying a message from Chieftain Hrothgar that requested Grunk's presence. Accompanied by the elder, Grunk made his way toward the chieftain's table. There, Chieftain Hrothgar and Commander Volgar stood, and Grunk greeted them respectfully.

Chieftain Hrothgar then invited Grunk for a stroll, and the three of them walked away from the crowd and into the darkness. Grunk took his place in the middle, with Chieftain Hrothgar leading the way, and Commander Volgar following closely behind. Two formidable beasts trailed alongside them, adding an air of gravitas to their meeting. 

Chieftain Hrothgar abruptly halted their stroll and fixed his gaze upon Grunk. He posed a question that sent a chill down Grunk's spine, "Son, do you now remember your past? Or are you pretending to forget?"

For a moment, Grunk's heart seemed to cease beating, and he remained silent, unsure of how to respond. Chieftain Hrothgar, sensing his unease, reassured him, "There's no need to answer, my son. I've seen the bodies of your parents, or those whom I believe to be your parents. But they were not ordinary individuals. Your mother is  from a royal lineage, descendant of the great family marked by the insignia of the First Emperor's beast—a lineage of immense importance."

Pausing for a moment, Chieftain Hrothgar continued, "It remains a mystery how they found their way to a small clan, their true origins concealed even from them. Your father, I knew him well, a remarkable warrior and a from a small clan of  other kingdom. However, I must warn you, son, when your bloodline powers awaken, be vigilant. Your bloodline is no ordinary one, and its capabilities are far from commonplace."

As Chieftain Hrothgar's words settled in Grunk's mind, fragments of the past began to coalesce in his memory. He realized that his mother was not originally from his father's clan. Instead, she had come from a distant place, and his father had fallen deeply in love with her, bringing her into their midst. However, just like everyone else, even his father had remained in the dark about her true origins, as she had never revealed anything about her past. 

Grunk responded with a heartfelt gratitude, saying, "Thank you for enlightening me about my mother, and I will heed your warning."

Upon Commander Volgar's request to see his weapon, Grunk handed over his dual blades. However, Volgar seemed unsatisfied and shook his head. Grunk then presented his mother's axe, which the commander examined closely. Volgar explained, "Son, do you see this insignia? It belongs to the divine beast elk, a creature of great significance. It was the companion of the first orc emperor and played a crucial role in his victory during the war against humans. The mystery of this weapon is unknown, so handle it with care. Since we cannot offer you a physical reward for your first-place achievement, we will provide you with extensive training and access to our inner grounds. Be prepared; in a week's time, we will embark on a training journey, and you will be under my guidance."

Late at night, Morgar was fervently swinging his blade in the courtyard of his home, his movements reflecting his inner turmoil and frustration. His younger brother, observing the relentless display, approached him with concern. He gently halted Morgar's frenzied practice and urged him to take a walk.

As they strolled together, Chief Ulfgar, their father, joined them in conversation. He addressed Morgar, his tone a mixture of wisdom and fatherly concern. "Morgar, why do you push yourself to the brink of exhaustion and frustration? If your goal is to surpass others, including Grunk, you must understand your own weaknesses. Remember, while your father and uncle may be the strongest in our clan, the world beyond is vast, and there are warriors who could defeat them effortlessly. There will always be someone stronger, but that's an opportunity for growth. Don't cast yourself aside; instead, pull yourself up and mature. Strive harder, maintain a healthy rivalry, befriend your adversaries, and grow together. Helping each other rise will make both of you stronger."

These words resonated deeply with Morgar, and he embraced his brother before returning home. The night brought with it newfound determination and a desire to approach his challenges with greater wisdom and maturity.

On the following day, the young warriors gathered, each with their belongings in tow, as they prepared to journey into the inner grounds. In the outer clan grounds, the majority of the population, consisting of approximately 2000 people, resided. However, the inner grounds were reserved exclusively for warriors—those responsible for safeguarding the clan, engaging in rigorous training, and partaking in hunts.

Subsequently, the assembled group followed an elder into the forest behind the clan hall. As they ventured deeper into the woods, they stumbled upon an ancient archway, its structure showing signs of wear and adorned with mysterious engravings. What was most perplexing, however, were the stones supporting the arch; they seemed precariously balanced, yet when touched by some of the young orcs, they remained steadfast, fashioned from an unfamiliar and enigmatic material. These scattered remnants of an unknown, ancient civilization hinted at a rich history, shrouded in the mists of time, even leaving the clan's elders puzzled about their origins.


They settled beneath the expansive canopy of a colossal tree, a living giant that spanned more space than several houses combined. In this inner realm of the clan, similar arboreal giants adorned the landscape. An elder arrived, informing them that it was their duty to construct their own dwellings on these grand trees; here, they would find their homes. Each dwelling would house two young warriors. 

Taking this as their cue, Grunk, Morgar, Hilda, Helga, Gornak, and Kragthor took action. Hilda and Helga paired up to create their own cozy abode. Meanwhile, Gornak approached Morgar, proposing they share a house, their bond stemming from Gornak's lineage as the son of the Chieftain of the Snowforest clan, which Morgar readily accepted. Kragthor extended the same offer to Grunk, who agreed.These three houses were strategically positioned on sturdy branches close to the trunk of the colossal tree. Others among the young warriors selected their spots to construct their own homes. It took them a full day of labor to complete the task. Grunk, drawing upon the knowledge from his previous life, made various enhancements, resulting in structures that not only looked impressive but also garnered the admiration of many fellow orcs.

In the evening, a senior orc, with several other elders, arrived with food supplies. They shared a meal, and as night fell, they retired to their newly constructed houses.

The next morning, Grunk and Kragthor started their day early with a rigorous training session, jogging around the inner grounds they had explored the day before. They exercised and sparred, pushing each other to improve. On their way back to the main tree, they stumbled upon another piece of the broken ancient architecture that had piqued Grunk's curiosity. He examined it closely, clearing away dust and plucking some small herbs that had grown around it.

Within the broken structure, Grunk discovered strange writings accompanied by intricate drawings. Some diagrams depicted swinging motions, while others seemed to illustrate a form of meditation or absorption of energy. There were also depictions of powerful sword techniques, four in total. Grunk wanted to explore further, but tree roots had entangled the structure. Determined to uncover more secrets, Grunk carefully cut away the obstructing roots.

As they continued to investigate, a horn from the central tree sounded, signaling everyone to gather. Grunk and Kragthor, their bodies glistening with sweat from their morning training, joined their fellow young warriors.

The senior orcs had announced a gathering, and everyone quickly assembled within 15 minutes. As they gathered, a resounding horn blast signaled the commencement of the event. The young warriors followed the senior orcs to the inner training grounds, where they found themselves divided into three groups based on their ages.

The first years comprised those who had recently completed their first hunt, around 7 years of age. The second years were slightly older, at 8 years, and the third years were the eldest, ranging from 9 to 10 years old. The training grounds were vast, equipped with various wooden weapons, dummies, ropes, and other training equipment. Many elders and seniors stood on a raised wooden stage, overseeing the proceedings.

Amidst the crowd, an elder arrived with a fearsome and peculiar beast—a red snake with a horn. It coiled around the elder as they approached. The assembled seniors and elders paid their respects, greeting the imposing figure who towered over everyone else with his fiery red hair. This formidable orc was none other than Urdokk, the Warchief of the Frost Fang clan.

Warchief Urdokk's voice reverberated across the assembly as he addressed the young warriors, "Welcome, newcomers. From today onward, you will reside within the inner grounds to shape your destinies. If you prove yourselves, you may one day join the legions of the kingdom, where young talents from many clans, some equal to or even greater than ours, are honed. For the next three years, you shall be under our guidance, led by numerous esteemed elders. Abide by their teachings, and do not compel me to single you out for causing any trouble, or you may find yourself as sustenance for my snake."

Stepping down from the stage and moving closer to the gathered youths, Warchief Urdokk continued, "Third years, you shall continue your training and take two years along with you." He then turned his attention to the first-year group and inquired, "Who among you is under the guidance of Volgar?"

Grunk stepped forward, showing his respect. Warchief Urdokk acknowledged him, saying, "You may access the books as you requested, under your master's guidance, and an elder shall provide you with support."

Grunk and the other young warriors respectfully bowed before returning to the group. The elderly Orc warrior, whose wisdom was as ancient as the mountains, beckoned them to follow him. He led them at a measured pace, though they struggled to keep up. Finally, they arrived at a place where the crumbling remnants of an age-old orc architecture still stood.

The elderly Orc gestured to a series of intricate drawings etched upon stone, their lines telling a story that stretched back into the dawn of time. "Behold, young ones," he said, "these drawings unveil the ancient origins of our people. They speak of a time when Orcs were believed to be descendants of divine giants. Yet, a curse befell us, for our strength outmatched all, and as centuries passed, humans turned against us. They launched ruthless attacks on our clans."

He continued, "In the darkest hours, the first Orc Emperor emerged. With unwavering resolve, he united all Orc clans and bestowed upon them divine warrior techniques. He defeated the human emperors, establishing the mighty Orc Kingdom. Sworn oaths were made to refrain from conflict for four centuries. Presently, we are in the year 380, and the looming war draws near, poised to shatter this era of peace."

The elderly Orc's voice grew even more solemn as he continued, "The peace we have cherished will crumble, and the flames of war will rage across our lands. We Orcs are a warlike people, but as our ancestors revealed, humans possess a different warrior's essence. They wield weapons and, at times, become harbingers of destruction, capable of wiping out many of us in a single stroke. They are called Mages."

"In the annals of history," he proclaimed, "the first Orc Emperor was known to have encountered a mighty Giant family during his travels. From them, he acquired unparalleled knowledge. The Divine Elk, a wondrous creature with wings of the Phoenix, scales of the Dragon, and the ability to breathe fire while bestowing healing like ice, became his loyal companion. This incredible being aided the first Orc Emperor in his conquests, granting him divine wisdom and techniques to establish our empire. Thus, we have thrived and evolved, drawing from the wisdom of the Giants and the power of the Divine Elk as our guides."

  "The Divine Elk vanished upon the natural end of the first Orc Emperor's life. Some legends speak of the Emperor himself fading into obscurity alongside the majestic beast. However, it marked a turning point in our history."

He continued, "The mantle of leadership shifted to the disciples of the Orc Emperor, as he ascended to the heavens. The reign of the disciples has spanned generations, with the current Emperor approaching his three hundred and fifty years. His descendants continue to rule the expansive Orc Empire, which extends dominion over the central lands. These central territories surpass the combined expanse of the seven surrounding kingdoms."

"The Great Orc Empire," he explained, "holds dominion over the central realm, encircled by seven distinct kingdoms. To the north stand the formidable Galciahiem Kingdom and the Frost Peak Kingdom, under whose rule we proudly serve. In the west, the Crimson Claw Kingdom thrives, while the east boasts the Iron Fang Kingdom. To the south lie three robust kingdoms: Blaze Tusk, Inferno Forge, and Thunder Claw."

These kingdoms, each with its unique character and strengths, contribute to the vibrant mosaic of the Orc Empire's complex geopolitical landscape, creating a tapestry of power and intrigue across the realm.

As the lesson came to a close, the elderly Orc instructor informed his students, "You may now proceed to your designated areas. Wait near the grand tree, and your respective lecturers will arrive shortly to continue your education." 

Grunk, however, couldn't resist the allure of those enigmatic diagrams. He lingered and scrutinized them carefully. In those ancient etchings, he discerned colossal figures—giants, it seemed—engaged in monumental feats. There were depictions of these giants constructing towering obelisks and pyramid-like structures, their colossal hands shaping the very landscape. The diagrams unfolded a saga of creation, capturing scenes of epic forges and enigmatic rituals. His eyes were drawn to the mysterious illustration of a rare herb, unlike any he had encountered before.

Grunk's curiosity had been piqued, and these cryptic images stirred something within him, sparking a newfound interest in the arcane knowledge of the Orcs' ancient past.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

cepheusvernincreators' thoughts