
A bit of a cheeky attack, A lot of attention and a new house!

When we got home we did our normal routine of giving each other a passionate kiss then I do my homework. I finished that up and changed. I changed into a pair of tight black shorts and a black cropped tank top. I walked out to the sight of Dabi cooking. I smiled and walked over to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled up at him. He looked at me with a very lovesick look. "God your to beautiful to be let out of my sight," he sighed. I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. When he seized my lips I smiled while kissing him. Then he finally released me and went back to cooking. I walked over to the couch and watched some shows while waiting. Then I had a idea. Because I'm a Omega and Dabi's a alpha. Doesn't that mean he could bite me? Then I could be his mate forever right? I sighed to myself and looked back at him to find him staring at my neck. Apparently he had the same thought. I smirked and walked over to the kitchen. He had set the food on the table. I walked right up to him.

"Bite me~," I whispered in his ear his arms snakes around my waist and he gently kissed my neck.

"Are you sure?" He questioned softly. I felt floaty and nodded. He licked my neck and bit me softly though it wasn't deep enough to mark me if anything it was a live bite. He was shaking slightly when he moved to another place licked it and bit hard enough to draw a little blood I winced but I was fine. He took my hand led me to the bathroom and put a bandage on my wound. He had took into consideration my uniform and hero outfit so he bit under where the collar of my sweatshirt and uniform top would be. He stopped the slight bleeding, and put a bandage over it.

"Hey babe?" I asked softly. He looked at me in the mirror and had a curious gaze. "What if I bought us a big house?" He looked at me with a little surprise. "It could also have a hidden place for villain stuff!" I cheered enthusiastically. He looked at me with a smile.

"Sounds nice," he replied gently. I smiled and twirled back around to face him. I looked my arms around his neck and looked at him. He looked back at me and gave me a kiss. It got more and more passionate by the second. When I was panting and he was also he raised me up and set me in the end he of the sink. I squeezed my thighs around his waist and kept kissing him. He broke away to examine me with pleasure. I looked messed probably. I was probably going into heat. I started kissing him again. And remembered that only the Alpha that bit me can feel my heat. I leaned my body more into him and arched my back plastering myself against him.

"Love your gonna get yourself into heat," he said after breaking the kiss. I sighed because I knew he was right. I put my hands in his hair. When he accidentally touched the mark on my back I let out a noise that sounded like a girls moan. He looked at me with surprise. I covered my mouth and he picked me back up. He walked into my room and set me on my bed. When he pinched my arm I let out the same sound. He smacked my ass and I let the sound out but it was louder. He smirked and I could tell he was enjoying this. Though I would be lying if I said I wasn't. When he finally let me go I was panting and drooling. He licked up my drool and ravished me til I had enough air. I sat up slowly with the help of him. We went back out to the dining room and I saw that the food was still warm. We had spicy curry for dinner then we watched movies again only this time til a little later. I remembered they were planning to do an attack today. They had told me just to stay a little out of it. And only save people because I needed to keep my reputation. And I had a cheeky thought. The movie finished and I started feeling sleepy so I took a shower and went to bed I felt Dabi crawl in next to me and wrap me into his arms. I turned around and cuddled into him. I then fell asleep. I woke up and did my normal morning routine of showering, getting into my uniform, getting my things together and I slipped something else into my bag.

"Are you going to the attack today babe?" He nodded and watched me. When I grabbed a bottle of pills his eyes widened when he looked at me with a questioning face I showed him what kind of pills they are, birth control. His face became a little bit of a crimson blush. I shook my head with a smile. I stuck those in my bag. And remembered it's only Wednesday. I wanted it to be Friday already so I could start looking for a house that met my needs. Then I remembered Shigaraki talking about a villain that had a side job as a builder so if I needed to I could hire him to make me a side room that's secret for all my villain stuff. I returned from my thoughts and picked m backpack up. I gave him a quick kiss and went to the mirror and covered up the two love bites. I waved to him and walked to school in the company of some of my friends. When I got there some people were looking at me as if I was a angel sent from above.

I smiled and waved at some people. When we got to our class I sat at my desk and made a granola bar. Everyone looked at me as if I had just slain a dragon. I sighed and stared up at the front while getting some things together in a tiny bag I slid my pills in quickly and then I put my white and gold stick in the tiny bag I set it down on my desk and took out a pair of white gloves with gold trimming. I set them on my desk and silently walked over to my costume box. I set my gloves in it. And then I put the small bag into my utility belt. I went back to my seat and grabbed another small bag I put some small snacks into the bag. I tied the bag onto a loop for my belt. Then I thought better of it and poured the snacks into a small pouch on my belt. Then I felt I was done then I remembered something else I slid in my bag earlier and with super speed slid it into the same pouch as the pills. I smirked and closed the suit's box. I walked back to my seat and people were watching me. I saw Denki wave at me and I smirked even more and walked over to him.

"Ready for the attack?" I whispered he smiled and nodded I smiled back and covered our wicked intentions with a hug. "Good to know, I have other plans with Dabi while that whole thing is going down," I whispered with a smirk. He whistled and clapped me on the back. I smiled at him. "So you got your eyes on anyone?" He shook his head he seemed like he remembered something.

"I heard that Shigaraki is hiring someone new as another one of us," he said with a bit on enthusiasm. I looked at him curiously. "It's someone in 1-B named Shinso." I nodded and remembered the boy who looked at me with disgust from 1-B. I sighed and gave Denki another hug.

"I'll talk to you later class is about to start," he nodded and we smiled at each other. I walked back to my seat and sat down. Then Aizawa showed up. He explained what we were doing today, even though I already knew. I acted a little surprised and then covered up my emotions. He had us all put on our hero outfit and I had my wings spread out after I put my hero outfit on I made a few changes to my outfit and made it so that there was a Velcro part on my back that could be removed. It made it so if I wanted my wings I could have them then if I didn't I could stick the Velcro cloth back on. I'd have to do that for my Villain outfit when I got home. I chose to have my wings out and put the two Velcro parts into a pocket on my utility belt. I slid my gloves on, then I slid a new pair of white and gold sneakers on. I had enhanced these to be lightweight and almost like they weren't there so I could run even faster. I was about on out my sweatshirt back on when one of the boys in there, named Sero walked up behind me and touched the bite on my back. I kept in the moan I wanted to let out and whipped around to see him.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked with a little hostility. He backed away a bit and I glared a bunch of tiny daggers at him. When Kacchan saw what was happening he stepped up to Sero and smacked his hand away. He stood in front of me. I thanked my lucky stars for Kacchan. Aero backed away when Todoroki also came and stood in front of me. I thanked my lucky stars again and gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I slid my tank sweatshirt on. I grabbed my other clothes folded them up and set them inside the box. I walked out with Kacchan and Todoroki on my trail. We got onto the bus and all eyes drifted to us. Making enemies with us was out of the question because we were the closest friend group yet. Todoroki was basically my brother now and Kacchan is my childhood friend. We all sat together in a group Denki sat by us also. I chatted with people from time to time then at one point apparently I fell asleep on Todoroki's shoulder. When I woke up it was because he was shaking me slightly. Almost everyone had their phones out taking a video or picture of us. Even some of the teachers.

"Ah! Sorry Shoto-Kun!" I was a little flustered but regained my composure. People who were taking videos didn't regret it. When Aizawa also clicked a photo of this cute moment I sighed in embarrassment.

"We're here kids," Aizawa said sleepily. I nodded and had some munches of my snacks. I gave some to Kacchan and Todoroki. When we stepped inside even I was a little amazed at the size of the place. Then I saw the pro hero 13. So it was rescue training. When she held up 3 fingers is when I noticed All Might wasn't here I had just recently manifested the quirk to read minds. So I read Thirteen's and got some very important and useful information from her. I knew the LOV would still come though so I didn't worry about it. I would just put this information down into my notebook. When thirteen started explaining what we were doing is when the huge purple wall appears and out stepped my entertainment also knows as the LOV. When I saw Dabi step out my heart skipped a beat and I was flustered. He decided to put on something different then his normal villain attire. I saw Shoto's face drop when he also saw his brother. I rubbed his back and he calmed down.

"It's okay Shoto you know it's not like he's ever hurt you or his other siblings the only person he'd probably hurt is your dad," we both chuckled and giggled at that. He nodded and got ready to fight anyone but Touya. When Dabi saw me I saw that he got a little flustered as-well. I walked over to the side and stepped into a portal Kurogiri made for me. I ignored the fighting around me and when I came out on the other side I was in a secluded place with Dabi right next to me. He started kissing me and I kissed him back I saw everyone was worried about where I had gone but was surprised they didn't see me. I was literally in all white and gold kissing a villain! Seriously these people were blind. He had me pinned against the wall and I folded my wings back into my body. We were passionately kissing and I was hoisted up onto his waist and felt he was turned on I smirked while kissing him still and pulled him even closer. I kept kissing him and whispered sweet and seductive things in his ear. He was smirking immensely now. When we stopped kissing I noticed almost everyone had been sent to a area and had Kurogiri send me to the water area. It was just Tsuyu there and I decided to help her by flicking the water and making a huge whirlpool that sucked the villains in but Kurugiri made a portal so they would just go to the infirmary of the Villains I swam over to Tsuyu and picked her up my angel wings unfolded again and I flew her to right next to the plaza. I flew over to where Momo, Jiro, and Kaminari were. Kaminari saw me and I swooped down have him a slight nod and made a tarp for the girls and covered them I swooped back up and he went out a lot of bolts enough to shock all of them except another electric type. I swooped back down grabbed bath the girls and saw Kaminari start his act of being 'dumb' I set the girls down with Tsu and grabbed Kaminari who snickered and went back to being 'dumb' I then swooped to where Tokoyami, and Ojiro were I saw that they had it handled and swooped around. Seeing as the only other group was Kirishima and Kacchan. I knew Kacchan had it handled and Kirishima probably did to. So I swooped back to where i had seen Todoroki and saw that Hagakure was there to so I swooped down felt were her head was and sling her over my shoulder. I set her down with the rest of em and saw her put her gloves back on. I smiled. Though I was groaning inside because I had to save these hero's. So instead of waiting there with them I went up to above the wall of purple and sat on a cloud I made. I pulled my scythe out and watched Aizawa fighting Shigaraki see Aizawa was one of the teachers I liked. So I swooped down and stuck my pole between Shigaraki and Aizawa then gave Shigaraki a warning glance. He whispered something like 'baby with a knife' and backed down. I turned around to Aizawa and gave him a genuine sweet smile. I remembered that Uraraka, Iida, Mina, Sero, and Aoyama were still up at the entrance. I walked leisurely up there gave Sero a glare and with my angelic appearance he looked down. I continued walking until I was in front of Kurogiri and gave him a wink he nodded slightly and disappeared see the plan was to kill All Might and if he wasn't there I would just 'defend' everyone from the villains and ward then away with a single glance. Kurogiri and the rest of the villains disappears but before Dabi did he waved at me and Shoto. We smiled back at him before Everton crowded around us. Mostly around me though seeing as I had been able to take the villains down with a glance. And I had 'saved' them all. I just smiled at them and Aizawa put his hand on my shoulder. I held my Scythe behind me like a anime girl and smiled. I took a few skittles out of my pocket and munched on them I offered some to people but they turned me down saying they didn't deserve anything after I saved their lives. I sighed and ate skittles by myself then when I offered some to Shoto he agreed and I smiled happily. I gave him some and he munched on them with me. On the bus ride back I chatted more with people and talked about my quirks and theirs. What they didn't know was that this information was going to be used against them. I took mental notes and stored them in the front of my memory. When we got back to school news of the villain attack had already hit every channel possible and the news that I saved everyone also hit the news. I saw All

might was about to head to the place when he heard the news. I smirked and stepped out of the bus I was swarmed by reporters and news channels and hero agency offers. I chuckled and headed to the school no one dared enter the grounds again and I walked into the building feeling a gaze in my back I turned around and saw that all the people who had been trying to interview All Might had turned to trying to interview me to the point they had completely forgotten about him. So he was staring at me. I saw that some just wanted pictures so I asked Aizawa if I could and he begrudgingly agreed. So I posed for pictures answered questions, let news people interview me, let some tabloids interview me and let some of those ya aloud take pictures of me. I let some toy companies ask me questions about my hero costume and I answered them with straightforward answers. By the time I was done it was nearly the end of the day. So I scheduled appointments with the rest of the people I wouldn't have time for and ran inside the building. When I got to my class they all looked at me. I saw they were watching the news programs that had me on them and chuckled.

"Your a real natural kid," Aizawa commented. I shrugged and smiled. "Nice job answering the questions, you gave them answers they can't even thing of bending!" My smile grew wider and I went and reached for my uniform. I grabbed the box and asked permission to go change I was granted it and I grabbed a small bag from the air on the way out to put the things in my belt inside. I changed and put the things inside my belt in the bag I folded my suit up, put my belt in it's compartment put the Velcro patches back on and folded that up. I put my gloves in the same compartment as my belt and put the neck accessory I had into it's special compartment.

I finished up and went back to the classroom a lot of peoples gazes were on me especially some of the third year girls of the hero course. I sighed and returned to my classroom I put the box back and went to my seat. But something caught my attention from outside. "Izuku honey I know you can hear me," I recognized the voice as Dabi's and pulled my phone out and shot him a text saying 'yep' he started talking again and what he said next really caught my attention. "I found a house you might like a smile spread across my face as I typed 'really?!' He chuckled and replied, "yep," I smiled even more and the bell rang. I picked my bag up slid my cel into my pocket, grabbed my bag and almost bolted.

"Hey! Deku!" turned around to see Uraraka, coming toward me.

"Hey Uraraka-Chan!" She smiled and gave me a hug.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to Karaoke tonight with the rest of the class?" I thought about it and tilted my head.

"I'm not sure, me and my boyfriend are moving in together and he said he found a house, so if it doesn't take long I might be able to!" She smiled at hearing this.

"Great! I hope you can make it but just shoot me a text if you can't if you can I'll send you the location just in case!" I nodded and I was off again. I saw Dabi waiting for me outside but he had his disguise on. I recognized him in three seconds though.

"Babe!" I ran over and hugged him. He chuckled and patted my back.

"Ready to see the house?" I nodded vigorously and walked with my hand in his. When we got there I gasped. It was perfect! It was a three story modern mansion with some wall that were made entirely out of glass, and I could see some points that would be perfect for building a secret room that led to a basement. When we went in for the showing it already had a basement also. I looked around and decided it was perfect. The cost was also cheap well for me it was. Only 3 million yen. I smiled and looked at Dabi and nodded. I saw the million from Endeavor, the million I earned from work, and I could make the last million. So when we got home I pulled out another four million out of the air. One for the house and the other three for needs and wants. I put all of it onto my account and went to the agency selling the house when I arrived and they saw who the house was for they lowered it another million and I got the house for two million. When we got home I did my homework, showered we both ate a quick meal I changed into my casual attire of dark skinny jeans and a white tea shirt. I packed up my moms room with a heavy heart and saw the picture of me and her that I would keep out of Storage. I put it in one of my boxes I packed up all her clothes and shoes and things in general and sent them off in a truck to get put into the storage unit I bought.

I packed the rest of my room up the notes I had taken filling up two or three maybe four boxes. At some point me and Dabi got tired so we went to bed I went to school did some stuff that was boring saw Uraraka who was bummed we couldn't make it but said they were doing it again in a couple weeks. I looked at my schedule and saw that so far that day was open. I went back home did the same as yesterday and began packing again. By the time we were all done it was midnight on a Thursday. I went to bed and Did the same routine as yesterday only today everything was already packed and we just had to load everything into the moving truck.

When we got there I hired the villain builder to build a secret room around the top of the basement stairs. The only way you could get in was with a key card and me or Dabi's hand, or the password. I unpacked my Villain stuff first and our master bedroom. We had bought a King four poster bed for us and we slept soundly that night. About three days later we were completely unpacked and it was Sunday. I was sitting on the balcony with Dabi cuddling when our doorbell suddenly rang. I opened the door to see Iida, Shoto, Momo, Uraraka and Denki there. I held up a finger and told Dabi to wash his hair dye out and cover up his scars to disguise himself he did as told and we answered the door. I let them all in and they marveled at the house I let them see all the rooms one room was filled with just bookshelves of my notes. I never noticed how many I had but I now had even more because of the other hero's I had never gotten to record information about and also everyone in the school. Then there was a theater room, a very large kitchen with the dining table in the room next to it, then there was a bar, a game room, the humongous living room who's ceiling goes all the way up to the roof, the four guest rooms, our room with the master bathroom and two walk in closets one for me one for Dabi, then there was a room I filled with all my old All Might things. When they asked what I thought of All Might now I stuck my tongue out and gaged they giggled and I continued the tour. There was a normal library, then the backyard, the backyard had a infinity pool running into a regular pool, a hot tub, a mini golf course, archery, a place for me to train and a barbecue area. Then in a tinier separate building there was a gym with a changing room, showers, and a sauna. They looked amazed when we finished the tour. We were sitting in the living room and we were chatting. I was chatting with Uraraka, and Momo and Dabi was chatting with Shoto and Denki. I smiled when Uraraka started doing impressions of all the other boys in the class when Kacchan's impression was said I almost died laughing. Because she impersonated his walk I just laughed away. When the other boys came over we each were asked to do a villain impression. Me and Dabi smirked at each other and waited when Uraraka did hers I imagined she would get along quite well with Toga. When Shoto did his everyone went quiet because it was so amazing. His face turned a light crimson and I smiled and clapped. Touya joined in and he looked thankful. The others also joined in. Then it was my turn. I cleared my throat and did mine. Apparently even more convincing then Shoto's because everyone looked genuinely frightened I giggled and they shook out of their stupor when Dabi did his he did it in a more joking manner so everyone but me, Shoto, and Denki took it as a joke. I looked up at him and smiled. We all watched movies in the theater room and when it was getting pretty late we offered they could stay the night. They all agreed and I made some comfy clothes for Uraraka and Momo. Dabi let Shoto borrow something of his clothes and Denki was the same size as me so he fit in my clothes I let him borrow the most masculine pajamas I could find. I changed into a pair of shorter shorts that were baby blue. They were tight but not to tight. I also put a baby blue and white kitty sweatshirt over it. I walked out and the girls crowded around me saying how cute I looked and how perfectly their pajamas fit them. I knew they didn't want something super tight and not something really loose so I made them be in between. And I made it so they wouldn't be to hot in them and they wouldn't be to cold. When I saw Touya I ran over and hugged him. He chuckled at how childish I was acting and I pouted at him. He gave me a gentle kiss and I stopped being as childish. I led the guys to a room and the girls to a room. I walked to our room and remembered how all the rooms are sound proof. I saw Dabi sitting on the pillows and waiting for me but what he didn't expect was that I was starting to go into heat so when I got close enough while crawling towers him and he smelled my pheromones he blushed a little crimson. I crawled on top of his lap and sat on him I peeled my sweatshirt off because I felt hot. I started kissing him passionately and swirling my tongue in his mouth. I pushed myself up against him more. We explored each others mouth. And I started to grind against him feeling my heat starting up even more. I felt my hands up his chest and pushed myself against him more he moved his hand to the bite mark I had and I groaned into his mouth he slid my shorts off and I was left in my boxers I slid his pants off also. I slid my mouth away from his and started kissing down his chest. Then I kissed back up and pulled his boxers off. He slid mine off also he slid his fingers into my mouth and I sucked on them. I exaggerated my expression a bit. When he slid his fingers from my mouth to my ass I waited for the pleasure to come and when it did I wasn't disappointed I started kissing him again. When he stuck another finger in I moaned into his mouth. He flipped us around and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slid another finger in and I let out a groan into his mouth. Then he started moving his fingers. I moaned into his mouth repeatedly and when he slid his fingers out I waited for the next wave of pleasure to come he moved his hand that was loosening me up to my back and he then he stuck the tip in a groaned and then he stuck it halfway in. I moaned and groaned even more. I felt him pull all the way out put a condom on and stick in all in I let his lips go and arched my back and I let out a female like moan. He started thrusting gently and slowly at first then he became more rough I was moaning and groaning with every thrust. Then he pulled knots all the way out put me on my hands and knees stood a bit on his knees put a finger in my mouth and thrust so deep that I let out the loudest moan I had all night. I fell til I was only on my knees he leaned over me thrusting but kissing my back at the same time. When we came together. He pulled out and turned me back around he gave me a gentle kiss. He slid my boxers back on and he slid his back on also. I slid my pajamas back on and he slid his pajama pants back on. I stood up to use birth control just in case and saw he had changed the sheets I smiled and laid down next to him. Then we fell asleep.