
A bad memory, friends, and fun

When we were finished admiring the rooms we moved back inside to the theater room and watched movies. It was getting pretty late so Shoto and Kacchan went to their rooms. Denki went to the room he stayed in last time. I moved the pajamas that Shoto used last time to his room and made some for Shinso. I made some for Toga and Shigaraki and lead them to the villain basement I forgot to show them the rooms they had down here. The room I had cleared for Toga looked similar from the one she had at her place only a lot more privacy because the walls are soundproof and sure a room in the basement sounds creepy but the wall in our basement actually had drywall and instead of cement or stone flooring we had carpet in the room portion and hardwood in the other portions. Except in the cells, it was cement walls and floors. but those were in the very back portion of the basement. Shigaraki's room was also similar to the one he had and the LOV headquarters except it was much bigger and had its own bathroom. I went back up to my bedroom and got ready for my shower but I am so tired I forgot to close the closet door. so I was walking around naked in front of Touya.

I showered and changed into a pair of short tight shorts and a black and green checkered cropped sweatshirt. I crawled into bed next to Touya and cuddled into him I could tell he had already showered and changed so I didn't have to worry about him getting up and leaving me cold. He set his hand on my back and I cuddled right into him I felt the puppies jump up on top of the bed and cuddle ontop of Touya and me. When I woke up in the early morning it was to the puppies licking my face. I giggled lightly and picked them up. I set them down and they followed me to the room I was going to put them both in for now because they were puppies I put one of the beds down the two bowls (two each) for their food and water and scattered some toys around for them. I picked the two up and set them back down on their beds. They looked at me expectantly and I started singing to them they seemed to like that. 'They're a bit like human babies only animals' I sighed and kept singing to them when they were both asleep I tip-toed over to the door and left it open so they could come back to me if they wanted. When I heard a whimper as soon as I was a step away from the door I walked back in and continued singing to them.

I only stopped singing for short water breaks and to use the bathroom. When I stopped for neither of those things it was because they had gotten out of their bed and were now just laying on me listening. I smiled gently at them and sang a more upbeat song. (Bad Romance | By Lady Gaga) I could hit all the notes easily so I moved from that version to the rock version that's notes go even higher. When I finished the puppies tails were wagging and it looked as if they were dancing. I continued singing upbeat and higher-pitched songs because they seemed to like those. When I finished the second round of Bad Romance and the puppies were worn out and sleeping I heard clapping at the door. I looked up to see everyone. My face turned a bright crimson and I hid it. After that fiasco, I saw one of them post a video of me singing under some of my hashtags and I let them because I didn't think it would be too popular. Boy was I wrong! It went viral after just 3 minutes. I changed into my uniform after showering and I did my makeup I got out a pair of shades and made a white and pastel green backpack. I put my eyeliner tool in it along with some snacks, chapstick, my homework, my books, my phone, and my jacket. I walked downstairs to the second floor and stood by the railing overlooking the living room, then I saw the huge flatscreen turned to a news channel that was giving the latest report on me and it just so happened to include the video of me singing. They suggested I should do Album covers. I thought about it a bit and decided to wow people by doing that suggestion. I walked down to the first floor to see everyone there, Shoto, Kacchan, Uraraka, Denki, Shinso, and Momo were in uniform and they were all looking at Toga in curiosity.

"I dropped out of school, I got bullied a lot because of my quirk," she supplied them. I held out my finger when they looked at her curiously. She bit it just enough to draw blood she lick the blood up and she transformed into me. Their eyes all widened except for the ones who knew what her quirk is already. I looked at the time and hustled everyone out the door and to the van. Shinso, Denki, and Momo sat in the back, Uraraka and Shoto sat in the middle and Kacchan sat upfront with me. I drove us to the school and when we got out I told them to go ahead of me. They looked at me curiously but did as I asked. I waited til' they were inside and got out. They swarmed girls and guys asking for autographs, People wanting to interview me and paparazzi. I sighed and signed a few autographs. let some people take pictures of me and set up some interview times. I walked calmly into the school building and had a few blushing girls walk up to me for an autograph I let them have one and smiled at them. When I finally reached the classroom I was late and exhausted. Aizawa didn't yell at me because again he was broadcasting the news to the whole class. My friends looked at me with understanding. I sat down in my seat took off my bag and set my head in my hand slouching on my desk for a while. I listened to the lesson and whenever Aizawa called on me I answered quickly. Then there was a time he thought I wasn't listening and just wanted to end the lesson so he asked me

"Midoriya do you know a hundred digits of pie?" I nodded and started rattling them off. He was a bit surprised and so was the rest of the class. When I finished I was bored as hell. "Do whatever you want I'm taking a nap," Mr. Aizawa told us sleepily. Almost the whole class surrounded me after he fell asleep.

"How did you do that Deku-kun?!" I shrugged when Uraraka asked me that. Everyone was amazed by me and I was bored. I did a simple math question now what if I just lift my arms people will clap? I sighed and stood up.

"I'm going to use the restroom," I told them Uraraka nodded and I only left the classroom so I could listen in to see if they were real friends nobody knew about my hearing enhancement. I waited until I heard something.

'Geez Midoriya is such a babe but totally taken' I heard one of the boys say. 'Yeah maybe we should just jump him and use his body' I heard another answer. My face twisted to one of disgust. 'Good idea man! We should do it after lunch' that's when I realized the voices were coming from down the hall. I saw the two culprits around the corner and looked them straight in the eyes. They both stopped their disgusting conversation. Then I remembered my old job. I smirked and looked at them. It was Sero and Satou. I winked at them and stepped back into the classroom. I then thought that because my schedule was free this afternoon I would take them to my old workplace. I texted my old boss that I would come round later with anyone who agreed from my class. She agreed to let us have the whole place to ourselves other than her to supervise I agreed to that and thought about how much I would torcher those boys. I texted the group chat asking if they wanted to go to that kind of place and everyone agreed once I told them it would only be us and the owner. I smirked and texted the group chat of Touya, Toga, and Shigaraki. They all agreed and I told my class I was bring three other friends along. when the day was over I invited them all to my house after they got into more casual clothes. I showered made sure the doge would be okay while we were out and changed into clubbing clothes which were basically a cropped black sweatshirt, black shorts, and my high heeled boots. I packed my old uniform and smirked at Touya. he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a thin black dress shirt. I walked downstairs to see Toga, Uraraka, Momo, Jiro, Mina, and basically all the girls in our class in a short black mini-dress. Shigaraki had cleaned up and actually used chapstick, he was wearing basically the same thing as Dabi only a light blue dress shirt, It was the same for Kacchan, Shoto, Kirishima, and all the other boys only they were wearing a dress shirt in their color I held a finger up and went back upstairs. I changed my black cropped sweatshirt with a dark green one. I hurried back downstairs and we walked off to my old workplace.

When we entered I was lucky she had taken the sign down and I relaxed a bit. When I saw her I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. "My, My, My! Young man, have you gone and got yourself a boyfriend already?" I nodded and brought Touya over.

"Touya, I'm sure you remember Miss Rox!" he nodded and shook her hand. "Nice to see you again miss!" he told her enthusiastically. She smiled and looked at my classmates. "So your the famous class 1-A that's been taking care of my little dove?" they nodded and she smiled even more. "Do y'all drink?" she asked carefully. Luckily they all nodded. I did too and I giggled along with Touya. "Your lucky to have this young thing to entertain you tonight!" they all looked at me curiously. "Youngest dancer here!" they all looked at me with amazement. I gave Touya a quick kiss and whispered in his ear everything that had happened at school. He glared at Sero and Satou but when I told him my revenge plan he relaxed and looked away he smirked. "Been a while since you've danced babe," he said in a coaxing voice I smirked at him waved at everyone and Miss Rox started playing music while she went behind the bar. I changed into my old uniform and thought about how much better my body looked in it now I had my wings sprout from my back and had them turn black. I walked onto the stage and heard everyone whistle I saw the two boys look at me in shock. I winked at Touya and closed the curtain I pulled a black cloak out and a crown that would stay on my head because it fit perfectly, it was silver with black Diamonds my wings expanded and dropped some feathers in places I had my foot hit the button to open the curtain after picking out a song. I picked the song 'Castle, By Hasley' when it started the curtain opened and stood leaning on the pole until the lyrics started then I flipped around doing tricky moves like they were nothing. When the chorus started I had my quirk make cool effects and I stripped the cloak off I saw most of the guys throwing money at me. I smiled as I dropped from the top of the pole to the bottom and landed in a squat and brought it back up and wrapped a leg around the pole. I heard the girls yelling 'GET IT, QUEEN!' and I smirked I hung upside down and made my signature face of opening my mouth and looking like I'm drooling while having my eyes roll back a little. When I finished I was barely breaking a sweat and I walked over to my class with a smile. I sat on Touya's lap in a princess carry way and looped my arms around his neck. I gave him a gentle kiss and talked with the girls ignoring the two boys that wanted their money's worth. I waved and walked to go get changed I looked Touya in the eyes and gave him the signal.

When I saw the two boys following me and knew they didn't see me take a peek at them I walked into the changing room and left the door unlocked. I had gotten a cool teleportation quirk this morning and had teleported Touya here. I sat him down on the bench and sat straddling his lap I began kissing him passionately and when I heard the door open and the two boys walked in I just kept kissing him putting my hands in his hair. When the door closed again we stopped kissing, I felt that the two were still out there I signaled I would get them in trouble with this I gave him a potion that made him invisible and he took his phone out. "See you later babe~" I teased. "Bye babe~" he chimed then I made the teleport so that he was behind the door. They both walked in one pinned me the other started harassing me I cried and screamed but made it so "no one" could hear me. When I had enough I looked over at Dabi and I gave him a counter effect for the potion. "Well, Well, Well,~ Boys I think this will get you expelled and I will even be able to get a restraining order for you to stay away from MY mate." His Alpha presence filled the room and I saw the two boys tremble when the rest of the class heard the commotion they came to check it out along with Miss Rox. 'Perfect' I thought. When they saw what the two were doing they glared at them and Miss Rox kicked them out. "That will be enough to get them expelled and I'll be able to get a restraining order," I sighed before trying to clean up my tear-stained face Uraraka and Toga rushed over and started helping me. Sure that was our plan but it raised some unwanted memories. Kacchan pushed through and went to my side and cuddled me I hugged him and cried silently. "Bad memories," I whispered. Kacchan nodded and wiped my face I smiled at him and looked back up to everyone. "Don't let that ruin the fun!" I cheerfully covered the sadness, Anger, and other bad feelings in the room. "Let's Drink!" I cheered. everyone cheered with me and we went out to the bar after I was done changing. We drank a lot and called a bus to pick us up. I remember everything when I'm drunk unfortunately so I remembered Uraraka and Toga hooking up when we got home, I remember Kacchan hooking up with Kirishima when we got home, and I and Touya having about five rounds of sex when we got home. When I woke up the next morning my Head, Ass, and stomach ached. I stumbled over to the bathroom and threw up. When I was done I took about two birth control.

I took two pain killers also. I wabbled over to my puppy's room and played with them a bit. I sang to them a bit more as-well (Don't you worry child, By Swedish House Mafia). I sang them that song on repeat until I was crying because of the memories. I picked the puppies up and cuddled them gently. I set them back down and walked back to my room and put clothes on more suitable for walking. I slid a pair of black and dark green joggers on with a matching sweatshirt. I slid the hood up and put my shades on I looked like a model but that was to be considered since I was. I walked downstairs with the puppies in my arms. I set them down and they sat patiently waiting for me as I wrote a note for Dabi, 'Taking the Puppies for a walk! Be home soon<3' it read. I swooped the puppies back into my arms and set them down on the floor I grabbed their collars and gently put them on the puppies. I Hooked the leashes to them and went on a jog with them. When I came back home I had slid my shades into my sweats and pushed my hood back. I walked inside and unleashed the puppies. I took the collars off and let them run wild. I walked to the kitchen and pulled my phone out. I called Mr. Aizawa and apologized. I called the whole class in sick since half of them had hooked up with someone and the other half were sleeping in a guest room, their room, or the living room couch. He told me it was fine and I told him my thanks and apologized again.

I heard someone stumbling down the hall and saw Kiri. I walked over to him and supported him so he could walk. I set him on the island bar stool and went to the bathroom I grabbed a bottle of painkillers I handed him two and a glass of water. "Alpha, Beta, or Omega?" he held three fingers up and I grabbed a couple of birth control. he took it gratefully and I smiled at him. I saw Toga stumble out next and I had two pain killers ready mostly because I knew she had a pretty bad headache because of her thoughts. I handed her them and a glass of water. I got two painkillers and a glass of water ready for each of my class members that hadn't yet+Touya and Shigaraki. I went upstairs and cleaned myself up from last night's events. and washed all the sweat I had got from jogging off. I changed into a pair of light washed jeans and a white turtle neck with a pair of white socks. I styled my hair with clips and did my makeup. When I was done I tiptoed over to Touya and shook him slightly. He started to stir and grabbed my waist. I giggled.