

Name: Satoru Gojo

Species: Human

Birthday: December 17

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 173 cm (5'8)

Weight: 80 kg (176 lb)

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Blue

Bloodtype: AB

Quirk(s): Limitless

Six Eyes

Occupation: Student

Affiliation: Gojo Family


Satoru is a young, lean man described as handsome with beautiful blue eyes and hair whiter than snow. He usually wears a black and baggy teashirt, pants, and shoes when out in public. When with the Gojo clan he wears a white and blue kimono and haori. Satoru is always seen with black, circular, sunglasses to supress his Six Eyes as they take up a lot of energy.


Satoru Gojo was born into the rich and powerful Gojo clan. He was born with eveyone could ever want, nearly all the money in the world, he inherited his clan's rare Six Eyes abilities, a very powerful quirk called limitless, and a very handsome face. But there was one little problem, he hated all of it. His clan and parents were corrupted and never listened to him, everytime he tried to talk to them they simply handed him a stack of money to shut him up. But Satoru just wanted to be the strongest, he never cared about heroes or villains. He just wanted to become the strongest but he'd have to go to UA to do it.

Abilities & Skills:

Master Hand-to-Hand Combat

Immense Strength

Immense Speed & Reflexes

Immense Endurance

Great Tactical Intellect

Limitless: Satoru's 1st quirk allows him to manipulate space-time at an atomic level.

Six Eyes: Satoru's 2nd quirk inherited from the Gojo clan allows him to to perceive the world in terms of mass, speed, energy, and so forth alongside its other effects.



Lapse Blue

Reversal Red

Hollow Purple

Unlimited Void