
The Honorable Wanderer: Mushoku Tensei

A student died in a quite ridiculous way, where his accident caused a collision between him and a truck. The man who was previously an atheist now repents when he realizes that God exists, and is determined to be more obedient and carry out the teachings and guidance of the God he now worships in another world. The story focuses on the figure of a beastman who was given four miracles by the God Bilbe as provisions to survive in another world, his story of using these powers will change new views.

Poponioko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

[77] Stepping III

Ash cautiously stepped through the damp, dark corridors beneath the city. The Regilius city's sewers, hidden below the surface, formed an extensive and intricate network, even more complex than the sewers in the capital city of Ars, the Asura Kingdom. The city's geography, prone to flooding during the rainy season, necessitated a sophisticated water control system. Magic pillars were placed at various points in the city to regulate the water flow, keeping the city dry and safe from floods. However, to maintain this balance, an extensive and intricate sewer system was required—a seemingly endless underground labyrinth.

Yet, with the depth and expanse of this sewer network, another problem emerged—monsters. The damp, dark environment was the perfect habitat for creatures that thrived in such conditions. Over the years, many monsters mutated and made the sewers their lair. For ordinary people, navigating this underground labyrinth would be a nightmare, but Ash was prepared.

As he moved deeper, a giant rat appeared, its body moss-covered and its teeth sharp as daggers, blocking his path. Ash sighed, considering it a minor nuisance. With a swift motion, he swung his weapon, Gungnir, a spear meticulously modified using knowledge from Ciel to mimic the power of Odin's legendary weapon. The rat was cleaved in two, its body flung against the damp sewer wall.

Ash paused for a moment, inspecting Gungnir with a satisfied gaze. This weapon, the result of his hard work and dedication, was near perfection, closely resembling Odin's legendary spear. Ciel had provided invaluable knowledge, and Ash had utilized every bit of it meticulously, creating a weapon that was not only deadly but also perfect in precision and power.

Ash ensured there were no other threats around before continuing his journey. His sharp eyes and trained ears remained alert to any sound or movement in the darkness. His steps halted at a large junction, surrounded by damp stone walls. With a smooth gesture, Ash raised his hand, creating a ball of light that hovered in the air, illuminating the dark corridors ahead.

"So, this is the place," Ash murmured as he glanced around. The light orb he created from his magic danced in the air, emitting a soft yet bright glow that revealed every dark corner around him.

[No doubt about it. The exact location is above us,] the calm yet firm voice of Ciel, the magical entity residing in his mind, echoed within his thoughts.

Ash looked up, seeing a large hole above him, its walls rough as if formed by tremendous force. "Hmm... So that's how it is," he whispered softly. "Let me guess, this is directly beneath the Milis capital. Under the great cathedral of the Milis church, right?" he asked Ciel, trying to piece together the puzzle forming in his mind.

[Precisely, Master Ash. The location of the tracking device you hid in Alice's hair ribbon points to this spot. Right beneath the great cathedral.]

Ash scratched his hair anxiously, a habit that often emerged when he was under pressure. He had long suspected something was amiss with the central government of this kingdom, but the reality now before him was far darker than he had imagined. The suspicion that the city officials were involved in the kidnapping of non-human children was beginning to feel like a suffocating truth.

"What exactly are they planning by abducting non-human children?" Ash thought aloud, his voice filled with confusion and disbelief. Although his mind raced, he couldn't find a logical answer to that question.

[There are two possibilities I can analyse,] Ciel began, his tone remaining calm and thoughtful, ready to elaborate on the analysis he had prepared.

However, Ash raised his hand, stopping Ciel before he could continue. "Sorry, Ciel. Not yet. I'm not ready to hear that bitter reality," he said in a low voice, as if trying to shield himself from the most horrifying possibilities.

[But, Master Ash, you must be prepared to face the truth, no matter how grim,] Ciel replied gently but firmly.

Ash sighed deeply, acknowledging the truth in Ciel's words. "I know, Ciel. But give me a little more time. I just... need some time to accept all of this."

After a moment of silence, Ash finally straightened up. He knew that whatever reality awaited him above, he had to be ready to face it. With renewed determination, he began climbing the stone walls, heading toward the surface, toward the cathedral that might harbour dark secrets behind its majestic sacred architecture.

As Ash reached the upper part of the sewer, he found himself still in a narrow corridor with grim, damp stone walls. However, above him, he could hear footsteps echoing softly, indicating activity in the area. The steps were heavy and steady, as if belonging to someone accustomed to patrolling or guarding this place.

Carefully, Ash moved through the corridor, ensuring each step was silent so as not to draw attention. He approached the point where the footsteps sounded the clearest. Then, he pressed his body against the wall, tilting his head to listen more closely to the conversation happening above him.

"Are you sure all the children have been moved to a safe location?" the first voice asked, deep and authoritative, as if belonging to someone of high rank.

"Yes, Sir. All have been moved as ordered. The children are now under strict supervision. No one will know they're there," the second voice replied, younger but full of confidence.

Ash held his breath, his heart pounding. This was clearly important information, and he needed to hear more.

"Good," the first voice said again. "We can't afford to make any mistakes. This ceremony must go smoothly, and we need all those children. Remember, this isn't just for us, but for the future of the kingdom."

Ash gritted his teeth, increasingly convinced that something was seriously wrong with the activities at this cathedral. He decided to continue following the voices, hoping to find more clues about the sinister plan they were carrying out. Every word they spoke could be the key to saving the missing children.