
The Honorable Wanderer: Mushoku Tensei

A student died in a quite ridiculous way, where his accident caused a collision between him and a truck. The man who was previously an atheist now repents when he realizes that God exists, and is determined to be more obedient and carry out the teachings and guidance of the God he now worships in another world. The story focuses on the figure of a beastman who was given four miracles by the God Bilbe as provisions to survive in another world, his story of using these powers will change new views.

Poponioko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

[66] A Request IV

That night, the sky was dotted with stars that twinkled like gems, and a gentle breeze brushed against Aurelia's face as she sat quietly by the campfire. She and Carmen were camping at the foot of the Red Dragon Upper Mountains, on their way to Sharia, the renowned magic kingdom of the central continent. Before them, the fire cast a warm glow, creating moving shadows on Aurelia's face, which appeared serious despite her gaze being fixed on an open 6th Circle Magic book resting on her lap.

"Hm~ How long do you think it will be until we reach Sharia, Carmen?" she asked softly, without looking up from the page she was reading.

Carmen, who was busy keeping the fire alive, looked at Aurelia with a warm smile. "I think we'll get there in about a week, Miss. Considering the route we're taking, the journey should be fairly smooth."

"I see…" Aurelia murmured quietly, though her thoughts drifted far from the book before her. An unease lingered in her mind, a feeling of anxiety she could not shake despite her repeated efforts to calm herself. 'Even though I've been told to remain calm, for some reason I still feel anxious about the situation in the capital city of Ars,' she thought.

Despite Costatine's successful establishment in the kingdom, Aurelia could not ignore her concerns for those she knew who still resided in the capital. There was an unsettling uncertainty, a looming threat that continually haunted her thoughts.

'So, what can I do now?' she pondered. 'Princess Ariel is also heading to Sharia, and I imagine the situation is very precarious for her followers at the palace to switch sides. Even a single rumor about her could shake the entire kingdom.'

Suddenly, Aurelia broke the silence. "Carmen, what do you think would happen if a rumor spread that Princess Ariel had died during her journey to Sharia?"

Carmen, initially surprised by the unexpected question, looked up and considered it for a moment. "Hmm, it would have a huge impact, Miss. Her followers, regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, would start to doubt Princess Ariel's leadership. Those who follow Princess Ariel for personal gain…"

"…would switch sides," Aurelia interrupted, her gaze fixed on the flames of the campfire with a meaningful intensity.

"Exactly, Miss. Given that the strongest claim to the throne now rests with Prince Grabell, such a rumor could destroy support for Princess Ariel in an instant."

Aurelia nodded, her eyes narrowing as she contemplated these possibilities. Her thoughts wandered through the political intrigues that always lurked in every corner of the palace. A chill settled over the atmosphere, even though the fire continued to radiate warmth around them. As the night grew later, each gust of wind that touched her face felt like an increasing weight of responsibility pressing on her heart.

Aurelia closed her book calmly, but her mind continued to whirl, filled with evolving plans and possibilities. 'I must take wise steps,' she thought, though at the back of her mind, more cunning strategies began to form. 'However, if what I suspect comes to pass, it could present the perfect opportunity. Raphael could use this situation to make the right move.' A subtle grin began to form at the corner of her lips, reflecting her scheming thoughts.

Carmen, sitting across the campfire, noticed the change in Aurelia's expression. He had seen these signs too many times—when Aurelia started thinking about something big, something that couldn't be easily stopped. He knew well that once Aurelia was deep in her thoughts, nothing could alter her plans except Raphael or Ash himself.

A sense of helplessness slowly crept over Carmen. He knew Aurelia too well, and he understood that she was both intelligent and calculating. Yet, behind that intelligence lay an unpredictable side, one that only revealed itself when the situation called for sharper tactics. Carmen could only hope that whatever Aurelia was planning would bring positive results for them all.


As the sun began to rise on the eastern horizon, its golden light flooded the Red Dragon Upper Mountains, marking the start of a new day. Aurelia's watch showed it was nine o'clock, and it was time for them to continue their journey. With two strong and nimble horses, they traversed the rocky paths that brought them closer to the border of the neighboring kingdom, beyond these majestic mountains.

Throughout their journey, they enjoyed the breathtaking natural scenery. The dense forests and steep cliffs they passed made the journey feel more exhilarating. However, this tranquility was short-lived. Midway through their travel, Carmen suddenly halted his horse, causing Aurelia to reflexively rein in her own.

"What's the matter, Carmen?" Aurelia asked warily, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed their surroundings.

Carmen raised his hand, signaling silence. "I sense something," he said in a low, almost whispering tone. "There's the smell of blood on the wind."

Aurelia nodded, immediately closing her eyes to use her perception magic, which allowed her to sense living beings within a one-kilometre radius. Silence filled the air as she focused, trying to detect what was happening around them. After a moment, she opened her eyes, her face serious.

"Indeed, there are 25 people surrounding a convoy. They appear to be bandits, but they could also be hired killers," Aurelia said, her voice cold and calculating.

Carmen looked at Aurelia with a serious expression. "Should we intervene?"

There was a brief pause before Aurelia replied, strategy and considerations playing out in her mind. "Carmen, the departure of Princess Ariel is only two days apart from ours, right?"

"Yes," Carmen answered, somewhat confused. But he quickly realised what Aurelia was thinking. His eyes widened. "So, you're thinking…?"

"Exactly," Aurelia said with a sharp nod. Her gaze grew more intense.

Carmen swallowed hard, anxiety enveloping him. "So, do we need to help them?"

Aurelia scanned the surroundings carefully, weighing their options. "We need to assess the situation first. The Princess's guards are not ordinary people; they might be able to handle this threat. However, if things get too dangerous, I give you permission to intervene."

Carmen nodded firmly. "Understood, Miss."

With that decision, they moved their horses at a slower pace, approaching the suspected location. The atmosphere was silent yet tense, as if nature itself was holding its breath, awaiting what would happen next.

When they finally arrived at the scene, Aurelia couldn't help but take a sharp breath. Her initial suspicion proved correct. Before them, a convoy was under attack and surrounded by a group of armed criminals. The convoy, unmistakably, belonged to Princess Ariel, evident from the Asura kingdom's emblem displayed on the luxurious carriage now encircled by danger.

Aurelia frowned, disappointed and somewhat angry. "I don't understand how they could be so foolish as to appear so conspicuously in such a dangerous area," she muttered, her tone reflecting frustration that was hard to conceal. To her, this was a grave mistake that Princess Ariel and her guards should never have made.

Carmen, beside her, observed the situation carefully. He could see some of the royal guards still holding their ground, but many had already fallen, their blood staining the ground around them. "It seems many of their guards have been lost. What should we do now, Miss?" he asked, his voice full of concern yet firm.

Aurelia closed her eyes briefly, contemplating the situation. She knew they could not let Princess Ariel fall into enemy hands. Even though Princess Ariel had a sorceress capable of casting silent spells, it was clear that this would not be enough to face such a large threat. "If it's come to this, there's no other choice," Aurelia replied seriously. With a smooth motion, she summoned her magic staff from thin air—a beautifully ornate silver dragon staff named Eos, a gift from Ash. The staff was not just a magical tool but also a symbol of her power. "I will intervene."

But before Aurelia could act further, Carmen stepped forward, his body vibrating with strong determination. He couldn't let Aurelia take this risk. "Wait, Miss! You don't need to intervene in such a trivial matter! Just leave it to me," he said with a pleading tone that was almost urgent.

Aurelia glanced at him from the corner of her eye, slightly surprised by Carmen's courage. However, a thin smile formed on the corner of her lips, indicating that she was impressed by her guard's loyalty. "Hmm~… Very well, then, handle it within five minutes," she said, her voice calm but exuding undeniable authority.

Carmen stood tall, his eyes shining with resolve. "Understood, Miss. I will resolve this in under five minutes," he replied with an equally serious tone. He clenched his fists tightly, ready to act.

With a brief nod from Aurelia, Carmen immediately moved with lightning speed. He dismounted from his horse, landing with incredible agility on the rocky ground below. With a sharp gaze, he began to strategise in his mind.