

In the continent of Irilia existed a myriad of Fantasy races all coexisting under the same sky, there were the Elves of the north famed for their wisdom and beauty, the Dwarfs in the east praised for their smithing skills, The beast-man of the south with their unmatched strength and ferocity, and the Humans in the west with their gift of being the race able to adapt the quickest to any type of change. But nonetheless there was still one race, one shrouded in so much mystery that most consider them nothing but urban legends, a race considered so far ahead of all the rest they chose to Isolate themselves from all Mortal affairs.

Some say if that if you find them you can be granted any wish you so desire wether it's Money, power, fame it does not matter for their power is unimaginable, others say they are the true definition of beauty, a race of immortal golden winged people hidden deep in the forest, it matters not what people say however for they have been gone for more than a thousand years, and who can say for sure what exactly happened to them, as reality and legends tend to blur as the years pass.

The last that have been heard of them however was in the dawn of this Era for they have been the ones to end the previous one and stop all the chaos and fighting between the races, and guide all of them towards an Era of peace and prosperity, once that have been done they retreated towards the Great forest as if their purpose accomplished, and have not been heard from since.

Numerous tries have been made in attempt to contact their saviors, but all ended up in failure because of the monsters inhabiting the Great Forest, the deeper you dive in the forest the stronger the Monsters become, so that made all tries futile and people slowly started to give up, except for the occasional adventures brave enough to go looking for the mysterious race in hopes of gaining fame and glory, most of which are never heard from again, some however come back with even more amazing stories of winged immortals guiding them back out of the forest safely.

Most people nowadays worship them as deities who saved them all and guided them towards the light when they needed it the most so that's why they call them the Lumen's, for being the guiding light to many, the light that put an end to the Dark Era.

But now that the current peace is threatened and War is looming over the heads of all the people in the continent, one thing is for sure, all pray for the return of The Lumen's for they are The beacon of light and Hope of this world