
The Hokages are Part Time Huntsmen (Naruto X RWBY Crossover)

What if, in a twist of fate the Four Hokages were sent by the Sage of Six Paths to a new world, after the battle with Madara and transmigrated in the world of Remnant? How will the team of four former leaf village leaders handle the threat of Salem and their newfound life?

Triple_Sweet · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter V: The Strongest

"Remember the plan." Tobirama spoke as he watched student being launched one by one from a cliff with some soet of launch pad mechanism feom a catapult, which he thought was an odd way to send students into the battlefield.

The first of their group to be launched was Hashirama who immediately summoned a wooden dragon from out of nowhere after a burst of smoke. Though It would be more accurate to say that the wooden dragon sprouted from one of Hashirama's hand and grew incredibly long and large. Said dragon was that of an eastern themed variant. That is to say it had no wings and looked more like a flying snake and the first hokage was riding it atop of it's head.

Minato wasn't far behind him and quickly cast several chakra signs to teleport himself and the remaining hokage behind Hashirama even before they were launched, due in part to embedding a chakra runes to Hashirama pre-emptively beforehand.

Suffice to say due to this rather peculiar development everybody was aghast. Some had looks of awe, others of wonder as to what semblance was capable of such feats. A few had been outright shocked and were on disbelief. Headmaster Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch stared and narrowed their eyes. They were curious about the four shinobi at first with a dash of interest. But now, they had cast their suspicions.

A short distance after flight they saw what seems to be some building's formation, a more accurate depiction would be that of a ruins or an abandoned temple. It was the objective that was on the directive by headmaster Ozpin, to where all the examinees would take "relics."

After seeing their destination, Tobirama jumped down. Reaching into his pouch he pulled out a long thin chain with weights on either end, giving the chain a quick spin he threw the chain down towards the trees below slowing his momentum enough to allow himself to gain enough of a grip to stick to the trees, after a few seconds of dangling and swinging on the chain that was latched on the tree and it's branches, he let go and landed on the ground.

As he landed the remaining three teleported behind due to the same reason as before with Hashirama, who unsommoned the wood dragon and vanished into plumes of smoke, said smoke then dissipated into the air with no dragon in sight.

As they all touched ground they all scattered but remained close to each other and hid. Tobirama beside a bush, Minato on a tree, Hashirama under the nooks some tree roots and Hiruzen under some uneven land formation thanks to his earth ninjutsu or "semblance" there were many foliage and shrubery, this was a forest after all.

"All clear. No signs of Grimm or other people for a few kilometers." Declared Tobirama as they all went out of hiding. He could still remember the first time he felt sensation of the chakra signature of Grimm when they first arrived in this world. It was comparable to that of looking at a dark cave from outside. Dark and empty, yet unnerving. He felt some of them but they were far away, most notably two strong Grimm signatures, but they were even farther away.

"What should we do elder brother?" Tobirama asked.

"I think it would be better if only half of us go should there be any traps. Sarutobi and I will go, Minato here will remain so he can teleport and respond according to the situation based on the directive of your sensory." Hashirama proposed to which Tobirama agreed with a nod.

And with that, the first and third hokage dashed to the ruins. What greeted them was the sight of multiple pedastals with what appears to be chess pieces on them.

"I assume these are the objective based on the directive of the headmaster." Hiruzen mumbled.

"Careful, it could be trapped." Hashirama said as he picked up a small stone and threw it at a white king piece, knocking it off the pedastal and onto the marble floor.

Hiruzen used his earth ninjutsu to detect if there are any ground related traps such as pitfalls or the like and scanned the room for any trip wires. "It's safe. No traps." Hiruzen said which prompted Hashirama to walk up and grab three other white king chess piece, four in total plus the one Hashirama knocked down.

"Well it seems you've earned yourself some points with our school's janitors, helping him clean while also gaining information and his trust was a good idea. Here they come." Tobirama pointed towards the other pair of ninja flying towards them at high speeds after he chatted with Minato about what happened during his scouting mission on the school grounds, the moment they pasted over, Tobirama and Minato jumped up and grabbed onto the fourth hokage's body.

"Here, I grabbed the white king pieces." Hashirama said as he leaned over the edge and handed everyone one of the relics. "A little cliche I'll admit, but I think it fits us."

And with that they teleported back to the cliff at the starting point where one of Minato's kunai that had chakra runes on it, were planted in waiting.

Less then 5 minutes of the entire operation had only passed. later the four landed back on the cliff where they were met with a smiling Ozpin, who looked at them with recognition of what they just did, but the four of them could notice something more on his eyes. He had a look of curiousity amd intrigue on them. Ozpin already had been watching them beforehand, but after they breezed through the academy's initiation, he had something much more so than before.

And then there was Glynda, who looked to be somewhere between shock, disbelief and outrage.

"Congratulation boys, you've just shattered the previous record for fastest initiation. I believe the previous record was fifty two minutes. You four did it in two minutes and 45 seconds." Ozpin stated.

All four handed over their relics to the (older) man who nodded. "The second through forth years are currently watching the new students in the auditorium if you want to go join them, otherwise feel free to roam around the school grounds- within school grounds- or return to the ballroom and rest." The four nodded and took their leave as Glynda narrowed her eyes at the group.

"Sir, should we really allow them to pass with such a performance? Not only did they NOT display any form of skill in combat, but two of them did absolutely nothing as the other two completed the task for them. I would even goes so far as to guess that they some how cheated to get information on the initiation before hand."

"Oh they definitely had prior information, that white haired lad seemed to have a good head over his shoulders, or at the very least seemed to be the analytical and pragmatic type. It would be no surprise if he did his own investigation of what the initiation was or would possibly be about." Ozpin spoke before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Then shouldn't we fail them for cheating and going against the purpose of the initiatiom?" She asked knowing that Ozpin had no plans of failing the team, he always had reasons for his strange actions and she was hoping he'd explain.

He was silent for a moment as he looked over the forest, contemplating his reply several gunshots could be heard in the distance. "It is an unspoken rule that one shouldn't have any prior knowledge of the initiation, but that does not in any way shape or form make it against the rules to do so. The problem with unspoken rules however is that if someone breaks one, there is no proper way to enforce the rule or deliver a punishment simply because it is a mere unspoken rule. Not an official one. With that regard, not much that can be done. They are just expected to be followed on principle." Ozpin explained looking down at his scroll.

"As for displaying skill, I believe those four displayed immense skill in several key aspects of being successful hunters. They took initiative to learn about their task before hand as well as any other variable that could happen and formulated a plan that would grant them success, which they executed flawlessly right from the start. Providing them with the best possible outcome they could ask for. In this case the four guaranteed they would all end up on a team together. They displayed a high degree of teamwork not only in how they used each of their individual skills but also chose the ones with the most appropriate abilities to achieve their goals both quickly and efficiently." Ozpin added.

"Not only that, they seemed to be rather professional about it, even going so far as to scout the area before going in and double checking for traps. I cannot say whether they were taught that or if it was from experience, but based on their automatic and speedy actions, I am inclined to believe that they are highly skilled for their age and showed profeciency of the same level as a rookie huntsman. Tell me Glynda, can you in good conscience think we should fail them for the amount of skill they undoubtedly posses?"

Glynda couldn't help but agree with the older mans reasoning as she listened nodding her head.

"As for combat skill, well...Minato and Tobirama could be shown to brawl it out with the likes of Roman Torchwick and his cohorts, so it would be a fair assessment to say that they possess some sort of proficiency surpassing that of a combat school graduate. Which is odd considering they have not the slightest record of that other than the bare minimum of basic information. I digress, if the other two are as good fighters as Tobirama had claimed to be back at the interrogation, then we can only infer that they too are skilled."

Glynda merely sighed in defeat, but found a new form of acknowledgement towards the four shinobi.




"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long. You four recovered the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will be known as team RWBY, lead by Ruby Rose." Ozpin announced into the microphone, they were all now in the auditorium.

The cheers only began to die down once Ozpin raised his hand. "And now for the final new team this year."

Hashirama nudged Tobirama with his elbow before making their way up onto the stage followed by the other two ninja, he could easily hear the whispers going around about their...peculiar choice of attires, that and there was the "awesome dragon" words that were used to describe what happened from some of the students who were at the initiation and the seniors who watched from broadcasted televisions. That as well as their extremely fast completion of the initiation that broke the record time in the entire history of Beacon Academy.

"Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju , Hiruzen Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze. You four retrieved the white king pieces, in record setting time I might add. So it is with great pleasure that I bestiw upon you your team designation. From this day forth, you four will be known as team HTMN (Huntsmen). The team name was bestowed upon you in lieu of your recent feats and accomplishments, those of which that mirrored what it means to be a textbook huntsman. Smart. Decisive. Cunning. Skilled and Intuitive. I am proud to procclaim upon you, the title of the strongest team of the entire first years." Ozpin declared which earned many cheers and whistles from the crowed that was accompanied by the roar of clapping, both from the teachers and the students.

"As for who will lead your team, that's a slightly more unique matter." The whispers started up again at Ozpin saying this.

"Normally we would choose a team leader based off of performance during initiation, your team however achieved your objectives so quickly that we were unable to come to any conclusions about who should lead your team. So instead of choosing one of you randomly we'd like the four of you, who seem to be quite familiar with one another, to decide who gets to lead."




"Hashi- huh?"

Hashirama, Minato, and Hiruzen all said to the headmaster and Tobirama gave a quick bow of his head towards the headmaster. After he quickly got over his surprise, which was short lived.

"Very well, from now on this team will be lead by Mr. Senju. Congratulations young man."




Later once HTMN left the stage and after the program, they quickly made their way back to their new dorm rooms and set to work installing appropriate security measures. Like any good ninja they were cautious. Except for Tobirama, who was paranoid.

Hashirama used his sage mode to inspect the room for possible anomalies within the room. Tobirama and Minato searched for any cameras or other recording devices that could be hidden in the room while Hiruzen went to work placing several different types of seal through out the room including silencing seals, and strengthening seals on the walls as well as alarm contingencies should anybody other than the four of them would enter the room and would notify tyem immediately. Minato also put teleportation runes should they need to teleport to the room with haste.

Once that was all said and done, Tobirama set up a small chemical and medical work station on the provided desk, out of the four ninja he was by far the most skilled medic and chemist and thus provided the four with any needed poisons or medicines. He was the one who pioneered the hidden leaf village's medicine and science science. That and he liked to study. And disect. And experiment occasionally.

The four worked late into the night doing their best to turn the relatively small dorm room into the closest thing they could to base of operations as well as a safe house, after all they did move out of their old apartment and into the dormitory.

"Hey what's for dinner?" Hashirama asked.

"I ordered those things called pizza." Minato replied.

"Ooh, you mean those round cheese pastry with vegetables and meat?"

"Yes, though if you ask me, it's not very healthy, but they are quite delicious. It should be fine to consume them in moderation." Tobirama chimed in.

"Hey, isn't this one of those...er...what's it called? Air conditioning?" Hiruzen inquired as he fumbled with the device to turn it on.

"I believe so, turning on those knobs should activate it. There is also a remote." Minato replied.

Minato thought back to those days and began verbally recounting the time where they first saw an AC at the mall. Hiruzen and Minato called it an "Ice Powered Box." Though since it was expensive, they merely got the "Air Blowing Box" instead since it was cheaper.

"Ha! Remember the time when Tobirama here referred to those bullheads as "Flying Metal Boxes?" Hahahah!" Hashirama joked.

"Says the guy who called a T.V "The great portable theater" with all of the "little men" occupying the box." Tobirama replied with his own joke.

Their night was filled with glee.

Especially aince they discovered that their beds had springs underneath their cusions. Who knew that it would make the bed softer and more comfortable? Aure they've seen a bed or two, but for the people who used futons all their lives, using one themselves was pure bliss. No, it was heaven.

Thank you for reading! See you until the next update!


Hashirama senju - H

Tobirama senju - T

Minato namikaze - M

hiruzeN sarutobi -N

Team H u n T s M e N

Thank you for reading! See you until the next update!