
V3 ch13

Dave let Kyle drive us back, letting everyone keep the same seats. We had a fun night. School without the classes. I wondered if this is how other students felt watching our games? 

"Do you think we'll go again next weekend?" Alisha asked Noah. 

Noah shrugged. "I don't know. It depends if the A's are playing at home and whether Jake wants to go."

Dave leaned forward. "You mean on whether you can convince Jake to go." He grinned. 

Noah pushed his face away. "Shut up. Jake likes going too." He glanced back at me. "Right, Jake?"

I nodded. 

"It looks like the A's will clinch their division soon." Kaylee commented. "Is your brother excited for playoffs?"

I nodded again, then grinned at Noah. "But, Noah is more excited I think."

Noah sat up straight. "Of course! The A's have been sneaking in the playoffs only to be kicked out in the first round. This year is our year! Everything is lining up perfectly!"
