

"Lily, breathe in and out," Maya tried to calm her down. She didn't know what had happened for Lily to talk like that.

Lily took the advice and breathed in and out. "I heard someone's voice when I pushed the door, but there was nobody here, just both of us."

Maya looked around the place to be sure it wasn't Augustine who was trying to play games with Lily's mind. "What did you hear?"

"Um... 'Welcome to Twin...no twig and Petal,'" she replied.

Maya, who hadn't heard of it before, took note of it. She was going to let Raven know about this. "Do you want to rest? Maybe we can do this later."

"No, no...I guess maybe I heard wrong. We can't postpone our shopping because of something so trivial. I'm fine," Lily smiled, happy that she wasn't tagged as someone who had lost it.

Maya nodded. "Just let me know when you don't feel like staying around here; we can always leave and there's nothing wrong with you." And Lily nodded.