
Robert’s Plan

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Upon hearing Robert's words, Gu Ding nodded. "We brought them. You want to use them now?"

Robert retrieved a metal apparatus that was the size of a grown person's palm from the Inventory. "Both of you should look for mini-excavators like this one. It would have been fine if it was just me. However, there are three of us now, so the passageway isn't wide enough."

Gu Ding and Liliath rummaged around the Inventory and very quickly found metal apparatuses that were the same as the one in Robert's hand.

Robert took the apparatuses from their hands. Then, he pressed the start buttons of each mini excavator in succession before flinging them toward the sandy ground. The apparatuses that were originally flat suddenly grew legs, looking as if they were daddy longlegs before they rapidly burrowed deeper into the sand. A deep hole soon appeared on the surface of the ground.