
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 3: The first hunt !

The next day....

It was officially the first day that Lobion got lost in the middle of nowhere.

The morning came faster than expected, and without a comfortable bed Lobion was exhausted yesterday, so he didn't take the time to make a proper bed. Indeed, Lobion had to make sure he found a safe shelter, found a viable food source and made a knife as a precaution.

He slowly opens his eyes and the first thing he sees in his home field is a ceiling that is both unfamiliar and familiar. Lobion finds this ceiling familiar because it was the last image he had before he left for dreamland.

Now that the day has begun, Lobion must set goals for himself in order to survive. "I Lobion Hiradin promise to return to my tribe and join my family. First goal set!

"Well, secondly I need to make a better means of attack than my little knife, a spear would be perfect, I also need tools to cut wood and stone such as an axe and a pickaxe. Then I'll try to find some berries that have a torpor effect to allow me to tame a parasaur to make a mount. And finally I will try to find some dodos and make them my evening meal if possible." Lobion thinks as he looks around.

So Lobion comes out of his shelter, it is a cellar that is no more than 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and 3 meters high, so he has more than enough room to make a comfortable shelter. Once in front of his shelter, Lobion starts to look for stones that will allow him to make the tip of his future axe, he also looks for branches for the handle and to make a rope with bush fibres to fix the stone on the handle.

When Lobion has all the necessary materials he starts to do the same process as he did with his knife. However, he makes his tool look not like a knife but like an axe.

"Perfect, thank God I listened to father when he was explaining how to make our tools to me and my sisters!" Lobion is satisfied with his work.

Now all he needed to do was make a pickaxe, so Lobion repeated the same process once again but for a pickaxe-shaped tool. He gathered materials and assembled them

"Hmm.... I am very happy with this pickaxe! I feel that with this pickaxe I will be able to do things I have never done before, such as breaking rocks to enlarge my cave!"

After finishing his two tools that will be more than useful in the future if Lobion wants to build a proper shelter and other tools.

The appearance of the axe is quite simple, it is about 55cm long and has the light black flint hanging in the middle of its dark brown wooden handle and fixed with dark green fibre. This axe is both simple and very strong. The flint is about 30 cm long.

Its picks look pretty much the same because the materials used are practically the same. The only thing that changes is the size of the materials. Indeed the size of the pickaxe is about 1 meter long. The flint is embedded in the wood and then attached with fibre. The size of the flint is about 50cm.

It is already noon, the grey sun is high in the sky, its light illuminates the flora and fauna in a strange way. Yesterday Lobion could not notice this particularity but it seems that the sunlight is beneficial for the body.

Indeed, since yesterday, he feels a bit stronger than before he went on the initiation hunt with his father.

« grrrrrrrrrrrrr » At that moment a sound that every man or woman has known at least once in their life, the sound of hunger!

"I didn't pay attention, I didn't even eat this morning! But I have to find something else to go with these beautiful and strange berries!"

But before deciding on what to eat with the berries, Lobion decides to return to my makeshift bed in his shelter and eats the remaining berries. After eating all the berries, Lobion decides to go and collect some more and make a small stock of berries for a few days while thinking about what would be the best accompaniment to go with his berries.

Lobion goes out of the cave to pick some berries, he also takes the opportunity to look for some berries that have a torpor effect. A few minutes later, Lobion notices that there are berries on some bushes not far from his shelter.

He heads for his bushes, which are not far from a stream he had not seen last night when searching for a cave in these rocks.

"Ah, narcosias I can make a narcotic concoction to tame my first mount." Lobion exclaims aloud as he cannot help his joy when he sees berries that look like narcosias.

"But before I jump to conclusions, I have to check if these berries are the same as the one I think! So what better way than to test them myself?" Lobion thinks as he looks at the berries in front of him.

He knows that the berries that are the narcosias are not dangerous if consumed in very small quantities. In the worst case, if the person consumes too much, he or she may just sleep forever.

Indeed, despite the fact that this berry is used to put dinosaurs to sleep, this does not mean that humans can take it to fall asleep. Dinosaurs by nature have more robust bodies and blood systems than normal humans. Therefore, a large amount of narcosia is not harmful to their bodies, unlike humans.

That is why this berry is also very effective as a poison in many island tribes. However, as it is a known poison, there are also very effective remedies against it.

For example, consuming a white berry directly after eating narcosia removes the effect of the poison almost immediately.

So he decides to take some with his hand and then put it in his mouth to taste it and see what it does!

"Munch! Munch!"

After a few seconds, Lobion's face changes colour. Indeed, the berries are working as he has a sudden urge to sleep now.

But before this urge becomes too great, he takes the white berries he has set aside and eats them without delay. The effect of the white berries is immediately visible. He quickly regained his energy.

Happy with his find, Lobion hurries back to his shelter to prepare some narcotic with the help of the narco-berries. However, he has to make a mortar with stone and skin in order to make the narcotic. He also need some rotten meat so that Lobion can mix it with his narcosias.

So Lobion collects some stones and brings them to his shelter to make a small pile in a corner. Then he comes out with his knife in hand and decides to go hunting dodos for their skins and meat.

He doesn't hesitate to concentrate and then use his tribe's technique to make the creatures' tracks appear in the area.

He is frightened, however, because he notices that during the night several large creatures have passed near his cellar.

"It seems that they are carnotaurs... Probably a couple of carnotaurs who were looking for a shelter to lay their eggs. Fortunately they didn't find my cellar otherwise I would have been in a very difficult position or even dead!"

Lobion sweats when he thinks that he has just escaped a certain death during his sleep without being conscious!

After regaining his wits Lobion decides that next time he will be more careful about the potential predators that may be in the area before settling down. He would have to be more careful of the tracks of these predators to avoid ending up in their stomachs.

Several metres from his cave, Lobion follows the footprints of what appear to be the tracks of multiple dodos. These tracks lead him to a place not far from his cellar where there is a small river and a group of dodos are drinking from it.

Seeing the river Lobion is most happy as he has not drunk any water since yesterday, the closest he has come to water in his belly is the juice from the berries.

In addition, he ate narcosia berries and white berries which made him extremely thirsty at the same time. He was going to get some water after he went hunting for lunch.

But before taking to the water. Lobion decides to kill the dodos for their skins and meat. He approaches the dodo as discreetly as possible, hiding in the tall grass.

As soon as he is at a distance of about 3 meters Lobion decides to throw his knife on one of the dodos that is closest to his position.

"HUFFF!" He takes a deep breath of fresh air before stabilizing his arm and throws his knife with a sharp blow!

"WIUUUU!" The dodo that was hit screams in pain as it realises that it has been wounded.

When the other dodos around him realise the situation, they all start to panic and run in all directions in disorder. However, there is one direction they don't run in and that is the one where Lobion is.

"Too bad I don't have a spear because I could have killed more than one of them!" Lobion says with a slightly sad look on his face as he notices that his first hunt is not as good as he would have hoped!

After lamenting his first hunt, Lobion decides it's time to go back to his shelter to take care of the dodo's body before it rots and becomes unmanageable!

Once in his shelter, Lobion starts to skin it and puts the meat on rocks in the middle of other rocks or branches that are arranged in the shape of campfires. With two flints he starts to make sparks to light the fire and cook the meat.

After several tens of minutes the meat smells delicious, which is a sign that it is ready.