

Have you heard about the Campbells? Well, if you have, I advise you never, ever, ever, talk about it. I think you are wondering why.

Our kingdom is hidden. And mostly, I am hidden. I don't have a clue what makes me so special that I have to be hidden deep down in a dark forest. It's been almost a decade since we have been undiscovered. I've been attempting to escape for years. I've always thought of what it looks like in the outside world. Such an incredible view, I could imagine, almost as gorgeous as a painting-a painting no one could ever paint. It's just so enchanted there are almost no words to describe it.

It just feels super impossible to escape this dungeon-like home of ours.

The estate's called Edlim.


I was sitting on the green grass in the garden when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

"Your Highness!" called Mrs. Brown.

"Yes?" I turned around as she was bowing down.

"You are needed inside, urgently!"

"Who is this calling me, and why?"

I was pretty sure it was Mother who was calling me, but what makes this so odd is that she needs me, urgently.

"Your Mother, she told me to call you for a talk," she said, taking heavy breaths.

"Is everything okay in there?" I said, worriedly.

"I am not very sure I have the right answer for your question, your Highness, but the best advice I can give you is to hurry inside."

"Will do. Thank you."

I ran inside to answer all the questions storming in my head. As I reached the hallway, I walked slowly. I could hear them murmuring as I got closer.

"Your Majesty," I said as my hands were trembling, bowed down.

"Ah, you have come," said Father.

"You called me?" I looked at both of them.

I noticed they looked disturbed by the presence of each other.

MOTHER STOOD UP FROM HER THRONE and slowly stepped down the stairs as if she were scared of something down there.

"Follow me," said Mother as she was headed to the terrace.

I followed her. I looked back as Father watched every step we gained. I could feel something was not right.

Once we reached the terrace, I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "Is everything alright, Ma?"

"Now that you're old enough to understand, it's time you find out," she sighed.

"Find out what?"


"Ma, tell me," I begged her to say it straight. "What could be so important?" I just asked myself.

"It's hard to say but, your father is... not your real father, which means, we're just half-blood Campbells," said Mother.

I took a moment and stared in confusion.

As I looked Mother in the eyes, they started looking teary, then they ran down. I understood why she looked so sad.

I hugged her and said, "Ma, it's okay, he still loves us, doesn't he?"

"I'm sure he loves you, very much dear," she said.

"I'll leave you here to calm down, Ma."

I left the terrace and walked through the hallway. I don't know why I felt so nervous while walking.


I stopped for a moment and figured out it was Father. I felt a spark of rage inside me, but I didn't show it. "How dare he!" I told myself. I turned around looking down, and spoke, trying to sound confident, "Yes, Father?" Silence filled the room.

"Is there anything you need, Your Majesty?" I felt ignored.

"Nevermind, dear."

I closed my eyes. I tried to understand what was happening around me. I just turned my back to him and tried to walk as fast as I could. I needed to find Mrs. Brown. I roamed around the castle, then found Mrs. Brown in the kitchen.