
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 32

Berk rode alone to the secluded rear of the canyon villa, where a faint path, barely discernible amidst the woods, wound its way into the dense, shadowy depths of the forest beyond. Securing his horse, he ventured forth into the solitude of the woods. At the end of the winding path lay a stone cottage, enveloped in creeping vines, its presence almost elusive from a distance.

After ensuring the coast was clear, Berk swiftly approached the door of the stone cottage. Retrieving an ancient key, he unlocked the door with a gentle hand, revealing darkness within. Upon emerging some time later, empty-handed, he carefully secured the door once more, meticulously erasing any trace of his presence before departing from the stone abode.

In the interrogation chamber of the municipal council, Gabriel found himself under Liam's scrutiny. Liam regarded the old man with a tinge of sorrow, once a prominent figure in the city, now stripped not only of his elder status but also tarnished in reputation, with slim chances of ever residing within the city-state of Laurence again.

Gabriel staunchly denied any involvement in the embezzlement of the treasury, deflecting blame by attributing his actions to directives from the former leader, Kenny, claiming his role was merely an oversight. Liam chuckled softly, "Mr. Gabriel, even if you refuse to acknowledge it, the populace is not easily deceived. Are you not apprehensive about facing the wrath of the people?" Gabriel flinched but remained silent. Liam continued, "However, there is a proposition on the table. If you cooperate, we are willing to placate the public and ensure the safety of your family outside the city walls, even allowing you to retain your personal belongings."

Meeting Liam's gaze, Gabriel felt a pang in his heart at the other man's unwavering resolve. Was being expelled from the city in such a humiliating manner truly the best course for him and his family? Yet, if he chose not to comply, confronted with the embezzlement he had committed, the repercussions would undoubtedly be dire.

Gabriel hoarsely inquired, "What do you propose?" Liam brandished the parchment scroll in his hand, "You will serve as a witness, attesting to Kenny's culpability in Joseph's murder. As per our intelligence, the vial of poison used in the deed was provided by you, and Kenny confided in you about his scheme to frame Joseph and subsequently eliminate him." Beads of cold sweat formed on Gabriel's brow; these were conversations shared in confidence, how did Liam come by this knowledge?

"Berk, who provided false testimony for Kenny, has come forward, leaving Kenny in a precarious position. It would be prudent for you to sever ties with him," Liam stated icily. Gabriel sighed, realizing he had little choice in the matter now.

Annina received a mysterious letter at the canyon villa, devoid of any signature, simply requesting a clandestine meeting at the forest lake gazebo late into the night. Annina recognized it as Kenny's handiwork. In the past, when Kenny held sway as the leader, they often rendezvoused there. Now, however, it could mark a crucial turning point.

Nevertheless, Annina honored the appointment. As anticipated, in the moonlit serenity of the forest lake gazebo, a dark silhouette danced upon the rippling waters—it was Kenny. Observing her composed approach, Kenny couldn't help but admire her courage.

"I've pondered deeply," Kenny broke the silence, his gaze locked onto Annina's captivating visage, the very countenance that once ensnared him in fervent obsession. "All my missteps stem from our union. Were it not for you, I wouldn't find myself at this juncture today."

Annina, unruffled, offered a disdainful smile. "Why not consider that these errors trace back to your virtuous wife's pursuit of truth on your behalf?"

"No, it began with meeting you," Kenny asserted resolutely. His tone remained tranquil, devoid of remorse. He simply stated a conclusion, characteristic of his nature; he harbored no regrets.

"Have you forsaken your loyal Burke?" Kenny's gaze darkened once more, as if reproaching Annina for this fatal misstep.

"Burke merely provided an alibi for your absence from the scene of the crime. Have you considered that they now control Gabriel, the very individual who administered the poison?"

"Don't attempt to absolve yourself. The damning evidence lies in the 'death oath' you inscribed on the vial! And you willingly handed it to Milia yourself. You, this madman, orchestrate agony to spite her! And I, I am but a pawn in your schemes!"

Annina observed Kenny's hysterics with a sardonic gaze. "Is this your sole purpose today? I advise you to flee while you still can."

"I can't escape!" Kenny lamented, his despair palpable. "The priests have alerted all the tribes; unless I vanish into the wilderness, I'll be recognized anywhere."

"So that's why they released you?" Annina shook her head. "This is your final opportunity. Were I in your shoes, I'd choose to fade into the wilderness, rather than face the gallows."

A glimmer of frostiness flickered in Kenny's eyes.

Almost daily, Annina, under the guise of a fixed routine, eluded her attendants to venture down the secluded path behind the canyon villa to the concealed stone abode. On this scorching afternoon, she trod the path once more. The stone dwelling offered respite from the heat, its interior deserted. Annina proceeded to a solitary, vacant chamber, where she groped in the corner, manipulating a mechanism. The wall stones retreated, unveiling an empty recess within.

Annina's countenance underwent a drastic transformation. She reached out incredulously, her touch trembling. Yes, there was naught within.

She turned, her gaze skyward, emitting an enraged cry. Her voice, sharp and piercing, resembled a blade poised to cleave through the roof.

Milia, aided by Heidi, once again invoked a demigod. The figure materialized through wisps of golden smoke, silent and imposing.

"I've located what you seek," Milia intoned deferentially.

"Ah, you have it?" The demigod's voice remained placid.

"Nay, I have not approached it; I merely know its whereabouts."

"Why withhold it from me?" The demigod narrowed his eyes.

"I surmise you wish to prevent anyone from accessing this secret," Milia replied composedly.

"Ha, astute indeed, madam, far wiser than another. So, what is your desire?"

"I seek naught."

"So, what exactly lies within?" Heidi's curiosity got the better of her as she and Milia made their way back to the forest hut.

"If my intuition serves me right, it should be a unique kind of spiritual power exclusive to the elven race. Utilizing a herbal concoction known only to Annina herself, she ensured the demigod retained the divine aspect without diminishing," Milia elucidated.

"But wouldn't this pose a threat as well? She comprehends it's her sole safeguard. Hence, she concealed the formula," Heidi remarked.

"If she were to obliterate the formula, wouldn't it render it forever elusive?"

"She wouldn't dare take it that far. Undoubtedly, she must have pledged to relinquish the formula. However, for now, she's merely procrastinating," Milia affirmed.

Naturally, this remained conjecture on Milia's part. Having gleaned the precise hiding spot from Burke, she refrained from approaching it again. Instead, she promptly informed the demigod, confident in his ability to retrieve what he sought. Milia's actions underscored her resolve not to emulate Annina—to avoid becoming someone reliant on his powers while scheming for an escape route.

Annina knelt before the altar, trembling with apprehension. Her head bowed low, she pleaded for the demigod's forgiveness.

"Depart, for I harbor no intention of obliterating you," the demigod's voice resonated with calmness. "Seize the opportunity now to flee to the farthest reaches of the continent. This marks my final act of mercy towards you."

With that, the demigod vanished.

Annina ceased her trembling. A glimmer of hope flickered within her as she struggled to rise to her feet. She recognized that the demigod's ultimate punishment lay in stripping away all her protections, leaving her bereft of privileges. Those who followed her did so not out of genuine reverence but because they sought the demigod's favor. Now stripped of everything, she would soon find herself pursued relentlessly by the combined forces of Laurence City-State, the Chenno Tribe, and several other tribes whose treasuries she had depleted. They would show no mercy, and with the dissolution of the OLVE New Alliance Organization, she had no subjects to command.

Annina stumbled towards her concealed stone refuge, where she had stashed away some gold and possessions in another secluded corner. With time running short, she knew she had to hastily gather her belongings and flee for her life. As she approached the entrance to the stone dwelling, she noticed the door slightly ajar. Instantly alert, she tightened her grip on the sword at her waist and cautiously entered. The interior was enveloped in darkness, save for a faint glow emanating from the staircase leading to the basement—the very place where she had hidden her treasures.

Quiet as a whisper, Annina descended the stairs. In the dimly lit basement, she beheld the sight of her treasure cache being plundered. A figure, back turned to her, was busy transferring gold into a large leather pouch. It was Burke.

Annina's gaze hardened upon the traitor who had brought about her downfall. A surge of hatred engulfed her. Without a sound, she drew her sword and crept up from behind, driving the blade into Burke's neck.

Burke uttered scarcely a sound, his only response a grimace of pain and disbelief as he turned to face Annina's frenzied eyes. Collapsing to the ground, blood pooled from his throat onto the floor.