
To Pierced Moon

"How fantastic! A perfect vessel!"

Someone exclaimed in ecstasy, "For years I have dedicated my life to this project. Years! Yet it failed several times! However, you... You just might work! Their extreme opposites might just fuse properly!"

"I must! I must obtain them!"

~ ~ ~

Travis sheathed his sword, a much bigger group attempted to hunt him now.

As more and more people attempted to claim his bounty, more people began to realize how powerful Travis was. They could not hope to compete right now.

This time the group managed to survive his War Sight, so he had to intervene personally.

Abe spoke up, 'So what is your plan?'

"Getting stronger obviously, however I'm not sure the path I want to take."


"I must become Second Stage at the bare minimum before we can acquire the Demon Hearts for your repair."

'Your strength can be compared to that of a Second Stage.'

"Yes, but the High Class Demons have power compared to that of a Third Stage."

'Why not obtain an Abyssal Page?'

"I wish to stay away from the Abyss for now. I spent far too long in there."

'Then what are your options?'

"Obtaining items that increase my strength."

'Such as?'

"The Heavenly Body Fruit, the Droplet of Pure Mana Dew. Such items can increase my strength significantly."

'But those are-'

"Incredibly rare and difficult to get? I am aware of that, I don't like things that are dependent on my luck."

'Why not expand your influence in the Abyss? If you become a higher ranked Royal-'

"I'm not going in there for now."


Travis sat on the edge of a massive cliff, his head turning with ideas. There were so many options he could take to improve his strength, however some choices would block him from future opportunities.

While he could obtain more gear, it would eventually be replace. Items like Harbinger of the Abyss were incredibly rare.

He wanted something that would stick with him forever. Like his War Sight. Something like a Chosen Blessing would work, however the Gods had something against War Sights and would not give their blessings to whoever had one.

A memory flashed in his head. He remembered a post he read in his past timeline. A certain individual who could increase the strength of those they found worthy.

Travis had no idea what the strengthening was, but if he remembered correctly it was on the northern most part of the continent.

The thing about A World's Legacy was that the world they were in was not necessarily a global server. Instead their own recreation of earth was the game. Meaning other continents on earth would be on a different continent in the game. Crossing to another continent in the game via boat was near impossible. The further one went into sea the stronger sea monsters they would face. Even if they were traveling by air other creatures would attack them.

This also meant that there would be different experiences on each continent. Although the game itself remained mostly the same.

So if Travis wanted to travel to the northern part of his continent, he would need a good mount. Making the trip on foot was not an appealing idea.

He had an idea on where to obtain a flying mount.

~ ~ ~

'You're the one freeloading in my space!' -Stars

'You should be grateful that a Dragon even wants to stay with you!' -Givale

'Grateful? Any Dragon would want to be with me regardless!'

'Ha! I doubt any of them could put up with your attitude.'

'It makes me wonder on how the Tower managed to deal with you! I personally feel bad for it!'

'The Tower chose me, I am special.'

'Special? More like unlucky, must have been a random draw, that had your name on it of course.'

'I don't want to talk to the one who was kidnapped by a Lesser Slime.'

'Excuse you-?'

Akiol interrupted their bickering, "Stopping you there. My image shall not be tarnished by your arguing."

'I thought you didn't care about image.' -Stars

"Since when did I say that?"

'I. . . don't remember?'

"Then it was your imagination."

Givale began to complain, 'Let me out! I don't want to remain with this weapon!'

'For once we agree, I do not wish to stay with this egotistical Dragon.'

Akiol rubbed his temples, "Fine. Why can't you get along?"

'I would like to, if she wasn't self absorbed.' -Stars

'You're one to talk!' -Givale

Akiol looked up into the sky, why was this so troublesome?

Givale popped into existence and happily walked around. As she examined items that caught her interest she asked, "Where are we going?"

"To meet an old acquaintance. If things go smoothly then we can avoid a lot of conflict."

"Acquaintance? Do I know them?"


Stars spoke up, 'That Stabbed guy right? We are going to ask for the Seer's Eye.'

"Five points to Stars."

Givale pouted, "That one wasn't fair!"

An idea sparked into Akiol's mind, "While we travel, why don't I teach you some mana control?"

Givale immediately perked up and ran over to Akiol excitedly, "Really?"

Akiol nodded, "Mhm, let's see what you can do first."

Givale lifted her hand and focused. She remained unmoving for a minute, a bead of sweat forming from the effort.

Akiol sensed a small amount of mana swirling in her palm. He crouched behind her and held his arm parallel to hers. He held his palm under hers and guided, "You're forcing the mana. Instead feel it around you, it's living and breathing. Nothing likes to be forced, instead familiarize yourself with it. Let the mana get used to you."

Givale noticeably relaxed, she had no reason to doubt his words. After all his control vastly outmatched her own.

Akiol inwardly nodded, a Dragon's talent would naturally be high. She already was getting the hang of it. He then moved the mana around her hand, "Now convince it to follow your instructions. Don't force it, and don't push to hard. You'll know when it agrees."

Givale tried her best, but couldn't get it to work. After ten minutes of trial and error Akiol patted her arm, "Alright let's keep moving for now."

Givale opened her eyes and lowered her arm with a frown, "But. . ."

Akiol ruffled her hair, "If you managed to get it first try then your talent would be unfathomable. Instead keep familiarizing yourself with it."

Akiol hesitated before continuing, "You seem to still act like your above everything because you are a Dragon. This is affecting your control over the mana. No one likes an overconfident and boastful person. Mana is equal and fair to all, you are no greater than it. Remember that, it will help you greatly."

Givale nodded, as she still digested the experience. Her goal was to be at least half as good as Akiol before showing it to her mother.

As they continued walking Akiol noticing something about Givale. The tips of her hair had color, though it was so little Akiol wasn't sure what the color was. However he was happy, it seemed like Givale was growing just fine now.

He too would need to grow, the encounter with Rygeth and Ryolu had helped grow his desire for strength. He wasn't sure how much farther he could go with his skill, but he knew that there was still so much in the game.

He asked, "Stars, what is the requirement for Second Stage?"

'Hmm let's see. Sometimes it is arguable that it's the hardest to become First Stage than any other stage. The entering of the Stages is quite difficult. Increasing a Stage is different. If entering First Stage had a requirement, then increasing to Second Stage has a threshold.'

"So what's the threshold?"

'A certain level of strength, mana control, and Titles.'

Akiol was surprised at the fact that Stars said something about the game. None of the NPCs ever said anything about the game, "Titles?"

'Those watching from above would deem you worthy of a Title. Not many can obtain one.'

"I see."

Akiol had reason to believe that he completed two of the three requirements. The only thing he was missing was the strength.

He had attempted to Mana Line refining techniques from his past world. However the slime body, or perhaps any body, did not have the Mana Lines.

The other way would be to increase his level, but he didn't have the interface to keep track of that.

So he was stumped, unsure on how to grow stronger. After a bit of pondering he decided on helping Givale grow first. Perhaps he too would grow stronger via the link.

He looked in the distance, a group of players were walking towards him. Or at least in the opposite direction as him. Upon walking close a player asked, "Brother! What are you doing all the way out here?"

"Looking for the Guild house of Pierced Moon."

"Ah! Head down the road, it should be on your left."

"Many thanks."

Following the directions Akiol eventually found the Guildhouse. He found it odd that it wasn't in a city, but perhaps it was a strategical position.

He raised his hand to knock, hopefully Stabbed was willing to listen.