
The Hero's Revenge

The villain is seen as undefeatable. The gods play with him by sending him heroes to fight. The villain, however, tries to stop the gods when finds out that the newest hero is just a child.

We_are_here · แอคชั่น
23 Chs


Luckus nods and goes back to coloring. I grab the papers and sign where I need to then I put it in my drawer. I grab the other papers that I need to finish and do them. After about an hour Luckus walks up to me.

"Can we get food?"

"Did you not have lunch yet?"

"No, when Everett came in to get Akira, she tried her best to stay longer but failed."

"That's why it was 10:12 when you guys got here."

"Yep." I stand from my chair and start walking to the door.

"Let's go."

Luckus follows behind and we walk to the Café. Most people are eating which makes sense it is almost noon. While walking through Luckus seemed to try to be walking as close as humanly possible to me. We get our food and walk back to my office.

"Are you alright?" Luckus looks up at me.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You seemed to want to be close to me when we were in the Café."

"Oh, you noticed." He looks down.

"Yes, I did. So, is everything alright?"

"I don't like crowds. Which I know is ironic because I'm a hero but still."

"Makes sense."

"What do you mean?" Luckus looks back up at me.

"Well, these are people you don't know and many people like being in crowds so if you are one of them, that's not a problem, I can stay next to you."

Lukus smiles slightly to himself.

"You really are like a dad."

"I'm glad you think so. Now, go on and eat. After lunch we are going to go home with Everett."

"Why are we going with Everett?

"I want to spend time with his little one and it will be good for you to get out. By the way how is your back?"

"Being outside will be nice. I can't lay on my back. Dr. Sanna has been putting an ointment on it that has been helping it heal really well."

"Good. Now go on and eat."

After we eat, I take care of the garbage. I also get someone to send Dr. Danial up my way with the ointment so I can have Lukus put it on himself and I will be here to help him if needed. After a few minutes, Dr. Danial comes up to my office with the ointment. I have him leave after he gives me the ointment.

"Lukus, let's get this on your back before we leave. Do you think you will need help or do you want me to leave so you can have some privacy?"

"Can you stay? Please."

"Yes, I can. Do you want me to look away or anything like that while you put the ointment on?"

"Thank you. You don't need to. Plus, I might need help."

"Here is the ointment. Go on and put it on your back." I hand him the ointment.

"Thank you."

Lukus takes the ointment and starts putting it on under his shirt. He keeps the ointment next to him as he carefully put the ointment on his back. He gets about half of his back covered but with his shirt on he can't get the top half of his back.

"Can you help get the top half of my back?"

"Yes, I can."

I kneel down behind him. I put some of the ointment on my fingers. The ointment feels like vaseline but also what kids would think cloud felt like, soft, fluffy, pillow like, and smooth. This is definitely a weird combination but if it works, it's fine. I carefully and slowly put the ointment on the top half of his back.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome kid. Now, are you ready to clean up your things so we can leave?"

"Yes, I am."

Lukus goes straight to cleaning up his little corner. He brings the stuff up to me.

"Where should I put the stuff?"

"Go put it on the end table over there. That way if we come back you can just go back to drawing."

Lukus walks over to the end table to set the things down when he asks, "What do you mean if we come back?"

"Well, depending on when the little man falls asleep, depends if we will spend the night or not. Plus, tomorrow I want to get you a few things and your own room set up so that might take a while."

Lukus sets his things down as he listens to me speak. He looks up from the end table, that he just placed his things on, at me starstruck. "Really? I get things and my own room?"

I chuckle slightly on how innocent and happy he looks and also to hide the little bit of sadness I have at the thought that he doesn't have his own room, which isn't uncommon but he is 12. He should have some space from his younger sister and his mothers' place looked big enough for him to have his own room. Plus, if he isn't used to getting things, how is he going to react when I get him an entire new wardrobe? Maybe I am acting like a dad with him. I can talk to Everett about that. He should know. He is a single dad after all.

"Yes, you will get a new room and your own room."

Lukus, without hesitation, hugs him. "Thank you, dad."

I look at him, a little shocked that he just called me dad but that soon changes to a smile. "You're welcome kiddo." I hug him back but it is awkward as the ointment hasn't fully set in yet so I don't want to touch his back. I end up just picking him up in my arms. We both just stay there, hugging each other.