
Random Storytelling #1

(needless to say I have warned you in the previous chapter of disgusting writing it's your fault that you didn't listen. Hey you reader if you want me to fix my grammer just type in the comments I'll fix it but I'm not changing the story)

[In the beginning there was void from that void was birthed chaos and with chaos brought order then evil and good came from order and chaos and with them brought the gods beings that held great power but we're shackled by themselves]

[The First God was fascinated by the chaos around him so to understand it he began to try and make something chaotic and so the devils were created bound by nothing but bound by everything they were a paradox in itself the first god fascinated once more began to devote himself to understanding chaos]

[The Second God loved the idea of order and so it created Law's and it created Kilun a race that cannot go against Law's and are almost robotic way of thinking]

[The Third God didn't like his brothers and sisters creations and so he created something evil in which could destroy his brothers and sisters he called them demons and with them brought much to his brothers and sisters dismay]

[The Fourth God unable to decide what to create felt that Her brother was wrong so she created Angels filled with good and care always repairing the damage done after the demons come and sometimes even when directly confronted with a demon and angels will never attack first for they all believe in innate good in everything even when evil makes up there entirety]

[the other four gods found themselves enraptured by evil, good, and order but the last one loved the void but knowing that it would be cruel to destroy his brothers and sisters creations he created a being that emodied the void they were called Nix Bringers they were impossible to look at and impossible to listen to the Nix Bringers were so unknowable that they themselves forgot about themselves and so forgotten they turned into energy themselves they are what kick-started creation.]

[the gods jealous of the fifth ones creation killed him but the fifth one did not get mad at them instead he smiled like a warm sun he and used the last of himself to create dimensions to separate his siblings from fighting over jealousy]

[the four gods realised what they had done they and so they gave the fifth one a name to honour him and his name was Nul Furie and so the era of creation began]