
The Heretic Sword God

The Heretic Sword God, The One Who Betrayed All, The Thousand-Faced God, The Jester's Blade... These were all names given to one person by the masses; Khoru. But, that's too far into the future. Let's start at Khoru's beginning, his start on the path to both supreme and unparalleled strength, and godhood... Khoru, originally someone from a distant planet known as Kale Planet, perished and reincarnated on another planet. In his next life, Khoru realized that there was a drastic difference between the two worlds. This world had supernatural powers. The people of this world could awaken supernatural beings known as 'Martial Spirits' at the age of 12. Not only would these beings aid people in their cultivation, they could even provide people with magical items or abilities. Khoru just so happened to be born into a small noble family in Yellow Apple Town; The Ghostly Blade Family. They were a noble family full of sword fanatics. It was said that each member of the family would awaken a weapon type, almost always a sword-type, Martial Spirit. They were all extremely powerful as well. So now, not only did Khoru have to survive in a supernatural world where death was as common as eating, he also had to live up to the expectations of his overbearing family... And even worse, he was born as the illegitimate son of one of the supreme elders of the family! Fear not though, because Khoru won't fold under pressure so easily! = = = = = [Cover does not belong to me, I only edited it a bit.]

WhimsicalSoul · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Don't Bore Me

The courtyard went dead silent; so silent that one could hear a pen drop from a mile away. The only sound left to hear was the occasionally songs of the crickets and howling of the wind. Everybody stared blankly at the stadium, mainly at Qiu Wei who was on the ground, grimacing in pain.

Her expression was ugly and blood leaked from her mouth profusely. Her face had also turned a few shades paler upon realizing what just happened.

Not only did her proclaimed 'good-for-nothing' half-brother win, he nearly crippled her!


No one spoke a word for an entire hour, it was too shocking for someone to go out that way. They all realized the severity of the matter when they noticed how close Khoru's blade was to shattering Qiu Wei's dantian.

"Do not worry for her, she is fine. Someone carry her from the stadium and heal her." The supreme elder said.

That was a close call...

After holding their breath for a long time, many people breathed a sigh of relief when the supreme elder spoke. Regardless, they were still left in shock because of Khoru's performance.

That baleful aura that many people recalled earlier had appeared again, bolstering his strength and nullifying Qiu Wei's ultimate skill! He then went on to defeat Qiu Wei within a matter of minutes!


That shouldn't be possible for someone so young!

To Qiu Wei, everything felt like a dream. But to Khoru, the moment he discovered that his devil aura could repel her skills, he expected this outcome.

He snickered as he left the stadium.

"I-I... K-Khoru wins..." The man said, hesitating just to push the words out of his mouth. he couldn't fathom how Khoru could have possibly won, but he did.

The crowd roared with noise, eager to consult each other about what they had just witnessed on the stadium. This was nothing short of a surprise as Khoru turned the entire match around with one move!

The courtyard thundered with noise for 3 hours straight. Khoru was already sitting back down, waiting for the next matches. Although, he knew he wouldn't be competing in anymore matches because everybody would undoubtedly surrender.

"Alright everyone, quiet down and let the rest of the competition continue. I know you're all eager to converse, but be patient." The supreme elder said.


Match after match passed by, and now 4 hours had passed. The tournament was nearly half a day long, yet everyone remained to observe it. Khoru was matched against numerous people, but they each conceded one after the other without the slightest courage.

It was the same for Qiu Wei as well, although she had been gravely injured by Khoru, there was still no one who wished to deal with her ultimate skill.

With that, the tournament had officially ended. It was pretty evident who the winner of the competition was; Khoru.

As the sun began to set, drowning the courtyard and rest of the mansion in a violet and orange glaze, Khoru, among the rest of the people there, left the courtyard.

He had a big grin on his face as he left.

"Hm. I wonder where she went?" Khoru muttered as he looked around the crowd, trying to find Qiu Wei within it. Alas, she was nowhere to be found and probably left some other way.

"Oh well-" Xin Xuan came out of nowhere just as Khoru was speaking.

"Little Khoru! You made your mother proud today, boy! Not only did you put that hell-spawn in the dirt, but you even won the entire tournament!" Xin Xuan showered Khoru with praises and swung him around by his arms.

He was basically flying in the air at this point.

"M-Mother, release me! Unhand me now!" He stammered and tripped over his words, trying to at least sound imposing. Unfortunately that wasn't something he could do while being slung through the air like a ragdoll.

The mother and son duo happily went back to their home, or room...


"As I expected. You said he was practicing the Four Devils Body Strengthening Technique, correct?"


"No wonder he won then. Devils are naturally stronger than normal phantasmal creatures, in addition, their flames and auras are gravely toxic to those creatures as well. The marveling fact is that he managed to acquire the low-devil aura so quickly."

"Should I continue to keep watch of him?"

"Yes, but with more cautiousness. I'm sure my brother's horrid wife will try to plot something, and if not her, then her daughter."


A brief conversation occurred within the darkness once again, leaving the same woman sitting alone, thinking to herself...


"I'm glad I trained so much, or else that would've been me on the ground with a sword wound right above my dantian." Khoru said to himself as he looked at the ceiling.

He realized that he had come a long way. From dying to reincarnating into a different world, and even becoming stronger for whatever sake.

Khoru's character had changed since the moment he was reborn, all that remained was his memories.

He worked himself to the bone just to get back at his half-sister and her mother because of the things they put his mother through.

Hell, he even risked his life in the forest just for the sake of strength!

Khoru knew it well that before he died, he was never so selfless. The most he would do was give candy to a baby.

He never thought in a million years that he'd become like this, and it was only just that start.

"This is just the start of my journey in this world. Hopefully I'll encounter new and interesting people, and maybe even find a part- okay no I'm asking for too much. Let's just pray that this world is as exciting as it was in the novels!" He felt embarrassed when he thought of how he'd never even had a girlfriend before, much less an actual partner.

"Hm..." Khoru fell asleep shortly after that...