
Chapter 44: Scoring Deficiencies

Angelie and Mimi decided to walk home together. Angelie took the portrait of her and Akuma and placed it inside her bag. They then exited the school building and left the school grounds.

"So, may I ask why did you take the portrait with you?"

Mimi looked at Angelie as they were walking.

"Well, I felt bad that it got left behind by that cold-hearted Demon Lord."

Angelie looked at her bag.


Mimi looked away.

"It's true! And just to be sure, you really do believe what I said earlier, right?"

Angelie had sweat drops form on her forehead.

"There were a lot of things said earlier, so can you specify which one?"

Mimi didn't look at Angelie.

"The part where I said it was just coincidence that we met at the Manga Museum."

Angelie forced a smile at Mimi.

"What I do not understand is why did you have to hide where you were going? I will surely not laugh at you or judge you if you told me. Unless you thought that I actually would?"

Mimi turned her head toward Angelie, her face was expressionless.

"No… Well, I did… but I didn't mean to, Mimi-san… I guess I'm still overly concerned on how other people see me or what they might say about me. I should have just been open with my friends. I'm sorry."

Angelie stopped walking and bowed down at Mimi.

"I see. Please raise your head, Angelie-san. I'm not that mad about it."

Mimi also stopped walking and faced Angelie.

"But you're still slightly mad?"

Angelie smiled at Mimi.

"Of course, that is a given."

Mimi smirked and then turned around to walk again.

"I already said I'm sorry, though!"

Angelie clung to Mimi's arm. They both laughed afterwards.

"Though, I must say."

"What is it, Mimi-san?"

Angelie looked up at Mimi while she was still clinging onto her.

"If you ever purposely go on a date with that Demon Lord, much less start to like him, then I might not be able to forgive you."

Mimi glared at Angelie.

"Like that's ever going to happen! Stop joking around, Mimi-san. That's not even funny!"

Angelie glared back at Mimi. They then both started to chuckle.


The next day, the homeroom teacher of 2-B announced that the midterms would start the following week. Students had about a week to study everything that had been discussed so far.

The Help club ate together during their lunch break. As usual, they were at the school rooftop. Akuma was still standing while the others were seated in a circular formation.

"Ugh, and the tests are finally here! Why do we have to take tests anyway! We listen to class already!"

Sanaka complained while she devoured her lunch.

"You listen to class? That's surprising."

Kiba drank tea from the cup of his portable stainless steel tea canister.

"O-of course I do. When I'm not asleep…"

Sanaka whispered that last part of her protest.

"I do not see the reason why one would fuss so much about tests. I would say they are essential to a student's development."

Mimi was eating from several of her bento boxes. Sanaka and Angelie also took some food from Mimi's bento boxes.

"I'm not surprised you said that. You do seem like the studious type. But us ordinary people are not that amazing."

Kiba took a bite out of his rice ball.

"Anyway, I'd like everyone's opinion on whether we should still accept requests or just focus on studying for the midterms."

Angelie asked as she took octopus-shaped wieners from Mimi's bento.

"Um, we should never turn down anyone who needs help!"

Sanaka hurriedly swallowed the food she was chewing just to answer Angelie.

"Y-yeah! No need to close our doors to the needy."

Kiba finished his onigiri and then drank a lot of tea.

"We will continue our club activities as the Help Club."

Akuma, who was leaning on the railing while looking at the city view, joined the conversation.

"Well, that's our Club President for you. Always thinking about the people."

Kiba nodded his head while he smiled.

"There you go, the Club President has spoken. We should listen to him once in a while, I say."

Sanaka closed her eyes as she nodded.

"Why are the two of you being so respectful and instantly agreeing with him?"

Angelie raised her eyebrow as she stared at Kiba and Sanaka.

"Nothing in particular."

Sanaka looked away.

"It's only natural to follow the leader."

Kiba whistled and then looked away.

"Later at the clubroom this afternoon, bring your quiz scores and show them to me. That includes you, you conniving Demon Lord."

Angelie glared at the three who wanted to continue club activities instead of studying for the midterms. Akuma, Kiba and Sanaka all twitched after hearing Angelie's order.


Later that afternoon, the Help club members reconvened inside their clubroom. As demanded by Angelie, the three brought their previous quiz test papers. She browsed thru several of them and her eyes widened as she got through all of it.

"What the hell is this?! Most of your scores are in the single digits or zeroes!"

Angelie slammed the papers on the table as she stood up from her chair.

Kiba and Sanaka had their heads bowed down, while Akuma slumped in his chair while looking at the ceiling.

"Eh, so what? Doesn't mean anything. And even if we flunk the midterms, it's not like we'd be affected. We're not a sports club where they're strict about this stuff."

Akuma put his hands behind his head without looking at Angelie. Kiba and Sanaka just nodded their heads without looking at Angelie.

"Doesn't mean anything? Are you really the president of a club?"

Angelie clenched her fist as she closed her eyes and her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yeah, it doesn't—"

"Well, it does! Students who are members of a club must maintain a passing grade average for the whole term! If a student doesn't reach this average for the term, a student must retire from their club! And in case you haven't noticed, we are only five in this club. If even one of us has to quit, then the school will have to disband this club! So, if you care a tiny bit about having this club remain active, then you better start thinking it matters!"

Angelie huffed after her long-winded speech directed at Akuma.

"I-is that true?"

Akuma's jaw dropped as he stared at Angelie. He almost fell from his seat.

"Of course, it's true! It was written on the application form you submitted, you dimwit!"

Angelie pointed at Akuma as she glared at him. He then sat straight again in his chair.

"Okay, we're closed until after the midterms are done. You, damn elf! Put a sign outside. And you two! You'll have to study hard in the coming week."

Akuma glared at Kiba and Sanaka.

"Hey, you're one of those who need to study hard!"

Sanaka pointed at Akuma as tears rushed down her eyes.

Mimi let out a sigh and wrote something on a piece of paper. She taped the piece of paper outside their clubroom door. The sign read 'As some of us are dumb or lazy, we will have to stop club activities until after the midterms. Sorry everyone.'


The club decided to use their remaining afternoons before the midterms as time to study. Since Angelie and Mimi didn't actually need to study as much, they would be the ones to tutor the others. They would all meet at the clubroom in the afternoons to conduct their study group plan.

The following day, Sanaka approached Akuma before morning homeroom started. She sat down on the vacant seat in front of Akuma

"Hey, I don't really want to study for the midterms. I feel like I don't need it, you know?"

Sanaka looked at Akuma, who was resting his head on top of his arms.

"Stop complaining. This is club policy as of today."

Akuma didn't raise his head to look at Sanaka.

"I mean Angelie-san is my friend and all, but I can just imagine she'll be really strict while teaching us. Maybe I can study on my own—"

"No. You can't be trusted with that."

"Tch. Fine! Just let my friendship with Angelie-san end! Shattered by her superior teaching skills!"

Sanaka stood up from the chair. A male classmate then approached her.

"Hey, Sentaku-san. Did I hear you correctly? Fukushuu-san is going to teach you guys for the midterms?"

"Um, yeah. We're having a study group at our club."

"Can you give me more details about this study group of yours?"

Sanaka and her male classmate talked for a while. She explained what they were going to be doing in the afternoons for the rest of the week. Akuma heard their conversation. An idea sparked in his head.

"Hey. You can join us, if you want. You can even invite others, too."

Akuma raised his head and smiled at his male classmate.

"Really? Okay, I'll tell my friends!"

His classmate left and talked to other students inside the room. Akuma smirked as he watched the news spread inside the classroom.