
[61 - The Weight of Memories]

This was the first time that Elijah had to wait for a woman for so long to get ready. Well, this was the first time he actually had a woman in his life to wait for while she got ready. His eyes were fixed on the door to Seraphina's bedroom where she had been from the past few hours getting ready.

He fidgeted with his cufflinks, a mix of anxiety and excitement coursing through him. This wait had its own unique charm that Elijah was experiencing for the first time in his life so far. He was thinking about how his life had changed for better since Seraphina entered his life.

A fond smile graced his lips as he recalled all the memories that he had made so far with his girlfriend and the certain moments in life that he wants to share with her in the future. He was brought of his thoughts when the sound of a door opening fell on his ears followed by the clicking sound of heels.