
Chapter 1

The slim, bald teacher went on giving an elaborate lecture that seemed well memorized. He stared at each and every student while giving the same lecture on the Great Upsurge and Elemental Flux. Although there were some who stared at him blankly, they still paid attention to his words... except one. The slim boy with an otherwordly appearence and dark, raven hair stared outside the window, not even sparing the professor a glance. Mr. Salvatore could not help but have the urge to sigh. It was a mystery how this boy had aced every exam without even paying the teacher any attention, thus taking from him his qualifications to say anything to him.

As the bell rang, Adoneous picked up his already packed bag and left the classroom. As the younger female professors and female students all stared at the elven face of his with longing and awe struck on their face, he made his way opposite to the end of the corridoor. There a grinning boy with golden blond hair and a pair of gold eyes waved at him. Adoneous gave one of the very few smiles which were as rare as a shooting star as he walked towards him.

"Hey man, what took you so long? " Amist asked.

" Professor Salvatore." Adoneous answered shortly.

"Ah no wonder. Miss Selina let us go 10 minutes early. "

As they walked out of the school compound they kept chatting. Everyone stared at their known faces partly wondering about their own fantasies of two handsome guys and partly wondering about how two completely opposite people could grow to be best friends.

"Hey, don't forget, we need to go the awakenin centre today. " Amist waved as he reminded his friend.

After waving Amist off, Adoneous made his way back to his apartment, the only keepsake of his parents besides a lifetime worth of savings. They had assed away when he was merely a child and has been on his own since.After eating the breakfast he prepared in the morning, he decided to rest for awhile. He had to awaken today and thus decided to rest, a rest he knew in a long time.