
The Heir of Khaos

IkariHeron · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 6

A horrible stench plunged my nose and a long-forgotten memory crossed my mind. It was so vivid and clear as day, the memory was when I had first met my nephew Thanatos, also known as the personification of death. He was just half a millennium, and he still couldn't control his god aura. Each god who wasn't created by Khaos had a different method of creation that was by gathering aura and inserting it into the vessel with a soul. For humans and magical creatures are Low, medium, or high souls. From there, the low g soul, medium g soul, high g soul, pure g soul, or divine g soul. Most gods after the primordial had either pure and divine g souls, there were their exceptions with some having a high g soul, but they were very few and were considered failed accidents.

When I completely regained consciousness, I notices I was floating in an upright position a few feet above the ground. The sky was crimson red and there was an awful stench as if something was rotting and someone adding sulfur at the same time. I had a bizarre feeling, wanting to assess my situation, I tried moving and my body started moving on its own to a standing position. As soon as my body was stabled, I open my eyes in shock, there was no word to describe what I felt at that precise horrific moment. Mountains and mountains of lifeless bodies appeared before me. It was a horrendous sight, the faces of the victims were contorted with an inhuman look. I started running when I suddenly notice huge explosions about 144.841 kilometers away from me. Wait, how did I know this?

Host has received the intrinsic skill Eyes of Khaos

• Eyes have the appearance of oneself (Eyes have the form of a galaxy)

• Eyes of destruction and creation (Able to create or destroy intrinsic skills, common skills and extra skills. Host can only bestow 1 common skill per subordinate.)

• See level of others

• Descendant of Khaos.( Able to see and find places rich in magiculs. Able to measure and see the distance of anyone to 804.672 kilometer radius.)

The host has receives common Skill solaxulos

• To separate or bring together

The host has received Extra skill Ohnexam 

• Cast cancelation

• Rapid spell analysis

• Spell recreation

The host has received Unique skill Epta Ark. This skill consist of the following…


• Learn any fighting style 30% faster

• Proficiency in any and all weapons magicul or non-magicul

• Can learn any all fighting classes such as sixth sense, shadow assassin, ranger, paladin, thief, black mage, white mage, etc.


• Able to heal any minor wounds to self or others with no consequence on depletion of magiculs.

• Healer is able to heal mayor wounds if magicul level is sufficient.

• Able to increase host vitality


• Able to communicate with Allie's telepathically in a 24.14-kilometer radius.

• Allie's are able to communicate with host telepathically from any distance. (Allie's are only able to express 5 words if out of a 24.14-kilometer radius)


• Eternal beauty 

• Able to manipulate and transform host to desired form.

• Control over lust, desire, sex, sexuality, pleasure, happiness, joy, passion, fertility.


•  Able to bring the dead back to life in a zombie state for 2 hours. (Different amount of magiculs are need it for different humanoid creatures, magical beasts or humans.)

• Able to communicate with the dead.

• Summon any creature or creatures Tartarus has ever imprisoned (low and medium level.)

• Able to give instant death. (Depending on level and will of the individual.)

• Able to curse any individual or individuals. (Depending on the level of the opponent and if the required amount of magiculs are sufficient.)

• Curse items (Depends if the magiculs are sufficient for curse item to be created.) 

Peaceful Relationships

• Voice of monarch (Your able to calm and control everyone in your surroundings, depending on the level of the individual.)

• Able to haggle and get from 20% to 70% discount on items.

• Able to sell any item with the chances to gain 25% more than the actual value.

• Able to persuade others to either gain something or get out of trouble. 


• Able create or manipulate wildlife. (Depend on how many magiculs are required.)

• Able to control the elements of fire, water, earth, and wind.

• Able to absorb the life and energy of nature to convert into magiculs. (Regular size Trees can give up to 30 magiculs.) 


• Beast master (Able to tame beasts depending on the level.)

• Create contracts with any and all magical creatures (Depending on the level.)

• Communicate with beast and magical creatures.

•  Able to share skill set of creatures, beasts, and master. (The skills of the master are only able to be shared if master allows it and if the subordinate can adapt and will the skill. Only common and extra skills are able to be shared with subordinate. If master wishes to share an intrinsic skill, he's able to share only one trait of the skill and only if subordinate is able to wield it. All you must do is call out the name of subordinate and skill you would like to share.)

I knew mother wanted to give me an advantage in this world, but I feel as she went a little overboard, plus, she cheated. I was only supposed to get 3 skills and there's 7. What the voice described as a unique skill, in those 7 there were more "smaller skills". I guess that was the OP skill she was talking about. Now that I know about my skills, I have to find a way to get out of here as soon as possible, I thought to myself.

"Epta Ark, find a way out of here" I said hurriedly.

Nothing seemed to happen while I waited for a few minutes. Suddenly, a bright purple magic circle appeared-in one of the piles of dead bodies. Something started moving rapidly and a body stood up and looked at me. The body started running and looking back at me. If this were to happen back on earth, people would freak and start running the opposite way. As the body saw me, I wasn't moving. It just stood there motionless waiting for me to follow him. I didn't know if I should follow him, but it seemed to not pose a threat to me. I tried walking but something seemed different. I had very little balance, my movement was very restricted. It felt like if I were a 2- or 3-year-old. When I looked at my hand, I was in shock. My hands looked small and fragile, my skin was white like a pearl. My clothes was stained with blood and had holes, the quality of the clothes were as for a royal. Not only did I get OP skills, but I might also be a royal. Mother really didn't give in, in the end.

As I struggled to get out of the death field., the skeleton was doing something very peculiar. He was going through all the corpse's bodies and putting something in a bag. After 20 or 30 minutes of walking, my body just gave up. I fell on my knees on the death field. I was out of breath, and everything started to look like a blur. I was about to pass out yet again for the 3rd time since I had died, but this time I won't give in. Suddenly, I felt someone picking me up princes style, it was the skeleton. I wanted to oppose the skeleton's kindness, but I didn't have the strength to do so. He kept walking for about an hour longer, till he put me down. Then, I saw why we had stopped here. There was a grand beautiful turquoise spring. It did look like we had teleported to a whole different world than where we were not so long ago.

I wasted no time and decided to get undressed and jump into the water. It felt so good to be bathing and swimming in the spring. As I was bathing, I started admiring my surroundings. The spring was surrounded by tall green, emerald tress, that gave a feeling of protection. There was peace and tranquility that I had never felt before. The water was so clear you could see all the way to the bottom of the turquoise spring. I could see the skeleton starting a fire and arranging a pile of leaf that looked like a bed. After about 20 minutes, I decided it was time to get out. As I was about to get out, I saw a long piece of cloth that might've been a shirt at some point. I grabbed it and I covered myself with it. About 6 feet away, I saw my clothes laying on a medium size boulder. On closer inspection, it seemed that someone tried to get all the groin and blood stains out and had managed to succeed.

I started looking for the skeleton, who I knew had washed my clothes, so I could thank him. I found him and there he was, motionless, next to the fire as if it waiting for me to come have a chat and talk about our day. I couldn't help myself to feel sad that he was gone. Even though I knew he was already dead, I felt sorrow. On his hand, he had a bag and a long piece of old looking paper with blood stains. When I took the piece of paper, I saw it was a map of the whole world. There were marks on the map showing where I'm at and where to go. When I grabbed the back, it was kind of heavy. As I opened it, a light started touching the content inside. A bright light hit my face and I gasped in shock. There was a whole castle's treasury inside the little heavy bag. I believe that's what he was grabbing from the corpuses a little earlier. Who would take gold and jewels into a war, I asked myself.

The sun was still up in the sky, it might've been around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I was in a strange new world, even though mother had said I might know it, I really couldn't really recognize it. Suddenly, I saw a blueish thing near the water. No, it cannot be. I doubt the place I'm thinking about, exists. I know mother was bored but to create this place, it's just impossible. Yet again, not too long ago, I was told I'm a primordial god. I'm going to try something, I hope it works.

"Great sage, where am I?"

Nothing happened, I guess only he had that skill. I was really hoping that worked, it would've made my life much easier. What skills do I have again? Trying to remember what the voice had said, but all I can remember was something about healing, beast tamer, curse something, something. Oh, bring the dead back as a zombie. I think it might be fun to tame the little blob. Now how do I tame him? In the anime, its supposed to be as easy as breathing. Ok I have an idea.

"Unique skill Epta Ark Monster Contract!"