
Welcome to an Apocalypse.

this is my story a story of how everything went terribly wrong a story of me a little boy going into a journey appointed to me by God to face the hubris of man believing that they could make something that would Aid them in their Quest of relief wishing hoping and waiting for the time that they would meet something greater than themselves only to be too late for the things that they created have went too far to such a point where they have created a new type of species that was not ordained by the Creator now I'm among many if not little that are left of humanity I must now go forth and Purge this land of this demonic filth in the image of metal and flesh melded together to create something truly abominable not even to help those that are less fortunate but just so the very thing that man has created would be stronger as if the man and woman that created such a thing wanted their end and wanted to take the rest of humanity with them such a selfish dream my name is Knox and I will not fail I will not be broken and more importantly I will not let my faith be destroyed by the lies of this enemy this is the story of the Heavenly Warrior.