
Unlocking of the Food tab and the basement storage room

(Cultivation chart as promised)

-Bronze level 1-3

-Silver level 1-3

-Gold level 1-3(Finn is here)

-Titanium level 1-3(Phoenix egg is here lvl1)

-Diamond level 1-3(able to unlock body transformation here)

-Uranium stage 1-3

-Nuclear stage 1-3

-Rebirth stage 1-3

-Beast God 1-2


(previous chapter ending)

"Oh, hello little kitty what brings you here?" the soft amber eyed girl said as she crouched down looking at the fluffy kitty in the doorway. Finn caught off guard couldn't help but stare at the stunning beauty in front of him. "Kitty?" the soft amber eyed girl repeated.

(start of new chapter)

Finn snapping out of his daydream pulled out the red wine ghost grass stalks out of the spatial storage and placed it in front of him.

The soft ambered eyed girls eyes shined with excitement upon looking down at what Finn placed down on the ground, "Kitty where did you get these herbs? I've been looking all over for these!" the amber-eyed girl said excitedly "come inside and rest kitty, for your good help Ill let you have a cup of the spiritual alcohol that I'm going to brew with these".

At the sound of the word spiritual alcohol Finn was gone like a flash through the open door and jumped onto a light blue sofa that was placed in a corner of the room where most of the space was taken up by equipment.

The Girl was still kneeling at the door and took a second to realize that the little kitty in front of her was already gone. Confused she stood up and closed the door. Turning around Finn was right there on the couch laying down as if nothing happened "Kitty are you demonic chaos beast?!".

Finn looking at the girl with an annoyed facial expression said" this lord cat isn't a filthy chaos beast, my name is Finn and I'm a Heavens race cat" the girl stared bewildered that the kitty facing her was a heavens race cat that could speak as it was common knowledge that the existence of heaven race cats was almost non-existent and very rare to be seen.

Seeing that the girl was stunned Finn decided to go somewhere else in the Brewery and check out his new food tab that he unlocked after finishing the quest. Jumping off the sofa finn dashed deeper into the building until he found a quiet secluded spot with sunlight shining down from a skylight high above.

"system, open the new food tab" Finn said in hungry manner.


A transparent blue screen popped up in front of Finn with categories and brand names organized on it listing different food areas. Finn using a paw clicked on the noodles section and searched for ramen noodles.

After a minute of searching Finn located his well deserved meal, looking at the price Finn was schocked, the price of a bowl of noodles cost 50 chaos points, and with a rumbling of his stomach Finn bought three ramen noodle bowls and started eating like there was no tomorrow. Keep in mind that Finn hadn't had anything to eat in days.

At this time the amber eyed girl turned around the corner to see the kitty munching away on noodles. The kitty sensing her arrival looked up with bulging mouth full of noodles hanging down, "Pfft" she couldn't help but laugh at this.

Finn seeing her laughing at this lord cat couldnt help but frown at her which made a more hilarious scene at which the amber eyed girls laughter went up a notch as she walked away giggling.

"hmph" Finn finishing his delicious noodles walked off annoyed by that girls disrespect towards him. As he toured the Brewery Finn saw all kinds of weird machines and vats, but what caught his eye was the big door locked up in chains.

Approaching the door he looked left then right, seeing that there was no one around Finn turned his head back to the door and slashed open the heavy chains, and with a loud clink fell to the floor. Opening the door a flight of stairs led downwards.

Turning on his night vision finn went down stairs after turning left at the bottom the scene in front of Finn made his heart thump. In front of him were rows opon rows of spiritual alcohol rich in energy as they glowed in the dark.

At the same time the loud noise from the falling chains echoed in the building. The amber eyed girl hearing this turned around facing the direction of the noise with a sense of unease and alarm in her eyes.

Took me a while to find time for this chapter. Just so u know the posting of chapters is random, although next chapter might come sooner than i thought, *shrugs*. Enjoy the chapter

Polar_bluecreators' thoughts