
The Heat of Your Touch

Talisa Williams did not know that she was not an ordinary human until the day she was kidnapped by strangers. At that moment, Talisa knew that she had a special power to master the earth element. Talisa almost lost her life, but a handsome man named Darius Edmund came to save her. Talisa was surprised because the man who saved her had the power of fire, the same as the kidnappers. Talisa was frightened when she found out the truth about this world. Beyond modern buildings and advanced technology, it turns out that there is a magical world hiding in it. It is a land called Traum filled with people like Talisa and Darius. Talisa was again shocked when she found that she was the only surviving earth-elemental master. That is why she was hunted by the Lord of the fire-elemental master, to control the world. To protect herself and even the fate of all of Traum, Talisa must use the power that has been hiding within her. However, she can only do so if she comes into contact with Darius. The man's body heat was like a trigger for her strength. The more the man touched her body, the more Talisa was able to master her power. Love begins to grow in her heart, but Darius is a cold, emotionless man. The man hid many secrets behind his cold demeanor. Can Talisa save herself and the land of Traum? And can she melt the iceberg of Darius’ heart?

CindyChen · แฟนตาซี
149 Chs

The Mystery of Darius

Talisa goes outside the room and it seems no one cares about whatever she is about to do. The maids were busy doing their jobs. She didn't know how many servants there are. Talisa felt like she was in a hotel, not a house. Because of it, she became increasingly curious about who Darius is.

Talisa then walked through a wide hallway lined with floral-patterned wallpaper. She didn't know what rooms she had passed. There were many rooms and Talisa didn't dare to open them now. At the end of the hall, there was a display table, Talisa approached to see if there were any private pictures of Darius, but to no avail. Talisa only found a flower vase, several painting frames, and other decorations.

"This fellow has no private life," she muttered to herself.

"Mr. Darius is very protective of his private life," said someone behind Talisa suddenly, making Talisa surprised.

Talisa immediately turned around and found a well-dressed middle-aged woman. She was standing politely in front of Talisa.

"Sorry I surprised you, miss. Are you lost?" she asked politely.

"Ah… Uhm… Actually yes. I can't find my room," Talisa replied lying.

"Let me show you the way to your room, Miss," she answered, letting Talisa walk past her.

Talisa was forced to walk back down the same aisle and the middle-aged woman walked beside her gracefully. She wore a pair of black high heels with a black blazer, and she neatly combed her short platinum hair.

"Perhaps all of this is confusing you, miss, but trust me Mr. Darius isn't as bad as you think," she said suddenly.

Talisa looked at the woman as if to ask further without saying a word.

"Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry, that was very rude," she said with a low laugh.

"My name is Gracia Magnofa, a butler here," she continued.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Magnofa. I am Ta…"

"Talisa Williams, we all know who you are. Just call me Grace," she answered, cutting Talisa off.

"Oh… Nice to meet you, Grace," Talisa replied.

"I am also very pleased to meet you, miss. Ah I should have called you Princess, but you don't seem used to it," she replied.

"P-princess?" Talisa asked confused.

"Of course, you are a princess," she replied.

"Are you also an elemental master?" Talisa asked.

"I am a master of the fire element, just like Mr. Darius. When he was expelled, I followed him because I was bound by a promise to his parents to look after him for the rest of my life. I owe a lot to Mr. Darius's family," she said.

They then climbed the stairs to the second floor, leading to the room where Talisa was placed.

"Darius comes from a prominent family in Traum?" Talisa asked, daring herself.

"You could say that," Grace replied.

"Ah, we have arrived at your room, Miss. Please rest," she said.

"Grace… There are so many rooms here, are they occupied?" Talisa asked.

"The servants all live here, including me," she answered.

"Oh..." Talisa said.

"Mr. Darius's room is across from your room," she said again as if she could read Talisa's mind. She pointed to the other side, separated by a balcony, there was a room that did look more majestic, as seen from the luxurious door model. Now Talisa is surprised because she seems caught red-handed thinking about Darius.

"Uhm, I didn't ask that," Talisa replied, embarrassed.

"I know," Grace said with a smile.

"Master doesn't like to be disturbed, but I know he is very concerned about your safety. The slightest he hears something from your room, he will come right away. He's the one who asked us to put you in this room, to be close to his room. So, Miss don't worry. You are safe here," Grace continued.

For some reason, that sentence made Talisa's face turn red.

"Then excuse me," Grace said politely. Talisa could only nod, trying to act casual, but her movements were still visible.

After Grace left, Talisa didn't go straight into her room but instead walked around to the opposite room. Talisa wasn't sure what was on her mind right now, nor did she know why she was doing this. Her logic was that she would regret doing this because Darius would most likely catch her, but somehow, she didn't care. She was very curious because she saw the door to Darius' room was slightly ajar.

Talisa crept with her heart starting to beat faster. The closer to Darius' room, the more Talisa felt her heart skip a beat. She almost gave up her intention to go any further, but her curiosity pushed her to go further, closer to Darius' door.

Talisa can now see from the open gap; the walls of the room are white and there is a display table against it. She then noticed that there was a photo frame there. Talisa squinted her eyes as she stepped forward to see who was in the photo. There seemed to be someone other than Darius there, a girl. Talisa was so close that she didn't realize that she was right in front of Darius' door.

Talisa was still trying to see clearly behind the small gap of the open door when suddenly the door was opened wide from the inside. Talisa almost fell from the shock. She saw Darius looking at her coldly from inside the room.

"Stalkers," he said.

Before Talisa could do anything, Darius grabbed Talisa's hand and brought her into the room. The bedroom door was closed with a bang and Talisa's body was pressed against the back of the door. Darius held Talisa's wrists tightly.

"You have to learn to control your curiosity, Talisa. You're like a little mouse who rushes for cheese too much," Darius said in a low, threatening voice.

Talisa trembled, but she couldn't run away. Darius was right in front of him, locking Talisa's body with his. The grip was so strong that Talisa couldn't move at all.

"I-I'm sorry, let me go," Talisa said.

"Don't you want to come in? Why do you want to leave now?" asked Darius.

Darius' breath was felt to blow on Talisa's face up to the crook of her neck, causing Talisa's skin to shiver. Talisa should have been afraid, but in between her fear, Talisa felt her heart beating fast.

"You want to know about me, Talisa? How about you see the real me right now?" asked Darius.


Before Talisa could digest Darius' words, the man had already tossed Talisa onto his big bed covered with silk sheets. Darius quickly climbed onto the bed and pressed Talisa's body against his.

"Darius!!" Talisa protested.

"You are very curious, right?" asked Darius.

Talisa wanted to rebel with all her might, but it was useless. Even screaming would be useless, no one would help her in this house. Talisa panicked but she didn't know what to do.

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