
The Heart Behind the Guard

Isla Campbell's blind date in the Scottish Highlands is an unmitigated disaster. But the evening takes an unexpected turn when a strikingly familiar protector rescues her from the charming-yet-clueless stranger. Finn MacGregor is all business, a world away from the carefree boy she once adored. Now a renowned but emotionally hardened bodyguard, Finn is assigned to protect Isla, a rising star in the art world whose reputation has been tarnished by scandal. As they navigate the glittering social scene of Edinburgh, the flames of their childhood bond reignite, transforming into a scorching passion neither can deny. But their forbidden love could destroy the lives they've meticulously built.

jekujeku12 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 4 - Refuge and Revelations

The darkness was absolute, a suffocating blanket that pressed in from all sides. I stumbled, my sprained ankle throbbing, and Finn tightened his grip, his strength a steadying force amidst the disorientation. We moved with silent desperation, the only sounds our ragged breaths and the frantic thumping of my heart.

"Where are we?" I whispered, barely daring to break the oppressive silence.

"Maintenance shaft," Finn replied, his voice tense. "It should lead us out below the garage."

His words offered a sliver of hope, a way out of this claustrophobic nightmare. Yet, the echoes of our pursuers still haunted us.

Suddenly, a dim light flickered ahead. With each step, the space widened, and grimy machinery became visible. Relief washed over me, swiftly replaced by a new surge of apprehension. We were exposed, the element of surprise lost.

Finn tensed beside me, his voice barely a whisper. "Someone's here."

Crouched behind a rusted boiler, I strained to make out a figure hunched over a workbench. Relief flooded me – it was the van driver, her buzzcut illuminated by a single dangling work light.

She glanced up as we approached, a look of surprise crossing her weathered features. "Cutting it a bit close, weren't you?"

"Change of plans," Finn said curtly. "Did you manage to shake them?"

The driver snorted. "Please. Those goons wouldn't know a proper tail if it bit them. You're clear… for now."

We emerged from the garage into the concealing veil of night, the adrenaline-fueled terror beginning to subside. The safe house seemed impossibly far away, and danger lurked around every darkened street corner.

The driver, who introduced herself as Jo, led us through a maze of backstreets, her no-nonsense demeanor a calming influence amidst the chaos. Finally, we reached the Georgian townhouse that served as our temporary sanctuary.

Inside, the luxurious surroundings were a stark contrast to the night's events. With a curt nod, Jo disappeared, leaving Finn and me alone in the echoing silence.

I sank wearily onto a plush armchair, finally able to confront the full weight of what had happened. "Finn," I said, my voice trembling, "we almost… I thought…"

He stood before me, his expression unreadable. "It's going to get worse before it gets better, Isla."

And then, in the stillness of that opulent room, Finn revealed the full tapestry of his father's crimes. There were names I didn't recognize, deals that sounded more like a thriller plot than real life, and the ever-present, growing threat hanging over us both. It was a confession, a warning, and an apology all in one, leaving me overwhelmed and more aware of our peril than ever before.

The weight of Finn's confession hung in the air, a thick fog of betrayal, danger, and secrets that stretched back for years. Each detail exposed how little I truly knew about the boy I'd adored, the man he'd become.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, my voice raw. "Back then...or now, before this all began?"

A complicated mix of emotions flickered across his face – guilt, regret, and a hint of defensiveness. "I've spent my whole life running from the past, Isla. Dragging you into it…it wasn't an option."

"And what about now? Am I just some pawn in this sick game they're playing?" The accusation stung my lips, the fear twisting into bitterness.

Finn flinched as if I'd struck him. "No. Never." He sank down on the couch across from me, suddenly looking worn and far older than his years. "I never intended for any of this to touch you. I thought…I hoped I could handle it alone."

"Well, that's not working, is it?" I retorted, my voice laced with a desperate frustration. "They want you, and they're using me – the art theft, the scandal – all to lure you out."

He scrubbed a hand over his face. "You're right. And as much as I hate it, I need your help."

Something within me ignited at his words. All night, events had swept over me like a relentless tide. Now, here was a choice offered. To retreat, to seek safety, to shrink away. Or to stand beside him, as defiant as he'd been all those years ago when we were just kids facing down bullies on the beach.

"And what if I say no?" My question hung between us, a challenge and a plea.

His gaze met mine, unwavering. "Then I'll understand," Finn said quietly. "But I won't stop fighting them. And whether you're by my side or not, they won't stop coming for you."

A long silence stretched between us. Then, I straightened my shoulders.

"Alright," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "Tell me what we do next."

A flicker of surprise, maybe even relief, crossed his face. He leaned forward, the strategist in him taking over. We spent the rest of the night poring over details. The Van Gogh theft, Grayson's motives, Olivia Stirling's unexpected appearance... pieces of a dangerous puzzle laid out before us. And beneath it all, the lingering question: could I truly trust this man who was part protector, part stranger, to keep me safe amidst the escalating storm?