
The Heart’s Awakening

Takashi and Kenji have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Now in their second year of high school, the boys grapple with new realizations about themselves and their relationship. Takashi comes from a traditional family and has always done what is expected of him. But he finds himself drawn to his rebellious best friend Kenji in a way that is more than just friendship. Takashi struggles with these confusing feelings he fears others won't understand or accept. Kenji is an outgoing and carefree spirit who plays by his own rules. But even he is not immune to the strange awkwardness that has sprung up between him and Takashi recently. Kenji starts seeing his best friend in a new light that scares yet intrigues him. Their friends and teammates notice the boys growing distant as they avoid addressing the unspoken truth. After tensions and misunderstandings threaten to break them apart for good, Takashi and Kenji are forced to confront how they really feel about each other. They must find the courage to follow their hearts, even if it means going against the norms of society. Following Takashi and Kenji's journey of self-discovery, heartbreak and love, this light novel aims to tell a moving coming-of-age story about friendship, courage and embracing your identity against all odds. At its core, it is a tale of the transformative power of love. [THIS IS A BL]

IAmAnOof · LGBT+
20 Chs

Secret No More

Yumi glanced at Takashi, who was staring out the classroom window with a dreamy look on his face. Again. She sighed, tapping her pen on the desk.

Takashi had been acting strange lately, and Yumi was determined to find out why. They had been friends for years, but he seemed distracted whenever they talked recently. She had a nagging suspicion it had something to do with a certain blond troublemaker named Kenji.

When the final bell rang, Yumi caught up to Takashi as he was leaving. "Don't you have football practice now?" she asked, hurrying to match his long strides.

Takashi blinked. "Oh, practice was canceled today. I'm meeting up with Kenji..." A faint blush rose to his cheeks at the mention of that name.

Bingo, Yumi thought. Her eyes narrowed. "So where are you and Kenji going?"

"Just to hang out at his place." Takashi avoided her gaze, rubbing the back of his neck. The blush was still lingering - how very interesting.

Yumi grabbed Takashi's arm, smiling brightly. "Great! We haven't talked properly in ages. Mind if I come along too?" She saw the panic flit across his face before he schooled his expression into something neutral.

"S-Sure, if you want to..."

Kenji opened the door to them, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Hello Yumi. Haven't seen you around lately." His gaze flickered to Takashi uncertainly.

An awkward silence ensued as they went up to Kenji's room. Yumi plopped herself in Kenji's desk chair, glancing between the two boys. Takashi was staring intently at the floor, hands in his pockets, while Kenji leaned against the wall biting his lip. The air fairly crackled with tension.

"Did I interrupt something here?" Yumi blurted out. Takashi's head snapped up, eyes wide with alarm.

Kenji cleared his throat. "Of course not. We were just going to play some video games..." He moved to set up the console, shoulders hunched.

Takashi shot Yumi a pleading look. She waved him over, lowering her voice. "How long did you think you could hide this from me, Takashi?"

He hesitated. "What are you talking about?" But the panic in his eyes gave him away.

"The way you look at Kenji." Yumi smiled gently. "The blushing whenever his name comes up. I've known you forever, did you really think I wouldn't figure it out?"

Takashi's face was scarlet now. He opened his mouth but no words came. Yumi reached out and squeezed his hand.

"Your secret is safe with me," she said softly. "I'm just happy you found someone, even if you're not ready to tell me about it yet." Her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Though you might want to be less obvious, for Kenji's sake."

Takashi let out a shaky laugh. "Was I really that obvious?"

Yumi snorted. "Painfully so." Her expression turned serious. "But Takashi, you know I'm always here if you want to talk about...things. I support you no matter what."

Takashi smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Yumi. That means a lot." The gratitude in his eyes made her heart swell.

Her work was done here. Yumi stood up and stretched. "Well, I should head home for dinner now." She fixed Kenji with a stern look. "Take good care of my friend, Kenji!"

Kenji blinked in confusion. But as his eyes moved to Takashi, shy and tentative, understanding dawned. "I will," he said softly. And in that moment, Yumi saw why her friend had fallen for this boy - because Kenji gazed at Takashi like he was the only person in the world.

Yumi left them to their video games and racing pulses, smiling secretly to herself. Her friend's happiness was safe in Kenji's hands, of that she was sure. Takashi's secret was out, but she knew it would remain where it belonged - in a place where love made its quiet home.