
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Heidi's Assignment

The sun descended and this part of the world was ready for the final hours of the day, but with the descent of the sun came the dangers that lurked in the dark.

Scarlett went for an evening stroll to clear her head, she was going to attend her first classes tomorrow and knew that her free time would shrink with the commencement of classes. Ronnell didn't stay long, she had other things to do.

Scarlett noticed that the students here were strange, it wasn't in her mind.

They were staring at her but she couldn't figure out why. Not that she cared but it would be a problem if they saw something she didn't.

She didn't have her glasses on and this distorted her vision to a certain degree but she wanted to get away from these people as soon as possible. This forced her to take a detour into the library until the crowd reduced outside.

She sat on a random table and heaved a loud sigh of relief, she has always had anxiety when she was outside as she got extremely paranoid and couldn't discern reality from her thoughts.

"Are you fucking stalking me now?" A voice said across the table she had sat at, a voice she recognized as her eyes involuntarily rolled in annoyance.

It was Brock, why did she have to run into Brock now out of all times, he was the most annoying person she has met ever since coming to this school.

"Great, it's you…" Scarlett let her thoughts slip out of her mouth

"What's with the fucking attitude!? You're the one following me around!" Brock barked but he said it in a hushed tone because of where they were.

"Why would I want to stalk you?" Scarlett asked, she was getting infuriated at this point but the moment she asked this. Brock's lips curled into a smile that would put Pennywise to shame.

"I knew you had a crush on me when we first met but this is too much, you are not my type." Brock rejected Scarlett despite the basis of his rejection being a made-up fantasy in his head.

"Goodness! Someone shoot me right now," Scarlett thought to herself but she also realized her anxiety was nowhere to be found.


Scarlett stayed in the library and noticed that time had flown, it was dark outside now.

She didn't enjoy the company of Brock and was on her phone all through but she felt comfortable in his presence.

She spared the book he had in his hand a glance and noticed. It was one of the books that were recommended for those in her major.

"There's no way…" Scarlett said, prompting Brock to look past his book and right at her.

"You need to stop trying to get my attention, I already told you I'm not interested!." Brock dismissed her before returning his gaze to his book.

"You're majoring in creative writing!?" Scarlett asked, dropping her phone on the table. Her face went pale in disbelief. Brock felt like her eyes were piercing his soul and this made him nervous.

He tried to pretend like it didn't bother him but his finger anxiously tapping the table said otherwise. It felt like he didn't know what to do with them.

"And so what if I am?" Brock asked, avoiding eye contact with Scarlett, pretending like he was still reading his book but in reality, he was getting self-conscious, the longer Scarlett stared the more uncomfortable he got before eventually putting the book down and excusing himself to the bathroom.

Scarlett knew exactly what she was doing and found his reaction rather cute.

Scarlett picked up the book and saw little notes that Brock was making, he was writing his own little story and her eyes softened the moment she read.

Brock was not as bad as he tried to make himself to be. Like her, it was clear he had trouble expressing himself and found that outlet through writing.

She knew he would be embarrassed if he saw her reading his book because that would mean she saw his notes so she dropped it down gently and fiddled away at her phone.

Brock returned soon after, sat down, and continued reading his book, but he looked over his book a few minutes later to see if Scarlett was looking at him.

She was, and Brock immediately raised his book to cover his face completely.

Scarlett wanted to giggle but she held it in.

"Are you a virgin?" Scarlett asked and the response she got from Brock confirmed her answer. Brock had forgotten he was in a library and screamed.

"W-WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?" Scarlett could no longer conceal the absurdity and giggled.

"STOP FUCKING LAUGHING!" Brock screamed and before he knew it, Scarlett's giggles soon turned to full-blown laughter.

But now, they were bothering everyone and were asked to leave. Brock flushed red with Scarlett laughing her ass off as both of them were escorted out.


The disappearance of the sun allowed Heidi to begin her assignment, she wasn't traumatized or bothered by what she had just experienced.

She understood she was Dante's plaything and she wouldn't trade that for anything because she had his protection in return.

She began her search for Scarlett in full gear, Heidi had unique eyes that allowed her to "visualize" the scent and aura of humans. She could see the aura of scents like scattered particles and this was why Dante entrusted her with this task.

She had registered the scent of Scarlett through the clothes Dante wore that day, and despite it being almost nonexistent now, Heidi would follow the scent but she wasn't going to run there like some maniac in the 30s, she was far too elegant for that.

Dante was in no way broke and a fleet of expensive cars lay beneath his house.

Heidi took the least expensive car because she didn't want to draw attention to herself and she sped in the direction of the university that Scarlett attended.

"Let's get this over with…" Heidi muttered under her breath.