
Situation at home , Mother and father

That old man was a personal servant of Ivar .At first he did not like the boy because it was shameful to guard a cripple even one of noble birth .But then he saw what Ivar truly was a noble child that was shunned by every one.

Whole succession laws of the yarlodom gave Ivar birth right to claim title of yarl in the future and that was problem here.Him , a half man in North-men laws was not worthy to be yarl. He could not even cultivate and procreate so how could he lead .Even his mother shunned him and went for his younger brother .In whole 10 years of his life him and this old man with two maids were alone but like true family. Ivar s father was the only one who tolerated Ivar in his family .By toleration it meant that he saw him once every year on his birthday and tried to hide his disappointment with him when he was around .

Old man on another hand was different story .He hated his job at beginning but when young master used his shallow influence to save a commoner girl from her master ,he changed .He took notice of the little things his master has done over the years like secretly helping Dragon tip orphanage with money . Ivar did not have lot of money but he could sell all of the gifts he would get every birth day.He as young child did not enjoy toys and was to old for his age. Even his estranged mother would send gifts on his birthday along with all the noble houses of Dagger tip but she never brought gifts by herself. She in her " noble " attitude would not be stained by cripple and so she sent random servants to deliver those gifts .Ivar on another hand just would sell all of his gifts to help some random orphanage or buy of some random slaves and set them free. This was done trough Old Bjorn and he was the only one who knew how much good did the young master do over the years .

Of his wordily possessions Ivar had only couple of togas that he changed weekly witch was rare for the noble . All the nobles enjoyed in splendor of the new cloths every day but that young boy changed his clothes weekly .Than again nobody took notice of his actions only few servants and this old man .

So when his father wanted to use him as a Sacrifice to please Skadi only one that actually protested was old sentry. He even attacked the guards that were supposed take Ivar away but Ivar s fate was cruel one .Bjorn could not defeat them all and Ivar was taken by the guards and brought to his father . When his stoic father asked him about his last wish , Ivar with smile said : " Let no evil befall on my household servants , especially old sentry Bjorn"

His father accepted his last wish and even made Bjorn a captain of 40 men elite sentry regiment

for his " difficult" job that he had to endure over the years .Bjor hated the job but still completed it because it was the last thing given to him by his young master, his son.

Imagine how excited he was when he saw young master.He did not even care about young master s ability to walk he just loved the person like every father truly loves his children. It seamed like a dream and a good one because his master could not walk in real life. Than again when he heard suicide story he was so happy he wanted to jump out and reach the heavens.

Old sentry quickly sent his squad away and when no one was around jumped and hugged little boy.

"I missed you so much young master " Bjorn said

"And i missed you , Bjorn only you and those two maids ! "

" How is this possible young master ? When i finally got audience with yarl and asked him about your journey he said that you were left in Skadi temple of Iceland province "Bjorn asked as he wanted to know every bit of his journey home .

"Well lets say it like this , the goddess found my body not worthy of sacrifice .She even rebuilt my meridians and my lover spine .Now i am a man in every aspect of that word. Also i dont know why but monks from Ice temple gave me their qi circulation manual and now im already at 7th , no wait 9th lvl of qi circulation realm."

"How the hell did i jump from 7th to 9th lvl. When i received blood from the queen i got to 7th lvl only was there something else ? Was it apple? "He than remembered again beautiful dragon queen ...

"Yes it is probably from the energies of the apple but since i was worried to much and wanted to escape the cave as soon as possible i did not notice that my qi passages went trough another transformation."

" Great ,young master only six months have passed and you went from cripple to last lvl of qi circulation. Maybe in the future you will be strong warrior even inherit the title of yarl" Old master proclaimed proudly

" To be a yarl to these people ? Not interested ! I only came here because even if it is a place of suffering still its home . How is my younger brother ? Ivar asked with some interest.

"Young lord , your brother is fine. Now he is really busy with whole banquet preparation. You know young princess of the imperial clan came 2 days ago to our island . She is on some kind of special diplomatic mission but your Mother did not let the chance pass by . She arranged special meeting between the two and than ordered your brother to trow grand banquet in her honor."

"HHAH Interesting so that despicable highness actually is already here ahaha " Ivar said and he put his hand on the chin as he was thinking about something.

" What does it mean by despicable? Well my young master was long time away of home , so maybe is bit tired " Bjorn thought

"Young master should we go to your manor? "Bjorn asked

"Yes lets go "and than Bjorn called his great white griffon and party of two -old man and a boy hopped on its back.

The flight was very fast and after 2 hours they saw the massive Dragon tip fortress. The whole island served as one giant wall that would fend off any sea invasion .The dragon tip fortress had another name Gate of the west. It had three rings on it .First one was commoners area with Town of Dagger tip , second was market area with lesser nobility and the third was inner fort with " high " nobility. So any attacking force that wanted to use the sea to get to main provinces of Gotland ,Lappland or even imperial province of Skaane had to pass trough it .Also the whole narrow sea navy got main base on Dagger tip fortress so all the north men used this island as starting point for great raids on elven kingdom of Anglia . This made the Dagger tip island , place that should be forsaken by the gods lively . The massive fortress that took large part of the northern side of the island had its population at massive one million people .Well not half of them were cultivators and the ones with royal noble stage would be only around 10 thousands but still only three places in whole empire had that great strength . Other one was the imperial capitol with impressive 5 million of men and third was" gate of the east :a fort in the Karelia province that guarded the empire from attacks of great grassland east nomad tribes . The east forth was main base of berserkers, the west fort main base of the fleet and imperial province was main base for sentries with massive academy .

Finally they flew over simple walls an entered the commoners area. The true nobles had their mansions in inner fort and were pretty prideful about their upbringing.No one from lesser nobility could even buy property in the inner fort, and same was for commoners and market area.So the strict rules were set on the whole place .Ivars original manor was given to him by his mother as excuse to kick him from yarl clan house .He actually knew it and accepted it but when his mother gave him a decent house in inner fort area hi sold it. He than went on and bought one of the manors in town of Daggertip.The rest of the large amount of money went of course to charity .That spared him some difficulties because nobody was going to look at him with pitiful eyes in the common area , and since nobody cared that worked for Ivar. Well it can be argued that his mother and father knew about Ivar place but it was not like that .Every time he got presents from his mother it was arranged by one of her many servants and every time he met his father was in the large hall of the yarl.They truly did not care about Ivar but still they would not let him to live in commoners area because he is the member of the great house . So this was one of the few instances where their lack of care actually benefited young lord . In his will he gave his manor to Bjorn and now they were on the way to it.Finally they were near .Old shabby manor still had its splendor when you would look at it from far. It had one large meeting room with 10 bedrooms and small courtyard. The best thing about was that for Ivar it was home .Ivar and Marcus long became one and so Marcus also loved this place with every bit of his hearth.

They hopped from the large griffon and were greeted by two ladys. One of them said

"Old man Bjorn its not like you to bring friends this late "and pointed to main room but suddenly started crying .Younger maid not sure what was happening came and tried to support older lady with her small hands .Then she lifted her head to look for the Bjorn and scold him

but then she noticed young man and his eyes.She knew those eyes from somewhere but was not sure from where .

" Its me Friga.. You grew prettier over these six months " young man s voice traveled and assaulted her maiden hearth and than with plop she just fainted .