
The Harlequin Of Fate

Toni Mars found himself in a completely new world hanging down with a rope around his neck. A mysterious voice told him he has become a Traveler. However, with no idea how he got there and occupying the body of another person, he must discover the reasons his life is in danger. He quickly realized the only way to protect himself is to become powerful. But in a place where getting stronger means modifying your DNA and dealing with forces as old as the world, one wrong step can end it all.

AddaxShogess · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

The Job Offer

Toni and the two Knights of Phantasm left the old woman. The ride back in the car was less tense than before. Since Daisey Chaine confirmed he had nothing to hide about the manuscript, Langston and Boone were less harsh on him.

"I have a proposition for you," Langston said. 

Toni looked at him curiously.

"Sir, you don't mean to…" Boone added as she quickly glanced at the man.

"What is the proposition?" Toni asked.

"I would like you to consider joining us."

"Joining the Phantasmal Knights? I'm not even a member of the guild."

"Joining the Knights? That's impossible for you. You're not a Genomer." Boone said.

"She is right. You cannot be a Knight of Phantasm now. But you can still work for us."

Toni sighed.

"No more secret, guys. What is really a Genomer? What are the codons you were speaking of before?" Toni inquired, hoping to get more information.

"You're not in a position to know about that," Boone replied.

"So you can just use terms I don't understand in front of me, then offer me to work for you, and I'm supposed to be fine not understanding what's going on?"

"Pretty much. Working for us benefits you."

"He deserves to know that much, Boone."

Langston looked at him seriously.

"Mr. Beausejour, I will answer your question. I'm only doing so in the hope it'll help you with your decision and also because of the ordeal you are in."

"What ordeal? You mean you still believe my life is in danger."

"Indeed. The manuscript you were translating with Mr. Semec, Clovis's journal, isn't your usual text. There are forces involved that are beyond your comprehension. Those forces are behind the suicide of your friend. For some reason, you didn't suffer the same fate. But those forces may come after you."

They did come after Ansel. But no one knows I'm not him, so I guess what he says makes sense. Toni thought.

"To answer your question, a Genomer is someone who has altered his DNA to gain abilities. The process is done by encoding specific codons to the DNA. Each codon contains unique information for our DNA to read and acquire. Becoming a Genomer though is not without risks. This is the simple answer I can give you."

"What are the risks?"

"A question for another time."

"How am I supposed to work with you if I don't know the risks I'm taking."

"The work wouldn't require you to be a Genomer."

"I don't understand."

"We're offering you a consultant position."

"You need consultants?"

"We have a few in our employ to take care of administrative tasks."

"What skill do I have that is useful to you?"

"Don't sell yourself short, Mr. Beausejour. Your expertise in Archeology and Ancient Language makes you more than qualified. You are a knowledgeable man. We can make use of your professional expertise. I believe you are without employment currently…"

"I do need a job indeed. Assuming I take the offer, how much will I get paid?"

"I can't believe you're asking that," Boone said.

Toni just ignored her. 

"You will be well compensated. We are funded by the Phantasmal Guild and also receive funds from the city." Langston replied.

"Do you have a number for me?"

"We can offer you 3 silver coins a week."

Toni shook his head.

"6 silver coins a week."

"You dare to negotiate?" Boone retorted.

"If you value my professional expertise, then show it."

"5 silver coins a week. It's 20 silver coins a month. It's over 2 times what you were making before. I believe we're being very generous." Langston offered.

"What about bonuses?" Toni asked.

"You…"Boone was getting angrier.

"Your pay will be adjusted based on your performance and also on a yearly basis."

"Are there other things I should know?"

"Even as a consultant, you will need to sign a contract with us."

"A contract?"

"It's called a Fixed-Term contract. It's the same for all of our civilian employers. It's a 10-year contract that can be renewed at the end of the 9th year. It comes with a confidentiality and Non-Disclosure clause. You are forbidden to reveal sensitive information to anyone unauthorized. To keep things simple, do not talk about your work to other people. We do not offer paid vacation. You can take as many days off as you want as long as you have authorization from me. But we will not pay for it."

"I understand. What about overtime?"

"There is no overtime compensation. If you accept the offer, we can discuss your schedule."

Toni remained silent for a long moment. He was weighing the pros and cons of the offer.

"You do not have to give us an answer now. It's a big decision. Take some time to think about it." Langston said.

"If you accept, come meet me at Stag Nite Pub tomorrow. I will be there all afternoon." Boone said as she stopped the car.

Toni realized they arrived in front of his house. He said his goodbye to both Knights of Phantasm and got out of the vehicle. He entered the house as silently as he could. He saw his uncle on the sofa deeply asleep and snoring loudly. As he passed by Jarod's room, the door opened.

"You're back." The teenager said in a sleepy voice.

"Yes, little brother."

"Is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine. They needed my help with some translations." He lied.

"Ok. I'm going to bed then. I couldn't fall asleep without knowing if you were ok."

Toni put his hand on his head and gently rubbed his brown hair.

"There is nothing to worry about. Goodnight, little brother." He said.

He waited for Jarod to close the door before going back to his room. He undressed himself and laid on his bed. Many thoughts were traversing his mind.

I somehow managed to dissipate their suspicions about me. It was nerve-wracking though. Daisey Chaine almost found my secret. 

His meditation techniques saved him then.

Should I take the job offer? I didn't want to affiliate myself to any guilds, but what are my options? I must become a Genomer. This job may be an opportunity to achieve that. I will also have access to information. It could be useful during the meeting in the mysterious space. 

The Knights of Phantasm can also protect me from whatever danger is lurking. Well, I shouldn't completely put my safety in their hands. I need to be able to defend myself, hence becoming a Genomer. That is one thing I'm sure of. 

On the other hand, the job may limit my actions. Getting close to Langston and Boone may expose some of my secrets. Is it a risk worth taking? Then the contract. A ten-year contract? That's a long time. I know for sure I don't want to work for them for that long. Should I do it anyway until I become a Genomer and figure something out at that time? I may end up making them my enemies.

Can I become a Genomer on my own without the Knights? I do have my own organization, the Arcana Joker Force. However, things are a bit tricky. I can't straight out ask for ways to become a Genomer or for Codon vials. It would destroy my identity as the supreme entity known as the Joker. 

Working with the Knights can give me access to resources hard to find for a normal person. I can meet a lot of people and make more connections that I can use for my benefit. But the risks…

There is no reward without taking risks. In order for me to find a way to go back home, I must become a Genomer and know more about the secrets of this world. Therefore, I will accept the Knights' offer and work for them as a consultant. From now until I get back to where I belong, I will embrace my identity as Ansel Beausejour. Toni Mars doesn't belong here, but Ansel Beausejour does. Until I get back, I am Ansel Beausejour, not Toni Mars.

A vague sense of serenity slowly washed over his anxiety as he made the resolution to fully embrace his life in this new world. His eyes slowly closed as his body relaxed. For the first time, he fell asleep as Ansel Beausejour.