
The Harbinger of Fate

Neth grew up in a small backwater town where he was surrounded by those he loves. On his fifteenth birthday, he embarked on a journey to the dungeons which was requested by the guild. But disaster struck and now he has to face the fate of a crumbling world on his own. New chapter everyday!

But_Frey · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Monsters have roamed the green plains for as long as time has run. Chaos ensued as the creatures culled off livestock and warriors alike, not ever sparing mothers and helpless children. Razing down buildings and kingdoms, leaving no safe space for those who sought shelter.

But one day, a group of light beings descended down from the snowy mountains and slew the vicious monsters. With unique abilities, and swordsmanship unseen by this world they took down anything that stood in the path of peace.

The natural forces obeyed their will without the need for words. A thought was enough and the mountains would be flattened and seas divided apart.

Mana had been around since the beginning of time, but few were able to use it efficiently enough to keep harm at bay. Yet these six heroes conjured up the most divine of spells. Raining down flaming arrows with the wave of a hand.

One of the six had been designated as the healer of the group. Her hands were enveloped in a thick green light that radiated warmth. Much different than the healers that existed had been able to do. It seemed to draw power from something that was different than mana. A mysterious mist that hung just out of reach from people's perception. Acting in secrecy and shaping the natural world as it pleased. It was an unchanging essence that could not be controlled, only persuaded.

The rest were swordsmen who carried various different blades. Some were enchanted with various elements which only served to amplify the power.

After accomplishing their goal, they established kingdoms among the different races, setting up systems to prevent the creatures from pillaging them.

As their time there approached the end, they left behind six artifacts. Two for each kingdom. Two for the Humans. Two for the Elves. And two for the Dwarves.

With these, they could train a select few to defend their kingdoms. And with that, the six ascended back towards the snowy mountains. No trace of their path had been found and they had slowly been forgotten by the residents of the world.

The spawning of creatures had increased with time which posed a huge threat to the kingdoms. Which sparked the idea to create a guild. Where anyone could join and carry out missions to slay monsters. The life of an adventure was glorious and lavish if enough work had been put in.

But their secondary task was to explore dungeons scattered across the world. Dungeons contained artifacts that would allow the user to accomplish great feats.

And now our story surrounds a young boy by the name of Neth in a small backwater town.

Another series has inspired me to write this story. It's not similar as I don't think I could reach that author's standards but I am sure it will be good enough for you to enjoy!

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