
The Hansley Enigma :The Whisper of Wisteria

COPY RIGHT DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS A PROPERTY OF H4ZELALYSSAA In the hardship, the orphan twins discover a wizarding world and the ancient secret of their family. Escape from the evil foster family, now they own their journey to enhance their magic skills. Elian seems to be a master of sword skills while his sister is a bright girl who has high knowledge of spells. In their journey, there are a lot of things that happen, they decide to bring justice for their parents and settle the puzzle of the secret related to them. Enjoy the tragedy, plot twist , unique highlight and sibling's love in this story.

hazelalyssa_ · แอคชั่น
4 Chs

Chapter 4: The Journey II

"Elian, grab this!"

Elian's sweat began to drip because he was surrounded by the creatures, he swallowed hard. Then, he saw Iris throwing the item bag at him, with his height, it would be impossible for the item bag to reach him. One movement, he will be killed by them. 

"Aqueous Incantation. Elian try to catch the bag while I distract them." Said Iris. The water spell was enough to hinder their movement for a while, causing them to lose balance and temporarily blind their vision.

Elian climbed on the rock which was twice his size, he slipped a few times due to the moss all over the stone. Then he jumped in the air to grab the bag. Once he landed, he pulled out something from the bag. Sword! It is not as heavy as before. Elian was amazed for a moment.

The heavy light came out from the sword as Elian held it, adjusting the mana and energy of its owner. The light united with Elian as the light was so powerful that everyone couldn't directly watch it. Now it fully liaises with Elian.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him! I want both sword and his blood" The witch instructed his servants with a greedy and proud feeling. He tried to face the light but his eyes couldn't afford to do it. Shit, I'm going to finish him when I get my power back!

Elian gathered the courage as the creature charged towards him. "Let's work together" he kissed his sword.

"Occidere eum (Kill him)" Said all of the creatures. All of them aggressively charge towards Elian. Magic spells were enchanted by them to counter Elian.

Elian tried to stay calm, he adjusted his position so the weight of the sword wouldn't affect him. He maintained a balanced grip with both hands and lowered his body. Suddenly, Elian saw memories, that couldn't be described by him. He saw this sword killed a lot of innocent people, it was by cruel and heartless man. He was dragged into another realm!

When the spells and the spears reached Elian. A strong wind spins around him forming a shield to protect Elian from any harm. All of the spells bounced back and hit the masked creatures, the spears crumbled like dust when they touched the windshield. Elian appears, totally like a different person, his blue pupil changed to bright yellowish like a crystal. His stare was full of grudges and rage that he couldn't stop.

"Nihil vestrum superstes hodie. (None of you will out alive today)" In the lightning movement. He charged towards the few creatures that cast a spell on him. "Non opus est mihi secundo, interfere omnes vestrum potest ante quam carmina vestra iaciatis. (I don't even need a second to kill all of you, it all can be done before you can cast your spells)".

Blood splashed everywhere, and the other creatures who witnessed the scene started to back out. But not with the witch.

"Don't ever try to run and finish him or I will kill all of you" he warned, venting all of his anger to his followers. All of them are so weak and useful.

The creatures stood surrounding Elian. Casting a spell that can seal the mana in Elian's body, causing him to paralyze as all of the energy was drained. Elian howled in pain, the magic that sealed him the same as struck by lightning. The pain is continuous as they enchanted the spells.

"Elian..please be strong" Iris unable to move, the pain was greater than she could imagine. She vomited blood as her body couldn't no longer hold back.

"Poenitebit vos omnes.(All of you will regret it)." Using his last strength, he absorbed all of the mana from the enchanted spells, causing him to break the seal. His aura becomes more powerful than before, it can be felt. It was dark. He smirked as his eyes fired with rage. In one move, he slashed the creature's mask, revealing the figure behind the mask.

Their red eyes turned to normal eyes, as they regained their consciousness. They were shocked by what happened around them and the powerful and mysterious figure in front of them. They started to cry when this mysterious figure raised a sword ready to slash them.

Elian was stunned when he saw the figure behind the masked creatures was a kid. However, it can't be stopped as something possessed him. "Kill them, kill all of them. Show who is the almighty one." One voice playing in his head. Elian tried to back and he failed. He thirsts to kill.

"Help me, don't kill me." the child begged. He was crying to seek help but Elian became heartless and eager to kill them. One inch before the sword will taste the blood of innocent kids.

"Stop it Elian, they are innocent." Whimpzy came in time hoping he could stop Elian. 

Elian walked towards him and slashed his sword. He will kill anyone who tries to block his way. He attacks Whimpzy a few times.

"Stop Elian, please come back. This is not you" Whimpzy avoids as fast as he can. Lucky Solewhisker is fast as lightning. Or not! He falls when Elian tackles him. "What the hell you are so fast, wait Elian we can talk. Ahhhhhhhhh." Whimpzy closed his eyes when he stuck at the dead end and Elian was ready to kill him.

"Liberatio Animus". Orion came in time cancelling Elian's spells. "He was possessed with the soul that holds grudge and anger."

Elian froze in his place, he began to realize his action. With fear, he released the sword. He was shivering.

"Ahhhhh" Whimpzy screamed like a scared woman as the sword fell in front of him.

Orian gave him an intense stare.

"What I mean, Ah this sword is nothing to me" He tried to fix his voice to be more manly.

"You will be fine, Elian." He hugged Elian who was in fear.

"But I killed innocent children, I am evil." he cried.

: "You don't know about that, you were possessed by an evil spirit." Orion tries to make Elian calm.

"Nooo my sister. Iris still in there." Elian ran to get his sister.

Watching Iris struggle, Orian was startled when the witch tried to use the forbidden curse. He needs to put an end to this.

""Agonarum Tormenta".


"Drink this" 

Elian and Iris reached for the cup of water prepared by Orian. One sip and both of them let it out back.

"Uhh yuck! What water is this? it tastes like elf piss" Elian complained. 

"That is Reverie Roots brew, it can help you restore your energy and boost your healing process." Explained Iris. She tried to finish the brew even though her stomach now screaming in gross.

"Bloody chicken, Iris. How can u finish it?" Elian pointed a face of disgust when he saw Irish finish the brew in the blink eye. He looked back in the cup, he felt nausea with the dark green mud texture brew. "You want Sylvan?". The cat hissed at him. "Alright, even the cat also refused this thing."

"You need to be brave Elian, in the future, you will drink a lot of this," said Orion.

The expression on Elian's face shows that he can't accept that fact. With one breath he finished the brew. "I think I feel sick". 

Orian watched Iris, as she fell into her deep thought. "I can sense something is lingering in your head, Iris. Is there something you've meant to ask me?"

She took a deep breath. "Orian can you tell me how can be our godfather? There is something you need to explain to both of us right?" asked Iris. "We noticed something about magic and wizards before this but I don't want to make my conclusion."

"You are a bright kid, Iris. Despite of young age, you are mature enough to think like an adult. You will be a great wizard one day."

"Thank you for the compliment, can you tell us what is happening to our parents"

Orian smiling. "Your parents were a great wizard and everyone loves them.". His expression shifted to sorrow.


"Please take care of our babies. This is the only way we can do to save them," said Alex. He hugged Elian and Iris for the last time. His tears dropped, he needed to help his wife.

"Let me help you, Alex. This is not true, both of you will be killed!" Orian can't bear for his friends to fight alone.

"No this is my will, please don't let them have my children. Promise me you will be the best godfather they ever have, they will not lack of love since we are not here anymore." 

"No Alex, both of you will be fine and be a happy family.." Before Orion can finish his words, a big explosion happens. He ran to protect the babies, and he growled in pain when he was buried under the rubble of bricks. The babies were sleeping, he tried not to move. Blood dripping from his head.

"Find the babies!! ". Without any delay, his followers followed his instructions.

Alex tried to distract them, but Valorian was there to stop him. "I won't let you come near my babies. Even u will not breathe in the same world as them," warned Alex.

"Orion, wait let me get you out from here." Said Lucian.

"Save your spells, Lucian. Save these babies first. Brought them out from here, somewhere that was safe and can't be reached by Valorian" Orion's voice began to weak. "Go, while I delayed,-= them"

"You're in critical condition Orion. It will cost your life in this fight," Warned Lucian.

"Don't mind me, I am willing to sacrifice myself as long as Valorian can be stopped. Orian tried to control his breath so he could endured the pain.

"You are the same as your dead father Alex, willing to die for someone else. Soon it will be your turn" Valorian laughed evilly before he noticed "That stupid was trying to run by Portkey, don't let him escape, get the babies"

One of his followers released an enchanted arrow to attack Lucian, who was trying to escape with the babies.

 However, Orian managed to get out under the rubble of bricks and jumped to hold the arrow. "Ahhhhhhh" He cried in pain as the arrow stabbed into his left hand. The enchantment on this arrow will cause great damage to anyone affected. His left hand started to turn black and the curse was absorbed in his left hand. The tips of the finger slowly turned into stone and crumbled like dust. He doesn't have any other choice, the curse will turn the whole body into stone soon. "Please bless me." He cut half of his hand to stop the curse. Due to excessive blood loss, he fainted.

"What happened to our parents then?" asked Elian.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that, but the important thing you should know, is your parents love you so much. They are always with you in here." Orion showed where his heart was placed.

Iris cried when she heard the truth about this. "So you lose your hand because of us? Can I see it?

As Orion shows his lost hand, both of them fall into silence. Feeling guilty as other people need to sacrifice for them.

"Don't worry my child, losing hand is nothing compared to both of you. I'm going to take care of you from now on." 

Iris and Elian hugged Orion tightly. It felt warm like they hugged a father. "Thank you, Orion"

"What a touched loving drama," said Whimpzy. He wiped his tears. Now the attention was given to Whimpzy. Everyone looked at him with gloomy expressions. He felt chilled down his spine when they stared at him. "Ehem.. ehem. Sorry to bother you guys. We came with messages!"

"We? But you are alone," said Elian with confusion.

"No, I came with.." He turned back to find Timothy was gone. "I guess he will come later on."

"What messages did you bring Whimpzy," asked Orion.

"It was a message from our King and Queen". He handed him a scroll made from leather. "Also, His Highness said, if you have time. You can visit the castle, all of you are welcome there."

Orian opened the scroll, butterflies flew out from the scroll sprinkling glitters. The twins were amazed with the mini-magic trick.

"Woah I saw a rainbow! Is it normal for all letters to have this kind of effect?" asked Iris.

"It depends on the enchanting spells of the sender." Come here let me tell you something. He whispered. "You need to avoid the red bomb. I got one before from my mom and it was horrible! It gave me nightmares for a whole week!" 

"What is Red Bomb? Is it a real bomb?" Iris started to feel confused.

"I know what is it!" Elian glanced around before leaning closer to tell Iris. When it comes to your hand, it explodes in a burst of red magic, revealing the sender's message to everyone in that area. It used to scold you in the most embarrassing way! Some wizards also used it to prank others too. You can't run or ignore when you get this red bomb. It will hunt you until your last breath."

"It sounds scary! It is the first time you have useful knowledge Elian," said Iris with a mocking smile.

"I'm a bit lazy but not stupid Iris!" He made a mocking face to counter back. "How can you get Red Bomb Whimpzy"

"It was a long story and..." 

"Make it short!" Said Elian and Iris. 

"Promise me you will keep this a secret. This is because I sent the wrong Red Bomb as a prank to my mother in the village, I want to send it to my friend." Whimpzy sighed.

"Woah that was bad luck." Elian and Iris burst into laughter.

"Alright my children, done with chit chat. This letter is for both of you, come and read it."

To: Hansley's twin

In recognition of your bravery, The King and The Queen are deeply moved by the deed displayed by both of you. At this young age, you managed to defeat one of the dangerous wizards and rescued the innocent kids. This is truly extraordinary as you helped them return to their parents.

As gratitude, we present to both of you this Royal Star Pendant as a symbol of honor to help you in the future. May you will be blessed.

King and Queen

"We got a magic star," said Elian happily. He figured out how this thing worked.

"This is not just a magic star, it will protect the wearer from magic elements. At the same time, you also can track the wearer that has the same symbols as you. I guessed both of you got the same symbol which allowed you to communicate with each other over long distances." Orion's explanation solves the puzzle of confusion between them.

Suddenly, a strong wind entered the house in the middle of the conversation and crashed into the dining table. Timothy tried to wake up "I'm sorry everyone, I forgot to break and bumped into this thing. My head is so dizzy now."

"Where are you going, Timothy? I thought you lost in your way." 

"Relax Whimpzy, I already big to figure out my way. I went to Patisserie and grabbed these yummy peach tarts for all of us! Now have we arrived at the highlight part? Did they know that we will be training them?" spoiled Timothy.

Elian and Iris looked at each other and they turned to Orion asking for explanations.

Orion smiled while nodding. "Until you can manage your own mana and magic spells, you will be trained by me and these two Solewhisker. I think this is the right time for both of you to start learning how to use magic properly and grow up to be wonderful wizards like your parents."

"Listen kids, I will be the best master for you guys. The best from Timothy." Said Whimpzy.

"Hey that is not true, I'm the best one" Timothy doesn't want to give up.

All of them laughed watching the fight between Whimpzy and Timothy. They quarreled like a 5-year old kid. 

Iris and Elian stare at each other, they are so happy when they don't need to go through the same life as before. There are a lot of things that need to be figured out by them. Mom, Dad we will make both of you proud. We will claim justice for both of you.

"I'm going to defeat you in our training soon". Said Iris

"I'm looking forward to it, Iris." 

Fist Pump!

Hi, I hope you guys enjoy it! if you have other suggestions, feel free to comment. Teeheee~

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